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Revision as of 20:45, 10 July 2021

September 2


2003: Marie-Ange begins having odd dreams.

2004: Shinobi contacts a few people about the possibility of throwing a fundraising banquet for HeliX, and everyone is amenable to the idea. Clarice has a busy day, commiserating with Nathan, getting advice from Jean-Paul, being girly with Terry, and meeting Jay. Manuel and Amanda do some confessing the morning after. Nathan e-mails Charles to inform him that he won’t be training Manuel anymore. Doug and Marie-Ange are schmoopy in the morning, too. Shinobi and Moira discuss options for further powers development, Kitty and Jubilee catch up, and Jay lets Sam know exactly how he feels about his older brother. And after Leyu tells Lorna that Alex hasn’t been well, the couple have a very public argument/break-up, and are then comforted by Kitty and Paige.

2005: Upgrade: Haroun is brought back and the medical team works desperately to save him whilst Forge runs scenarios for rebuilding the cyberware; Alison and Cain go to Shaw Industries to force Sebastian Shaw to provide the materials for the upgrade; North calls, having managed to survive the explosion, with the cure for the spores - radiation. Manuel and Dani go clothes shopping and flirt. Manuel and Amanda talk for the first time after their fight over her addiction.

2006: Amanda and Amara get closure from Selene. Bleeding: Scott fills Crystal in on what's going on with finding Jennie. Nathan sends Ororo an email giving her a heads up about Angelo wanting to join the team.

2007: Laurie has a powers accident during the rafting trip and stops Haller's heart; luckily, Jean is able to revive him; in the wake of the incident, Laurie decides to stop using her air scrubber and learn control. Doug replies to Nathan's invitation to go to Mongolia.

2008: Razor's Edge: Monet emails Nathan, ccing Yvette and Angel so they can see what they've done; Kyle posts to x_team about what happened and gets in an epic, multi-day argument with Laurie; Angelo notifies the staff of what happened and that both girls are grounded. Haller returns from Muir Island with a cold. Amanda notifies everyone that Wanda is in Russia for an undisclosed amount of time and talk ensues about the Junior Trenchcoats' "What The Shit Is This?" Bingo cards. Inez's birthday and Adrienne gives her a suitcase of designer clothes; Inez is blown away by the gift. Kyle drops in on Nathan and they talk about what happened. Amanda determines Julio has been given protection against further possessions. Forge talks about being back at college.

2009: Jean-Paul talks to Julian about a birthday present for Nori. Julian takes Inez out for her birthday and they agree to be friends with benefits. Sam meets Doreen on New Comic Book Day and the two discuss comic books and superheroes, and Sam fills Dori in on the career of studying comics.

2010: Charles announces the room allocations for the students and grads for the new school year. Sam announces he is staying at Muir Island to help Jay with his therapy. Kyle suggests to new roommate Jared that he move into the suite Kyle's already in, to make things easier. Yvette ponders Crystal's possible new code name on x_team now Crystal is full team. Operation: Lie Back and Think of England: In the early hours, Doug and Jubilee break into Bennett's offices and grab data hidden in a secret compartment.

2011: Jan comments on how weird it is not going back to college for classes, but being the one to teach classes. Christian's Angels: Garrison and some of his team use the information they found to set up a meeting with John Sublime, with the rest of them left to ambush Sublime's ambush team, Garrison is able to get a limited amount of information about what happened to the members of Alpha Flight before Sublime leaves.

2012: Sonatorrek: Garrison and Abigail Brand arrive in Minnesota and meet the police chief, Arnie, who tells them about the biker war and the “weird” biker Don Blake; Brand, Garrison, and Arnie head to the headquarters of the Valhallas and meet Blake, who’s calling himself Thor; leaving the Valhallas, Arnie, Garrison, and Brand meet Thor’s girlfriend Sylvie, who runs a porn studio financed by the Valhallas - they find out Sylvie had Thor’s blood tested and head to the hospital for the record to see if he’s a mutant.


2014: Amanda mails Billy and Topaz about trouble during the weekend.


2015: Maya texts Matt about a ring that lets blind people read print books but she doesn’t know if he can get it commercially. Amadeus makes a list of things he has learned today.

2016: Laurie emails Wade, Marie-Ange and Doug to apologise for being at a medical conference during Wade’s birthday and suggesting they all have a weekend away.



