Template:Selected anniversaries/April 26

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April 26


2004: Amanda goes to see Manuel but he refuses to believe she's really her. Nathan gets permission to help Manuel with the link, and does, at some cost to himself. Moira is inadvertently dragged into Nathan's dreamscape, and a memory of his wife and son's deaths.

2005: Nathan and Alex discuss the 'poltergeist' and Shiro joining the X-Men. Haroun trains hand-to-hand with Alison.

2006: Not So Plain Jane: Jay encounters Jane and finds out she is with the Hellfire Club; Scott goes into the city to find Jane, and ends up meeting with Sebastian Shaw; back at the mansion, a plan to bring Jean home is formed.

2007: Kyle talks to Forge about his issues with being seen as frightening, and Forge manages to be slightly comforting and very honest. Tabitha's unusual library help continues, and she inadvertently incurs the ire of several people by asking how to thank 'it'. Turf War: Amanda and Angelo return to the gang, prepared to get Alejandra out during the police raid, but discover their cover is blown; a full-on gang war erupts when Miguel and his boys assist; the LAPD and the X-Men manage to calm things down, whilst Angelo faces his past in a rather literal way and eventually convinces Miguel and Alejandra to return to New York where she can get help. Crystal asks Monet's help for a prank involving Forge's car. Terry asks for a test audience for a new song. Jennie and Crystal bond over coffee.

2008: Tabitha invites Jane to go running with her. Kevin reminds everyone of the Met trip on Sunday. Kurt stops by to visit Wanda and he spooks her a bit.

2009: Yvette returns from the West Coast Annex. The Mummies' Return: Monet suggests a trip to Egypt for herself and Kurt, inviting Laurie and Crystal to join them.

2010: Lakshmibai Raj: Lilandra is announced as India's new leader, the military use of mutants is disavowed, and India is voted into the UN Security Council, part of the deal to bring India to peace; Remy tells the Snow Valley staff they have until Wednesday off work; Amanda is still high from New Delhi, much to the amusement of the journals; Laura complains about her broken shoulder and gets no sympathy from Jean-Paul, causing Kevin to remove his laptop; Jean-Paul texts Vanessa about having a human pillow in the form of Kevin; Laurie asks Hank about doing the rounds of those injured who have been allowed to return to their rooms. Kevin emails Laura and explains about him and Jean-Paul. Jean-Phillipe complains about Laurie's insistence on feeding him. Laurie also feeds Vanessa and they talk about the dangers of Vanessa's lifestyle.

2011: Jubilee grumbles about the morning and the sun, and later emails Wanda about being sick of Marie-Ange's attitude towards her. Vanessa texts Doug about Jubilee and Marie-Ange bickering, while he's busy trying to ignore it. Vanessa posts to X-Factor about getting a job working security detail for a strip club. Kevin drops by to keep Wade company after his treatment, and they discuss movies and Marie-Ange, amongst other things. Matt emails Wade to thank him for the book he gave him.

2012: Kyle and Angelo meet early in the morning and discuss being responsible adults. Sooraya posts on the x-team asking for a trainee name. Amanda posts congratulations to Meggan on getting into Empire State University. Wade leaves Meggan a t-shirt and a giftcard to downtown bakery.

2013: Sarah V posts this. Billy texts Maddie about asking the boy he has been crushing on out and ask how LA is. Clint texts Billy about not texting him and if he is acting weird again. Frank visits Sue, finds Maddie and in the course of things finds about the girls’ relationship.

2014: Jean and Angelo have a DR session involving a kidnapped boy in Madripoor. The session is completed but not without some problems.


2015: Rachel finds Clint to ask him a question about the flight-worthiness of a Hughes F-4 Hercules on long distances and Clint makes her eat and rest from overwork. Case File: The Sting: Bobbi lets X-Factor know that the suspects they brought into custody died while in custody. Cecilia posts asking for help to get her out of watching Ru Paul’s Drag Race with mimosas in bed.


2017: Bobbi and Warren have a morning talk about future plans and present statuses.

2018: Amanda wonders what Clea is doing at X-Force, Clea proceeds to point out that XF really needs her to function and not die of eating fast food and a man abusing their elevator. Miles invites Bobby to a party at his dorm. Tandy lets people know that the District X food bank will be opening on Monday and letting people she’ll be hosting a thank you party.

2019: Escort Duty: Kevin takes Clea on her first undercover mission where she plans and undertakes a honeypot trap. Darcy hates the day.

2020: This Old House: Jean and Angelo spend the day converting old files to digital; Molly and Logan clear branches from the woods; Felicia and Alani team up to take down a locked door as well as some shots for Felicia's Instagram; Sharon and Alex tackle the Medlab inventory; Sooraya and Jean-Phillipe exchange text messages about old X-Corps files; Hope and Sue decide to clean Sue’s wardrobe; Kevin and Kurt clean the mansion lounge room; Kyle and Garrison repair the roof; Marie-Ange and Alison re-paint the music room; Doug asks why the hell he woke up next to the dumpster.