Daniel Lone Eagle
This page is about the Phase 2 incarnation of the character. For other uses, see Forge (disambiguation).
This character is currently unplayed, but is open for applications. If you are interested in applying for this character, you can contact the mods at x_moderators @ googlegroups . com and you can find the application form here.
Daniel Lone Eagle | |
![]() Portrayed by Martin Sensmeier | |
Codename: | Forge |
Affiliations: | eXcalibur |
Birthdate: | November 22, 1993 |
Journal: | xp_forge |
Player: | Available for Applications |
Not even a full day and I'm already being hit up to build something. But that's cool, it's kinda what I do.
Forge has arrived at the mansion and starting to deal with the demons of his past.
Character Journal: xp_forge
Real Name: Daniel Lone Eagle
Codename: Forge
First Appearance: August 10, 2022
Date of Birth: November 22, 1993
Place of Birth: Dallas, Texas
Citizenship: American
Relatives: Mother - Michelle, Father - David, Uncle - Naze
Education: Bachelor's degree from Harvard, mathematics and American history
Relationship Status: Single
Occupation: Engineer, tech-bro, Formerly US Army
Team Affiliation: eXcalibur
Forge was born to David Lone Eagle and Michelle Morrison. Raised in Dallas, Texas. Parents were successful business people, running an IT consulting business out of Eagle Plaza. Forge had a difficult childhood - unknown to most, he manifested his intuitive engineering talent very early and the changes it made to his psyche made him very difficult to parent. He used to get screaming, howling, pray-for-death migraines, he'd go into manic phases where he almost literally could not sit still, and he'd go into near-fugue states where he'd barely respond to external stimuli at all. His subconscious, to abuse a metaphor, not only stole all his bandwidth but most of his processing power as well.
Only thing that ever reliably worked on Forge was the traditional medicines of his uncle Naze. He was able to mitigate Forge's issues because Naze cheats like a mad cheating thing and was using white magic to realign the boy's mind/body/soul trifecta. When he was growing up one of the three of them - or possibly two - would start outpacing the others and thus resulted in some unfun symptoms like the ones mentioned above.
Naze lived a far more traditional Northern Cheyenne life on the Montana reservation. He also accepted that the boy was always going to straddle multiple words and accepted him for who and what he was. He taught the boy the traditional Cheyenne way of life, no matter how much he hated it. Naze himself was a powerful shaman of the Cheyenne, tasked with keeping the tribe and the world itself free of the corrupt influence of the Adversary. He trained Forge, often without his understanding, in the ways and means of continuing this holy and vital legacy.
When Forge was living with his parents, his occasional bursts of genius resulted in some extended R&D projects that might, if they can be reverse-engineered, make billions. He also worried them almost to death as he adapted slowly to his mutation as he was growing up.
His educational career was checkered, as his power would get him the answer, but not the process. So he barely graduated high school and then promptly enlisted in the Army with the all-too-rare blessing of both father and uncle - David thought it'd give his son discipline but Naze thought that he needed to see how the white man's world worked from a different perspective. Forge also deliberately failed the mechanical-aptitude tests that he was given so that he would not wind up in the motor pool or, worse, in military R&D or cross-shipped to some other DARPA think-tank.
In the Army his natural talent for firearms showed itself and he was assigned to the infantry - after some careful manipulation of his test-scores to keep him out of the engineering disciplines. While escorting a caravan with his unit (called the Marauders), he and his team were viciously ambushed. He was the sole survivor, but at a cost - he had to call down an artillery strike on his own position, which cost him a hand and a leg.
Living At The X-Mansion
Forge arrived at the mansion with a bang - almost literally, as his arrival caused Clint to fall out of a tree. It was an interesting meeting, and Forge's obvious comfort with tech meant he made a fast friend. He let old family friend Maya know he was around, and quickly met various residents. In late August, he worked with Molly and Clint on what was supposed to be a basic update to the power grid, but his genius was thwarted by Joe the Squirrel. Eventually powered was restored, though the shock Forge received required him to switch to a backup prosthetic. He was settling in fairly well when Halloween hit - and so did a massive migraine, leading him to see the faces and torment of his dead Army unit and the demonic form of Illyana Rasputin, who happened to be at the District X community center. He managed to make it back to the mansion in a sorry state, sending Maya concerning texts that ended up getting Amanda involved in a rather tense scene as she identified the issue as being a self-imposed block on his magical talents, due to trauma. In denial and nettled by a Brit telling him what he needed, Forge reacted badly, but eventually called his old teacher Naze about the situation.
Drawn by his fascination with the wormhole and its monitoring equipment, Forge became part of eXcalibur. A gift of the latest in vending machines went awry when proximity to the wormhole made for a rather literal interpretation of the 12 Days of Christmas plus the team - minus Forge who had gone back to Dallas to see his family - being trapped in the Chapel for the duration. He had a rather antagonistic relationship with Illyana as a result of the events of Halloween, but during his tenure he developed a relationship with April Parker.
When a mutated virus from another dimension escaped containment, like the rest of the residents Forge experienced a swap in powers. Unlike many of the others, he discovered there was a very good side to taking on Meggan's empathic shapeshifting - he grew back his missing limbs. It proved only temporary, however, as the new body parts could not be sustained without the powers and they sloughed off when things returned to normal.
In June 2023, in response to a death threat on the journals by Quentin Quire, Darcy Lewis requested Forge's help in created a telepathic blocker she could use to keep herself safe. After much work, Forge provided. It was his last commission for the mansion - in late July the symptoms of his magical blocks became too severe to ignore and he let his team, April and Maya know that he was returning to Montana to see Naze and obtain the training he'd been resisting.
Physical Characteristics
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 160 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Other Features: Artificial right hand, artificial right leg. Scarred heavily along the right side of his torso.
Intuitive Engineering: His mutant ability functions as perception, as he possesses the ability to visually perceive "mechanical energy" (the kinetic energy and potential energy present in the components of mechanical systems) in action. This power allows Forge to instinctively know and understand the potential and functional operations of any machine or technological device in his visual range. As a side-effect he can conceive, design, and build mechanical devices; and operate, modify, and disassemble existing technology or create countermeasures for them. Forge himself often has no idea how the things he invents actually work and will have to reverse-engineer his own tech to gain an understanding of the how of the functionality. So far he's constructed devices that rely on superdense energy storage, open-air holography, advanced fiber-optic and computer technologies, and neural interface with a human body.
He cannot at this time invent working examples of fictional technology unless the technology's inner workings are actually plausible in the real world. So no lightsabers (he tried), no Epstein drive, no purely scientific teleportation. When and if he breaks through his mental blocks and comes into his sorcerous own, he can integrate his magical training and his engineering insights to make even more exotic technologies, but he stops short of traditional magitek.The Cheyenne magical traditions do not lend themselves to being blended with technology and it's the form of magic he knows best.
Sorcery: Forge was taught Cheyenne magic by his uncle Naze. He was taught nature magic and a smattering of white magic. Black magic was shunned as dangerous and unethical, a tool that the Adversary could easily twist and corrupt for his own purposes. He learned how to manipulate souls to cleanse possession and/or corruption, to open and close portals to other dimensions, to cast wards against beasts, against humans, and against demons and to reinforce them. He can also sense the natural order of things and, more importantly, when it has been twisted. He can astrally project (but does not like to, his astral form is as damaged as his body is) and he knows precisely _one_ attack spell - an eldritch blast. At normal strengths, it has a range of about 100 meters and hits with the force of a .44 Magnum round at close range.
When he watched his squad get cut down while on patrol in Afghanistan he twisted the magic he had been taught to use the souls of his slain platoon and the Taliban ambushers to fuel a spell to bring the Adversary's demons to this world to cut down his ambushers. This, and his PTSD, has locked away his magic talents from his conscious mind.
Artificial leg, artificial hand
Forge judges people by their reaction to his artificial hand.
External Links
Player: Available for applications
Player Icon Base: Martin Sensmeier
Meta Trivia
This is the Phase 2 version of the character, brought in by Erik in August 2022.