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Moment of Awesome - Quentin Quire/Kid Omega: In the astral plane, Quentin explains to Radha that despite their shared goals he couldn't adhere to her future, before giving her exactly what she wanted.

Good luck. Still struggling to breathe after suffering death and rebirth second-hand, Quentin turned his full attention to Radha Dastoor. She could unmake him in a second, just like Josie, but without an audience to impress by putting him back together. He had to make this quick. He was already psychically reaching for the moorings as he began to speak.

"I wanted to believe you, Radha," he repeated with the same gentle, earnest tone he'd used when he'd first ingratiated himself to Haven. Then, it was an act to get on this good side. But there was no insincerity now. "And some part of me still does. I think you can help save the world. But not like this. Bringing about the Mahapralaya yourself and damning eight billion people to an ugly end is vulgar. This can't be how mutants win."

“It’s not how we win, you fool,” Radha hissed, all charm gone. “It’s how we survive. I thought you understood that. It’s why I need you, to make Haven strong. If Haven dies, if I don’t live, then no mutant does!”

"See, that kind of threat is why as hard as I tried, my own cynicism ultimately won out. I hope you didn't think I'd bolster your power without having a way to take it all back. So, Haven will survive, safely ensconced within the astral plane, but there's no road back.”

The telepath opened himself to the limitless power of the astral plane to become its living conduit. His eyes blazed with brilliant pink energy again as he directed that potential to shatter the scaffolding he had so carefully built over the last month. All that work so easily undone.

“The Mahapralaya will not come because you will not be there to bring it about. You wanted to rule what's left of a broken world? Well, here you go. What you ordered versus what you received. Bon appetit."

With a snap of his fingers, a tear in the lush scenery opened up behind Quentin, which instantly mended itself as he stepped back through it to take his own route home. The final scaffolding that bridged the real world to Radha's heart collapsed in his wake. The road back was gone by the time he passed the threshold to reality as if it had never been there, leaving Haven alone, lost forever in the sea of psychic aether that was the astral plane.

Today in XProject:

June 13 - David North's birthday

2003: Crimson Dawn: Betsy broaches the subject of regenerating her damaged eyes with Nathaniel Essex.

2004: Manuel and Amanda meet with the Pack in Amsterdam. Domino unlocks Manuel's inhibitor and things get out of control at a nightclub.

2005: Nathan calls Saul Morrow and they discuss conflicting memories of the past. Domino AIMs Amanda and tells her about the Pack's pro bono work with refugees in the Sudan.

2006: Publish or Perish: Forge's booksigning is interrupted by two members of the Brotherhood. Crystal moves into Jennie's room.

2007: New Renaissance Man: Jean and Scott go to Peru to wait for Robert Haverford and Daniel Lyman. Ororo and Nathan discuss decisions. Doug references "Zombie Blog Day". Laurie posts about her first day of punishment detail doing Angelo's chores.

2008: Sam returns from Kentucky and talks to Scott about regaining his place on the X-Men. X-Men Mission: Keep The Faith: Forge wakes up and insists Clarice takes him back to the mansion to keep civilians safe; Angel delivers food to Kyle; Terry asks Pete for security advice on the Keep; Nathan goes into Kyle's head and speaks to the Mistra construct there. Third Strike: Kurt announces he is going to have to take some time off after Mystique's part in the torture; before he leaves, Kurt speaks to Terry about what happened; Kurt stops by to let Amanda know he's going and she guesses why. Pete is bored and offers advice to anyone who comments. Adrienne announces she has a Wii.

2009: Face The Blood: Yvette wakes up on dialysis with the inhibitor on and finds Fred at her bedside; a donor is found - Yvette's biological father, on death row - and Jean and Leo go to the military prison to talk to him; Kyle calls Laurie to find out what happened; Crystal finds Dori in a tree and makes sure she eats; Johnny lets people know he and Jean-Paul are on their way back.

2010: Jubilee offers her very idiosyncratic view on relationships, in light of Garrison's break up, and offends Jan. Homeward Bound: Amanda emails Amara with the results of her research and informs her she may be Allison Crestmere, daughter of British diplomats who were stationed in Rio until their daughter disappeared. Kyle emails Jan about a remark she made about threesomes. Jan announces Family Day on Monday and outlines her plans for the summer.

2011: My Long Forgotten Son: Artie picks a fight with everyone on the journals, in particular Kyle, Matt and Kurt. Molly posts to the journals; Artie picks a fight with her and Meggan and Sarah Vale console her. Matt beats up Artie. Jean treats Artie's now cracked ribs. Yvette takes Matt and Molly for icecream and texts Jean-Phillipe about this. Amanda emails Kurt, saying that it's unfair to blame Artie for the situation in the tunnels. Angelo attempts to forcibly remove Artie from his computer. Kyle texts Doug about the kids' behaviour today and mentions on x_staff that Matt beat up Artie. Meggan posts a theraputic debrief of her time in the tunnels. Operation: Red Letter Day: Amanda mentions another lost contact.

2012: Scott and Warren meet up at Harry's and help one another get over some 'work' related issues. Adrienne leaves Vanessa a new coat with a bullet-proof lining. Lorna re-enters the kitchen to start cooking prompting a discussion on what does and does not count as food, including cockroaches. Father Michael Bowen stops by the charity shop where Adrienne is volunteering and asks her to go and check on his niece. Vanessa texts Adrienne a thank you for the new coat. Kurt helps Meggan experiment with her powers after she learns a new trick in Genosha. A ball-pit appears in Doug's apartment, hilarity ensues. Adrienne lets the staff know about a potential new student coming in to the mansion. Angelo asks Doug to keep the ballpit until he gets back from Muir Island. Layla questions Link's restoration of health and beds in inns on the journals leaving both Sarah and Nico exasperated. Vanessa posts a get well message to David. Jubilee asks Kurt to come watch movies on the journals revealing to everyone that they are dating. Remy drops in on a sleeping North. It seems that for his birthday this year, North gets to keep his job and possibly find a solution to his drug problem. Doug and Jubilee talk after Genosha.

2013: Angel and Sam blow off steam by going for a flight. Lorna apologises for being spacey lately; Lorna emails Haller to ask for company after getting the results of the sibling blood test with Wanda.

2014: North's birthday - Jean leaves him a fun apron, and Adrienne gives him a motorcycle jacket.

2015: Alison posts an excerpt from a short story a friend sent her and how she can’t stop thinking about it. Gabriel posts about calling in sick and asks who wants to get into trouble. Matt and Jessica train together and he gives her some pointers.

2016: Maya posts about her birthday and being grounded. Clea asks Gen X about finals. Laurie posts about the man who discovered blood groups.

2017: Sue send Warren a photo to warren of some puppies asking if she can keep them and if Bobbi would like one. Darcy posts complaining that a lot of the names on Epicurious’s top 100 Home Chefs of all time include a lot of professionals. When Hope A. needs information about her father’s company she turns to Reed Richards. After Hope A. approaches Reed to do some hacking for her she and Sue have an argument about using people in the XFI offices. Xavin and Kyle do some maintenance work while they chat.

2018: Felicia and North decide to spend the day in bed as they celebrate his birthday by unwrapping her lingerie.





2023: Matt speculates on the legal woes of a certain politician and the difficulty in representing same. Darcy texts Garrison about the hockey while out with Matt, Foggy and Marci.

XProject Announcements and News:

New Player Welcome! Hello to Jillian, who brings back David North to X-Force and AJ, who takes on Scott Summers, who will be a welcome return to the X-Men! And welcome back Catseye, who has been retrieved by her former player, Mon! *kermitflails* Yay!

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