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- Jono experienced [https://xp-logs.dreamwidth.org/4493454.html#cutid2 a vision of his power growing out of control] and consuming his friends in fire.
- Jono experienced [https://xp-logs.dreamwidth.org/4493454.html#cutid2 a vision of his power growing out of control] and consuming his friends in fire.
- Mel relived a traumatic experience with [https://xp-logs.dreamwidth.org/4493454.html#cutid3 her own family taking the place of her tormentors].
- Mel relived a traumatic experience with [https://xp-logs.dreamwidth.org/4493454.html#cutid3 her own family taking the place of her tormentors]. The song Slender!Jay sings in this scene is in real life "Go to Sleep, Children (The Butzemann)" by the Rough and Tumble.
- Paige envisioned her recent birthday party [https://xp-logs.dreamwidth.org/4493454.html#cutid4 where no one recognized her].
- Paige envisioned her recent birthday party [https://xp-logs.dreamwidth.org/4493454.html#cutid4 where no one recognized her].

Revision as of 13:31, 29 November 2024

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Something Slender's (Got To Give)
Dates run: May 3-July 8, 2024
Run By: Sam
Read the logs: Something Slender's (Got To Give)

Let's remind these assholes who ought to be afraid of whom.

The Askew World and the Slenders come up on X-Force’s radar, but it’s not X-Force they’re after. Following the abduction of a set of mansion hikers, measures are taken to ensure it never happens again.


Abducted Hikers: Ashley Crawford, Emily Bright, Jessie Drake, Jonothan Starsmore, Liam Nelson, Madin, Melody Guthrie, Paige Guthrie, Rictor, Shatterstar, Sharon Smith

Rescue Team: Alison Blaire, Amanda Sefton, Arthur Centino, Clea Lake, David North, Doug Ramsey, Emma Frost, Kurt Sefton, Marie-Ange Colbert, Molly Hayes, Scott Summers, Sooraya Qadir, Topaz



May 3-July 8, 2024

Plot Summary

Topaz first noted an uptick in Slenderman sightings on the X-Force team channel in May, particularly calling out it was "time to do something about that world permanently." The team joked about magical nukes, but agreed to more aggressively monitor the situation.

Slender-sightings remained off the radar until the Generation X group met for a hike in early July.

Proposed by Jessie Drake, the group ventured to explore the national park connecting with the mansion grounds. The larger group broke into smaller cliques in their exploration. Each set noted a feeling of being watched and observed – most notably assuming that the black-clad figure that lurked ominously was their own resident cryptid, Jono Starsmore.

Jessie texted the group about seeing unexplainable things only for everyone to share similar notes. This prompted an ask for help on the journal system.

Amanda reached out to her magical cohort for backup and then to Kurt Sefton in order to quickly evacuate the hikers.

This did not go as planned, and the youths were abducted into Askew World. Each experienced a nightmare scenario as the Slendermen fed. Topaz, Amanda, and Clea were caught, but their skills and experience allowed them to shield themselves. Kurt teleported away safely at the last minute as well, and went to gather reinforcements.

Team Magic immediately got to work on laying down spellwork to destroy the Askew Reality, working off plans devised earlier. They split up to lay down runes and glyphs.

A group of rescuers arrived with Kurt through reopening the Slenderman's portal – aided by preparation work completed by X-Force. The cavalry split into three teams between the X-Men and X-Force to find and gather everyone snatched up. The Slenderman did not take the invasion well, and fought the new intruders aggressively. Arthur found his powers worked to stabilize the shifting nature of the Askew Reality and stayed behind to hold open the escape portal. A way out.

While the rescuers battled Slendermen, the kidnapped residents each broke from their nightmare scenarios. Kurt and Scott met up with Mel, Jono, Paige, and Rictor. Marie-Ange, Doug, Emma, and David North found Sharon, Jessie, and Shatterstar. Sooraya, Alison, and Molly encountered Liam, Madin, and Emily.

With everyone accounted for, the teams converged on the portal to escape. Amanda, Clea, and Topaz set off the magical bomb, shutting the door on the Slendermen with a final explosion.

Related Links

Something Slender (and Awful)

Something Slender This Way Comes

External Links

Something Slender's (Got To Give)

xp_teams posts

Jessie's post

Trivia and Meta


Each of the nightmare scenarios experienced:

(Note: links below contain trigger warnings for (fake) character death, self harm, transphobia (deadnaming), gun violence, and body horror.)

- Jessie found herself as not herself, reliving the grief of her childhood.

- Jono experienced a vision of his power growing out of control and consuming his friends in fire.

- Mel relived a traumatic experience with her own family taking the place of her tormentors. The song Slender!Jay sings in this scene is in real life "Go to Sleep, Children (The Butzemann)" by the Rough and Tumble.

- Paige envisioned her recent birthday party where no one recognized her.

- Rictor saw visions of his loved ones and friends being hurt where he could/would not help.

- Madin was back in lock up with no escape.

- Shatterstar was tormented by a vision of seeing Theresa Cassidy consumed by the events of M-Day like his aunt.

- Ashley experienced horrific, uncontrolled size-shifting.


Plotrunner: Sam