John Allerdyce

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Character Journal: x_pyromania

Real Name: St. John Allerdyce

Codename: Pyro

Aliases: John Allerdyce

First Appearance: X2

Date of Birth: August 31, 1984

Place of Birth: Chicago, Illinois

Citizenship: US

Relatives: Father (deceased), mother, five younger siblings

Education: Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, Westchester College, currently in his third year of a Bachelor of Social Sciences program, pursuing a dual major in Political Science and Philosophy. Expected date of graduation - Spring, 2008.

Relationship Status: Single

Occupation: College student

Team Affiliation: Formerly of the Brotherhood of Mutants



St. John - or John, as he insists on being called - was born the eldest of five children to a working class Catholic family in Chicago. His father died shortly after the birth of John's youngest brother, leaving the family to fend for themselves. John became the 'man of the house' at a young age, caring for his siblings whilst his mother worked long hours to support them.

When John was fourteen, an accident whilst cooking dinner for his siblings resulted in a kitchen fire. Frustrated and afraid for his family, John told the fire to stop - it did. After that, he continued to practice his powers in secret, discovering that he had the ability to manipulate fire but not generate it. At the same time, he was also running with a gang of like-minded toughs. There was an incident involving a rival gang and John used his powers, resulting in a backlash from his own gang as well as the police. He was sent to Xavier's shortly after his fifteenth birthday as a condition of his parole.

X2 and the Brotherhood of Mutants

By the time Marie D'Ancato arrived at the school, John had been there for a year. A sullen, unfriendly sort of boy, he regardless had made some friends among the student population, namely Kitty Pryde and Bobby Drake. With Marie's arrival, that small group expanded by one, she, Bobby and John becoming a close unit; however, when Marie and Bobby started dating, John became jealous and angry, due to his own unresolved feelings for Bobby and the sense of exclusion he felt. A strong believer in using his powers to further himself, John frequently got into trouble - the incident at the museum was just one example of his increasing personality issues.

The invasion of the mansion and the betrayal of them by Bobby's younger brother, plus his 'hopeless' love for Bobby himself were the breaking points for John. Unwilling to be a target any more for what he saw as inferiors and tired of being treated like a social problem, he lashed out, first at the police that tried to capture them and then by joining Magneto's Brotherhood of Mutants during the events at Alkali Lake. He maintained contact with the school via the journals and instant messaging, however, indicating that perhaps his new life wasn't all it was cracked up to be.

There was a more direct encounter with the X-Men in June 2003, when the team sent to retrieve a potential new student discovered Magneto and John already there. Later, Cyclops received intelligence that Magneto planned to use John and the new boy, Stanley in a suicide mission against a military research complex. The X-Men intervened and an unconscious John was returned to the school, much to his displeasure upon awakening.

The Prodigal Returns

Upon his return, John became something of a loner, known to the new students as the boy who'd joined Magneto willingly. His abrasive attitude and extremist politics didn't help. However, he was able to reconcile his friendship with Marie and reach an uncomfortable truce with Bobby, as well as engaging some of the new students in not-always-unfriendly debate about his beliefs. There was a brief physical relationship with Angelo Espinosa that ended as suddenly as it started. When the mansion was invaded a second time, John was knocked out in the process of controlling a fire, and Angelo was severely burned trying to rescue him. He also had something of a crush on Scott Summers, which Mystique took advantage of, while in the mansion posing as Bobby, to play with John's mind. John then developed a crush on Jean-Paul Beaubier, which was left unresolved when the teacher returned to Canada.

In July 2004, John was accepted into Westchester College, much to his surprise. He enrolled in a number of humanities subjects, including Politics, and became active in mutant-rights group on campus. College life suited John and he began to spend more and more time with his new friends there. Eventually he moved out of the suite he shared with Manuel de la Rocha to share a house with several friends in Salem Center.

The Step Forward

John returned to Xavier's again in April 2007.

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5' 10"

Weight: 154 lbs

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Brown

Other Features: None


John is a pyrokinetic. However, he is unusual in that he is unable to generate fire, merely control and manipulate its size and intensity, enabling it to take on any form that he can imagine. To this end, he carries with him a means of creating fire at all times. John's control over his powers is very good, but his anger management issues tend to result in him losing that control when angry. During his time with Magneto, he learned more destructive applications.


Old-fashioned silver Zippo lighter that he carries everywhere and frequently fiddles with.


John is interested to pursue a M.A in Political Science at New York University. He intends to specialize in international relations.




X-Men Mission: Baltimore

X-Men Mission: Pyro

Hurricane Isabel


British Invasion


Voodoo Child

Great Rift

Zan Zar Zameen



Player: Da'mien

E-mail: 160px


Player Icon Base: Aaron Stanford

Meta Trivia

John was first played by David, then temporarily socked by Rossi and was picked up by Da'mien in March 2007