December 2024
November 2024 *** January 2025 |
2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 |
Dec 1 - Case File: Feel The Rush: Arthur posts the results of his and Sue's investigations. Shatterstar and Rictor exchange early Christmas gifts.
Dec 2 - Liam shares a scientific article concerning the orange fur gene found in cats. Haller and Arthur touch base and compare notes on current events.
Dec 3 - Ashley lets everyone know she's seen Wicked and loved it.
Dec 4 - Case File: Feel The Rush: Quentin shares the news with XFi and the X-Men of the drug that had caused the girl's death at the club.
Dec 5 - Case File: Feel The Rush: Q texts Gabriel to ask for a favor, in a professional capacity.
Dec 6 - Darcy shares a video concerning the "business partners" that had been featured on Supermarket Sweep. Case File: Feel The Rush: A team of X-Men team up with X-Factor Investigation; Q and Sooraya team up to to take out the Purifiers; while Madin and Nica are spotted but able to make their exit; Gabriel and Q make sure the labs making Rush are inoperable; Q lets XFi know it's been taken care of.
Dec 7 - Topaz finds Gaia trying to break into the magical library.
Dec 8 - Jono texts Paige to ask which airport she'd like to fly out of to go to England with him. Gaia and Jay discuss music and sorrow.
Dec 9 - Paige texts Sam about Kentucky for Christmas. Sam texts Clint to find out his Christmas plans. Clint and Matt talk about their holiday plans. Jay explains Christmas to a confused Kevin M. Matt brings Kevin M. the legal documents to prove that he exists.
Dec 10 - Jono finds Namor in the Chapel pouring over research about Atlantis and it somehow turns into a job interview for consulting for Excalibur.
Dec 11 - Emily complains about the weather.
Dec 12 - Liam complains about finals.
Dec 13 - Amanda emails her siblings and various family hanger-ons to arrange dinner.
Dec 14 - Paige texts Jono to ask about the link to the playlist of mixtape songs.
Dec 15 -
Dec 16 - Laura emails Kyle to tell him about her mother coming to visit for Christmas.
Dec 17 -
Dec 18 -
Dec 19 - Jessie posts from the train she's catching home for the holidays.
Dec 20 - Clea announces Yule and that she's made food for the occasion, plus gingerbread people for decorating.
Dec 21 - Jay texts Sam from the road complaining about Mel's driving; in Kentucky, Sam and Lucinda have a tense discussion; Clint texts Sam to ask if he's okay. Gabriel texts Marie-Ange and Kevin S. to let them know he's heading for the Bahamas.
Dec 22 - Alani wishes Meggan a happy birthday. Paige and Jono explore the attic.
Dec 23 - Sam shows Clint around town and they talk about his past and family. Paige helps Mel fix the roof of the family barn.
Dec 24 - Ashley is less than impressed by how Christmassy New York City is at the moment. Sam is there for Jay on the anniversary of Julia's death.
Dec 25 - Christmas Shatterstar texts Julio to wish him a happy Christmas and to say he misses him; Darcy leaves a pair of lovely gifts and a message for Maya; Paige and Jono exchange Christmas presents.
Dec 26 -
Dec 27 - Matt makes a punny post on his journal. Sam and Mel realize that it ain't easy being a Guthrie, and it's definitely been a blue Christmas.
Dec 28 - Paige announces on her journal that she and Jono arrived in England. Gabe comes back early from the tropics and makes a journal post about looking for New Year’s Eve plans. Match and Shatterstar exchange gifts.
Dec 29 - Paige and Jono arrive at his friend's place, where they'll be staying during their trip to England.
Dec 30 - Jessie makes a journal post about returning from her grandparents' with cookies. Inez makes the mistake of trying to make returns to stores.
Dec 31 - New Year's Eve: Hope A. texts Sue about their New Year's Eve plans; Jono shows Paige around his hometown of Birmingham and they see his old band play; Bobbi makes a post about mispronouncing hors d'oeurves.