Jean Grey

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Character Journal: x_jeangrey

Real Name: Jean Grey-Summers

Codename: Phoenix

Aliases: Marvel Girl, Jane Smith, The Black Queen, Phoenix

First Appearance: May 8th, 2003

Date of Birth: October 27th, 1973

Place of Birth: upstate New York

Citizenship: American

Relatives: Elaine Grey (mother), Dr. John Grey (father), Sarah Grey (sister), Joey (nephew), Gailyn (niece). Jean's brother-in-law was killed in an accident, and her sister has decided to return to using her maiden name.

Education: BS from Columbia University and MD from George Washington University

Relationship Status: Married to Scott Summers

Occupation: Teacher, Doctor

Team Affiliation: X-Men



Jean was born in upstate New York, where she lived until she was thirteen with her parents and older sister. When Jean's powers began to develop at thirteen her lack of telepathic shielding threatened to drive her crazy and, simultaneously, deeply disturbed her family, particularly her mother. Wanting to help his little girl, Dr. Grey contacted his colleague, Professor Charles Xavier, and asked if he could train Jean. Xavier agreed and, in order to both focus her studies and protect her unshielded mind, Jean moved in to Xavier's mansion and became his and Erik Lehnsherr's first student.

The Early Years

Jean studied at Xavier's home on her own, then was joined by Hank McCoy, Scott Summers, Ororo Munroe and others as Xavier extended his school. Continuing her education, Jean went to Columbia University for her undergraduate degree and it was while she was a student at Columbia that the sixteen year old Scott Summers was brought to Xavier's. The two of them became good friends while she was home during summer breaks and on weekends as she worked on further controlling her powers and they remained close when she moved to Washington, DC to study medicine. It was while she was studying in DC that her interest in politics was formed.

Pre- and Post-X1

Jean and Scott's relationship began when he was twenty-one and she was twenty-six and developed quickly, to the point that when she finished her degree and returned they moved in together, developing a pychic link and soon getting engaged. Approximately two years later Logan entered the picture and the events of X1 took place. Although not particularly attracted to him on an emotional or mental level, the physical attraction to Logan was definitely hard to deny, particularly with her strengthening telepathic and telekinetic powers upsetting her control of her mind. She fought against the attraction but it did place a strain on her and Scott's relationship.

Alkali Lake and Jane Smith

Jean believed that it was an interaction with her expanding, no longer properly controlled telekinesis which was causing the Blackbird engine not to start after the damn at Alkali Lake was destroyed. Deciding to sacrifice herself to save her teacher, her team, her love and her students, Jean left the plane and held back the water while lifting the plane to safety. Despite the increase in her powers which made it possible the strain was too much to handle and she lost consciousness. However, her powers were not exhausted and her subconscious reflexes managed to get her to the top of the water and keep her afloat but could not deal with the flotsam in the water. She took at least one sharp knock to the head, and probably several, resulting in complete amnesia and damaging her to the point where she could no longer use her powers, let alone control them.

She washed ashore and would likely have frozen to death if a local trapper hadn’t found her. He got her to the closest airport and they took her to a hospital in Vancouver. She was revived there, but with no ID and no memory there was not much they could do for her. Once she was physically recovered they released her, and she started life in Vancouver as Jane Smith with regular hospital visits to test if her memory was returning.

As Jane she lived in Vancouver for a year working odd jobs, usually in shops and waitressing as there aren’t that many jobs you can do without a degree or papers, and got along fairly well. It wasn’t until the anniversary of Alkali lake that her problems started – her powers began to resurface but Jane had no control. The fits were sporadic and seemingly unrelated at first, but it began to be clear to Jane’s friends that some of her lost memories were related to these fits and that there was something strange about her. She lost many friends who were directly exposed to her powers – mostly they were simply frightened off, but in at least one cause someone was hurt by Jane – and she became more reclusive. By midwinter most of her new friends had totally abandoned her, only her boyfriend Thomas remained, trying to convince Jane to seek help.

He was the one who found information about Charles Xavier, an American who might be able to help, and convinced Jane to visit Xavier’s school. He offered to go with her, but she refused, not wanting to expose him to any more of whatever was going wrong with her.

Jean's Return

Jane came to Xavier's in March of 2005 and wasn't in the building more than a few minutes before she encountered Scott. Seeing Scott opened the psi-link (which had been closed but not broken with Jean's 'death') the pain of which, along with Jean's returning memories, triggered another of her power episodes. Jean collapsed and woke in the medlab with her memories fully restored.

The first week of Jean's return to the school found her living in an inhibitor as she worked on rebuilding her destroyed psychic shields. Even after she could shield her self, she spent a long period of time sleeping in The Box to avoid projecting her nightmares of drowning to the school at large.

The next several months were spent getting reacquainted with her friends and students at Xavier's and in the wider world, and forming new or shifted relationships including a strong animosity with Betsy Braddock, owing to the other woman's affair with Scott. Jean also worked extensively during this time to regain control of her powers. Additionally, after the events of Bad Blood, Jean confronted Alison and was thrown into the lake, leading to another powers incident and the flash boiling of several gallons of water. She and Alison then made a deal that Alison would wear a shirt revealing her scars once Jean mastered her hydrophobia and swam across the lake. The two women then began to work extensively on conquering Jean's fear.

All of this culminated in August with Jean and Scott getting re-engaged and Jean beginning to work seriously about getting back on the X-Men, which she accomplished in early September. Jean had regained her life, which was thoroughly proven when she and Scott eloped the Christmas after the G8 riot.

Not So Plain Jane


Physical Characteristics

Height: 5' 11"

Weight: 150 lbs

Eyes: Green

Hair: Copper red, currently cut to about mid-back.


Jean is a telepath and telekinetic. Her telekinesis is on par with Nathan's for pure strength and her telepathy has the potential to reach near Xavier’s class of strength but due to her 'death', her control was shot to hell. At the time of her return, her mental shields were all but nonexistent – she could keep from actively projecting, but she couldn't keep a probe out and she was unable to keep from picking up thoughts off of anyone who isn’t shielding – and her telekinesis tended to go off without her meaning for it to, particularly when she is upset. At that point she couldn't trigger her telekinesis intentionally.

Over time, however, she regained much of her former control, and is now considered on par with Nathan telekinetically, although she doesn't have the fine control for ,olecular-level manipulation; and between Nathan and Charles telepathically.


During Jeans' 'death' and after her subsequent reappearance, the psychic link she had with Scott was still active, prompting him to have nightmares and headaches before her return.





Growing Pains

Bad Blood

X-Men Mission: Scary Little Blonde Girls

X-Men Mission: Air Xavier

X-Men Mission: Who's The Thief


Butterfly Effect


With Malice Aforethought

High Cost Of Living


Lost Generations

Mutants and Molotovs

One-Eyed King

X-Men Mission: Merry Christmas Magneto


Broken Stone

Not So Plain Jane

The Rictor Effect

Search and Rescue

X-Men Mission: The Rose

X-Men Mission: Phalanx


Epiphany Frosts

X-Men Mission: Leverage

Red X Mission: Whiteout


This Savage Land



New Renaissance Man



X-Men Mission: Fin Fang Foom!!!

Alexander's Wall

Family Portrait


Player: Cora

E-mail: 120px

AIM: manticora42

Player Icon Base: Famke Janssen

Meta Trivia

The original mods had accepted an application for a Jean Grey player but the player lost interest and so the original return of Jean Grey plot was dropped.

There is a post and a log by Jean Grey that takes place during X-2, both of which were socked by the original mods.