For Free Trade

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For Free Trade - part 4 of the Genosha Arc
Genosha 4.jpg
Dates run: 15-19, 2012
Run By: Dex
Read the logs: For Free Trade

Here. You are laid bare, there is nothing and no one left to protect you. Resist and suffer the consequences.

A rally against the unethical treatment of mutants in Genosha becomes the scene for the unimaginable.


The Kidnapped: Artie Maddicks, Madelyne Pryor, Layla Miller, Korvus Rook'shir, Sooraya Qadir, Sarah Vale, Molly Hayes, Megan Gwynn, Matt Murdock, Meggan Szardos, Yvette Petrovic, Laurie Collins, Marius Laverne, Garrison Kane, Fred Dukes, Jean-Paul Beaubier, Carmilla Black, Callie Betto, Angelo Espinosa, Amara Aquilla, Adrienne Frost.

Those Left Behind: Marie-Ange Colbert, Wade Wilson, Kurt Sefton, Jean Grey, Kyle Gibney, Angelica Jones, Scott Summers, Lorna Dane, Amanda Sefton, Doug Ramsey, Remy LeBeau, Jubilation Lee, Clarice Ferguson

Charles Xavier, Betsy Braddock, Thomas Moreau, Ambassador Bennett Creighten-Hayes, Genegineer, Dr. Sasha Ryan, Magistrates


May 15-19, 2012

Plot Summary

HeliX joins with several human rights groups following the release of an expose on Genosha that raises questions about the status of mutants in the country and compares it to exploitation. The UN schedules a meeting to raise questions and decide whether or not a committee should be appointed to investigate these claims. On the day of the meeting, the groups plan to stage a rally out front of the Genoshan Embassy, demanding for more transparency on their mutant programs. While the mixed group of HeliX members joins the rally, they suddenly find themselves transported, naked, into a strange holding area. In seconds, they find themselves somehow depowered and placed under arrest.

A member of the Genoshan delegation makes his way over to the mansion, with a quick word for Xavier. They are not happy about his interference in the Ransome/Moreau incident. They know that a number of pro-mutant organizations and people are connected with the mansion, and that Xavier has political influence to help protect his school. They know that there is some connection between the school and the mysterious X-Men.

Their terms are simple; if there is any interference in Genoshan affairs that emanates from the school or their allies, the students taken will never be seen again. If he cooperates, they will be slowly returned so long as they continue not to interfere. Meanwhile, in the processing centre, the students and staff are fitted for their environmental suits in preparation for the mutate process. When their powers are returned to begin, two groups are able to escape. Unfortunately, the rest do not, and several are processed immediately as a warning to the others.

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Jenny Ransome

Phillip Moreau

Genosha Arc

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IC notes stemming from the plot. Eg: "As a result of this Character A developed a crippling fear of ottomans".


Plotrunner: Dex

This arc is the X-Project version of the epic canon storyline X-Tinction Agenda.