Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters

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Location: Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters
First Seen: X-Men

Located at 1407 Greymalkin Lane in Westchester County, New York, Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters serves as a residence and educational institution for young mutants, the operating headquarters for the X-Men, and as of 2008, houses the Xavier Institute.

2008 Restructuring

Following the events of the previous year, including Voodoo Child and Thirteen Days, and various other matters, including the pressures on his two headmasters/team leaders, Charles began to rethink the school structure. Whilst he would never deny mutant children a place to train and learn control of their powers, he felt that a focus on reintegration and coexistence, rather than segregation, would better serve. Security was also a concern, with the X-Men operating out of the mansion and thus making it a target to those aware of this fact. To these ends, he decided to scale back the size of the school, encouraging those students with control of their abilities, a place to go to and the desire to do so, to return to the mainstream school system, or, where resources allowed, to attend the school existing in Attilan. Follow-up support for those in the mainstream school system would be provided through the Xavier Institute's mutant education programs.

At the end of the school year, Charles announced his plans, and then spent the summer working with the families of the students of an age to have returned to the mansion the following year. The result is that the majority decided to return to normal schools in their home towns, with appropriate integration measures, while the remaining 20-25 chose to remain, or it was felt better for them that they stay. This number included the existing played student characters, the original NPCs who hadn't graduated (Talia Lewis, Miriam Cross) and canon NPCs (the Stepford Cuckoos, Leyu Yoshida).


Professor Charles Xavier (headmaster) (NPC)


Kurt Wagner - Languages (German), Gymnastics, Literature

Crystal Amaquelin - Languages (Spanish and French), Social Sciences, Speech

Callisto - Self-Defense

Alexander Lexington - Self-Defense

Bobby Drake - Mathematics

Piotr Rasputin - Art, Languages (Russian)

Dr. Henry McCoy - School Doctor, Science (Physics and Chemistry)

Dr. Jean Grey-Summers - School Doctor, Science (Biology, Genetics and Mutation)

Janet Van Dyne - Flight

Non-Teaching School Staff

David Haller - School Counsellor

Tabitha Smith - School Librarian

Dr. Amelia Voght - School Doctor (NPC)

Yvette Petrovic - Residential Advisor

Jean-Phillipe Colbert - Residential Advisor

Kyle Gibney - Groundskeeper

Note: Any subjects not specifically covered by a PC are assumed to be taught by one of the NPC teachers hired by Charles for that purpose.

Got questions about being a teacher? Check out the FAQ!


For an explanation of American school grades, see here.

(for school year 2010-2011, beginning in September)

Got questions about being a student? Check out the FAQ!

File:Molly sm.png Molly Hayes
7th Grader
File:Matt icon.png Matt Murdock
File:Nm klara.jpg Klara Prast
File:Artie sm.jpg Artie Maddicks
File:Leyu icon.jpg Leyu Yoshida
available for applications
Nm pixie.png Megan Gwynn
File:Nm meggan.png Meggan Szardos
File:SarahValesm.png Sarah Vale
File:Nm nico.jpg Nico Minoru
File:Nm doreen.jpg Doreen Green


Artie Maddicks

Leyu Yoshida * available for application

Megan Gwynn

Meggan Szardos

Sarah Vale


Doreen Green

Nico Minoru

Resident Graduates and College Students

Amara Aquilla

Angelica Jones

Crystal Amaquelin

Fred Dukes

Janet Van Dyne

Jonothan Starsmore

Julian Keller

Kevin Ford

Kyle Gibney

Laura Kinney

Laurie Collins

Marius Laverne

Monet St. Croix

Nicholas Gleason

Paige Guthrie

Yvette Petrovic


Xavier's has a small population of regular students who don't have journals but are sometimes referred to in logs etc. These have included the Stepford Cuckoos, brought to the school as the result of an X-Men mission, Talia Lewis who was rescued from Mistra, Eliane Courchesne, brought to the school from France and Leong and Nga, younger siblings of Xi'an Coy Manh.

Currently the only full-time NPC student is Leyu Yoshida, younger sister of Shiro Yoshida.

Others come to the school for powers training only, such as Mariah Whitaker, or Mark's friend Vic. They are largely temporary, passing through the school in a short period of time.

See the unplayed characters section for a list of available student (and teacher) characters.


The mansion has a central staircase, with the building extending east and west from that central point.


Classrooms and individual teachers' offices are located on the first floor of the mansion. Most of the classrooms are modified parlors and sitting rooms from the mansion's earlier days, and maintain the original design, with few classes having a standard "desk-and-blackboard" setup.


The mansion has a large and ample library, situated in the main building. While retaining much of the original old-fashioned decor, it has also been fitted with a modern cataloguing system and a number of large tables and individual desks for the purposes of study. There are also a number of 'private study rooms' off one side, intended for use by senior students or those with special needs in terms of storage space and private study time.

Gym Complex

The school has a small gymnasium area in the west wing that can be used for basketball, volleyball, squash, or other indoor activities. One end of the gymnasium opens to the indoor/outdoor pool and various locker rooms. The other end contains a fully-stocked weight room as well as storage for athletic equipment. The pool area contains an Olympic-size indoor pool, with a connecting swimway to the outdoor pool area, which is drained and covered in winter.

Outside, near the pool, there is also a basketball court, a sand volleyball pit, and a number of horseshoe stakes. The basketball court is unique, in that it has a habit of sliding away to reveal the Blackbird's exit from the subterranean hangar.

Living Quarters - Staff

The staff quarters are situated on the third floor of the mansion, on the western side of the staircase. They have suites comprising of two bedrooms, a kitchenette, bathroom and a living area. Some of the staff share a suite, others prefer their space. The main entrances to the suites are secured by a combination key/electronic lock that can either be opened by a physical key, or electronically opened in the case of emergency situations.

Most of the staff live alone, but it is not unusual to have staff sharing suites if they prefer to not live alone.

Living Quarters - Graduates/Senior Students/Guests

Students over the age of eighteen are able to move into a two-bedroom suite, modelled along the lines of the staff quarters and situated on the eastern side. The suite comprises of two bedrooms, kitchenette, bathroom and living area. The main entrances to the suites are secured by a combination key/electronic lock that can either be opened by a physical key, or electronically opened in the case of staff needing access or in emergency situations. Individual rooms are secured solely with physical keys.

Current Living Arrangements

Suite 1: Laura Kinney;

Suite 2: Laurie Collins and Jean-Phillipe Colbert;

Suite 3: Yvette Petrovic;

Suite 4: Julian Keller

Suite 5: Kyle Gibney and Warren Worthington;

Suite 6: Monet St. Croix;

Suite 7: Alexander Lexington and Fred Dukes;

Suite 8: Janet Van Dyne;

Suite 9: Kevin Ford;

Suite 10: Marius Laverne;

Suite 11: Wade Wilson;

Suite 12: Jared Corbo.

Living Quarters - Students

Students under the age of eighteen live on the second floor, in the student suites. These are two double bedrooms (two per room) clustered around a common area, kitchenette, bathroom and 'spare' room, used for storage, etc. Male students live on the western side, girls on the eastern.

Current Living Arrangments:

Suite 1:

Room 1: Nico Minoru and Megan Gwynn;

Room 2: Klara Prast and Doreen Green;

Suite 2:

Room 1: Meggan Szardos and Molly Hayes;

Room 2: Leyu Yoshida.

Suite 3:

Room 1: Sarah Vale

Room 2: unoccupied

Suite 4:

Room 1: Esme and Phoebe Stepford;

Room 2: Celeste and Sofie Stepford.

Note: While the Stepfords are in fact no longer high school students, they have asked to remain in the student suites so they can stay together.

Suite 5:

Room 1: Matt Murdock

Room 2: Artie Maddicks

Rec Rooms

The second floor has a large rec room with a large-screen tv, video game consoles, and an extensive DVD library. There are numerous couches, beanbags, and overstuffed chairs for the students' use. There is also a smaller TV room on the second floor, rarely used except when students need to watch videos for classes.

On the third floor, there is a separate parlor for the adults, which includes a television and sofas and a smaller rec room for the grads.

The Ballroom

In the East wing, the mansion has a medium-sized ballroom, used for entertaining guests before the mansion became a school, and since has been used for hosting parties, large numbers of guests, and the yearly graduation ceremonies.


The mansion has an incredibly well-stocked kitchen, with two walk-in pantries and enough cooking space to prepare regular meals for the staff and student body. There is a standard well-stocked refrigerator for staff and students to use to prepare individual meals, while the larger refrigeration units that hold the food for the larger meals are located in the pantries.

Boiler Beach

In the old boiler room, once the living quarters of Sarah Morlocke and Jono Starsmore, a small beach has been mocked up for use of the residents in winter, particularly those whose powers make them susceptible to Seasonal Affective Disorder, such as Scott Summers. The first incarnation involving a lot of sand, sun lamps, children's wading pools and a projection screen showing various beach movies, was created by Jamie Madrox in November 2004. The most recent version includes holographic imagery to simulate actual beach scenery and was developed by Forge.


The garage at the school is used both for the storage of individual- and school-owned vehicles, as well as containing a full auto maintenance bay, used by the Auto Shop class. There is also a fully-stocked machine shop accessible from the garage.

Vehicles kept in the garage include:

  • A 1955 Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud, personally owned by Professor Xavier. This is the car he uses to travel to various engagements, usually through the use of a private chauffeur.
  • At least one multiple-passenger van, often used for weekend trips into New York City.
  • A modified Jeep Wrangler, used for off-roading and general commuting.
  • A Mercedes McLaren SLR, owned by Julian Keller.
  • A SSC Ultimate Aero, owned by Crystal Amaquelin.
  • Various other vehicles that may be signed out by staff, or students who are licensed drivers and have vehicle privileges.


The infirmary complex is located in the basement of the mansion. It contains a full surgical operating theater, as well as a separate series of rooms (colloquially known as "Medlab") for specialized treatment dealing with severe medical cases or those related to mutations. There are a number of private recovery rooms, as well as offices for the medical personnel on staff. There is a general examination room/waiting room that is accessible by all mansion residents, with the remainder of the medical complex generally restricted to staff or those students assisting the doctors.

Specialized facilities include:

  • The Box: A small room intended for the short-term recovery of psionically-sensitive mutants. "The Box", as it has been termed, was designed by Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr in such a manner that psionic powers do not extend beyond its boundaries, thus effectively sequestering a psi from the rest of the world for purposes of containment or recuperation.
  • A reinforced room designed to withstand superhuman strength and destructive powers. This room has been shown to be able to contain a mutant of Rogue's physical strength, as well as withstanding the explosion of the Gem of Cyttorak.

Lab Complex

Also located in the basement are a number of labs designed for scientific research and experimentation. There are labs set up for mechanical, chemical, and electrical engineering, as well as specialized areas set up to test mutant powers under controlled conditions.

Restricted Areas

The basement also contains various areas pertaining to the X-Men which are strictly off-limits to non-team.


Located in the first sub-basement, the Cerebro chamber extends deep into the ground. See the Cerebro page for further details.

The Danger Room

Also located in the first sub-basement, the Danger Room is a large gymnasium-style structure capable of reconfiguring its form and projecting realistic holograms for training purposes. There are various briefing, observation, and locker rooms attached to the Danger Room. See the Danger Room page for further details.

Situation Room

The X-Men's Situation Room is located on the first sub-basement level, containing a large 3-D "sand table" to assist them in planning missions. The room also contains videoconferencing equipment and a communications suite.


Beneath the mansion, specifically under the retractable outdoor basketball court, lies a combination hangar/maintenance bay for the Blackbird, the X-Men's VTOL-capable jet transport. Access to the Hangar is through the first sub-basement level.

The Grounds

  • The North Lawn: The "backyard". There are large patios on each wing, accessible from Professor Xavier's Study or the Sunroom, as well as the back exits to the mansion. The back porch off the kitchen is a popular spot for the mansion's smokers, having a variety of seats as well as firebuckets for cigarette butts. A brick walkway extends to a large fountain, with benches surrounding it where students may converse, study, draw, or pass the time. Further back on the North Lawn there are stables to the northwest, and a woodshed/toolshed off to the northeast. A small grove of trees to the north conceals a cobblestone path leading off to the lake, to the north.
  • The Lake Area: North of the mansion is a large kidney-shaped lake, fed by a stream from the northwest, and draining via numerous streams and tributaries to the west. Along the southeast corner of the lake is the boathouse, currently used as an art studio after renovations to convert it from a home/office as it was previously used. A dock extends onto the lake from the boathouse, and a small shed contains two rowboats and a half-dozen canoes.
  • The Quarry: Along the western boundary of the property, an access road leads up to an abandoned quarry, approximately three hundred meters across, and easily as deep, filled with rubble and crumbling granite and sandstone. Beyond this area to the north is extensive woodland.
  • The area around the mansion is bordered to the east, west, and north (beyond the quarry) by mixed evergreen and deciduous forests. Small creeks and drainage tributaries form small gorges and ditches in the western woods, while the eastern woods are peppered with small glades and meadows. A packed-dirt jogging path traverses the outer borders of the property, winding through the woods before circling the lake.



This is the range of classes offered at Xavier's. Any classes not covered by staff PCs can be assumed to be either taken by an NPC, by correspondence, or on an individual project basis.

Ages 6 though 13* - 6 classes per semester, standard requirements by age and grade level

Basic state-required classes, with additional instruction determined by individual child needs.

* Advanced classes can be allowed on a case by case basis.

Ages 13 through 17/18 - 5 to 7 classes per semester depending on ability and grade and age level.

Basic high-school level classes such as:

  • Science
    • Biology/Life Science
    • Chemistry
    • Physics
    • Genetics and Mutation
    • Geology/Earth Science
    • Engineering/Shop
  • Mathematics
    • Basic Math/Pre-Algebra
    • Algebra
    • Geometry
    • Trigonometry/Pre-Calculus
    • Calculus
    • Business Math
  • Social Sciences
    • US History
    • World History
    • Government/Civics
    • Economics
    • Sociology
  • Humanities
    • English (grammar/spelling)
    • Creative Writing
    • Literature
    • Speech
    • Journalism/Yearbook
    • Philosophy
  • Arts and Music
    • Visual Art
    • individual music classes
    • Advanced Art
    • Dance
  • Languages
    • including Russian, Arabic, and Hindi

Many advanced classes are held as independent study or are project-based on a case-by-case basis.

Powers Training

All students are enrolled in required and regular powers training on a weekly basis, with rotating teachers. While not every member of the staff can tutor every student directly in their power, a number of them have experience with mutations other than their own: Scott, for example, wouldn't be able to teach Kyle anything about optic blasts (as Kyle doesn't have them) but having worked so extensively with Hank for so long, he would have some useful tips for someone with a physical mutation.

In terms of making reference to these classes in logs or in posts/emails, we'd just ask you to clear references with teachers and their activities to the players of those characters first; we think that offers the right combination of spontaneity and flexibility, while making sure that no one is said to be teaching if they're in Mongolia or some such thing. (None of this should or is meant to prevent individual tutoring, should you believe your student character needs/would like some.)

Meta: As has been stated, there's certainly no requirement that any of this be logged, but it needs to be understood by everyone that it IS going on.


Personal Security

All students are equipped with (and expected to carry at all times) an Xavier's cell phone. This incorporates a "panic button" which links to X-Men communications and whichever X-Man is on duty, plus a GPS tracking device which enables the phone to be located wherever it might be.

Computer Security

1) Unless worked out with modly approval, there is no hacking of the mansion computer network. No one outside the mansion can easily do this on a whim just because they are the l33tness of computer hacking and all. There are a few mondo minds behind what the school has to protect it, ranking from Hank's work to the contribution of scarily gifted students (read - Kitty, and Doug). The students don't have enough to hack the system on their own. Hank would never ever hack the system anyway. So. The system is laid out that those thinking they can hack their way in are being observed, tracked and soon to be nuked. People can think they can do it and brag about it, NPC or PC, but t'ain't happening.

2) Hank of course has made provisions for those who leave the mansion to be able to post from the outside. Still no hacking that.

3) The X-Men and Cerebro files go beyond the not hacking rule outlined above and straight into the stratosphere of not being touched. It is kept on a separate, independent system without outside connections and without access to regular mansion inhabitants. Team and Trainees can get to that, under their level of access, and not above. Those aren't being hacked, unless previous mod approval for a specific plot was obtained. There is no leeway on this one. Of course, people can think they can...

In short, you want the house or any X-Men related system hacked - for any reason - you talk to the mods on this. It's not impossible and a valid and sound plot need or reason will be worked with, as we always strive to do. But it's just not randomly happening either, from within by one of the PCs or without by an NPC source.


Guns are not standard issue as the basis of the X-Men is powers use based. Pete had one due to previous work experiences and training. Madelyn had one due to her FBI training but it was not be in use for X-Men missions she went on - tranq gun there. Moira had shotguns (under lock and key).

There will be strict limit on guns and use thereof. Individual characters with valid and/or canon reasons to explore that angle should contact the mods to work out the details and make things official.

There are no concealed weapons in the school, specifically meaning, there are no weapons in the school that security is unaware of.

Any weapons that are kept by specific members of the staff are done so knowingly of security, in agreement with the security standards and are under lock and key and not an issue.

Garrison is the only member of the school to regularly carry a firearm, as required by his work as a Special Agent of the New York City FBI field office. When not on his person, the gun is stored in a gun safe located in his room.

Power System

The power and phone lines coming into the mansion are underground lines, set pretty deep. There's also a backup power generator in the basement. It also has redundancy features.

House Security

Note: The above ground features, while discussed here a bit more clearly, in fact would be rarely noticed or impact on the lives of the students. A keycard and access code for the number pad after hours (late at night) is the only thing they'd see openly or generally have to deal with.

1) There are proximity sensors all over the wood line, from about 1 mile out. These have been geared to recognize shapes that don't fit to a local fauna database. Allows for tracking of individuals on the estate

2) House itself. Keycard/keypad locks on outside doors. Kids probably all have a keychain-size card (passkey) that they can use to get in and out. Afterhours, a five to seven digit entry code is also needed. This system is actually NOT the method to get inside. This just activates the ACTUAL unlocking system, which uses a high-frequency EM scanner to match body field characteristics with the accepted user database, when the mansion is under a lockdown or at night after hours (it's like living with an alarm system at home, only you do in a mansion. Same old thing, hardly anything invasive beyond basic number pad entry for the ones who live there.)

3) Interior security. Different levels of alarm. The silent evacuation alarm is basically everyone's room phones ringing at low volume, and a low-frequency subsonic transmission used to rouse sleepers. Evacuation points are all over the mansion, and the students are well-trained in them. Crisis alarms are the standard air-raid sirens, and everyone knows how to get to shelter for things like demon invasions, something being blown up by someone - stuff like that.

3a) passive defenses. Door and retaining wall lockdowns. In the event of a crisis alarm, or four minutes after a silent alarm, outside doors lock out to all but the senior staff passcodes. Retaining walls can be activated to seal off areas as well.

3b) active defenses. Sonics, tranquilizers, lots of nonlethal stuff can be used. NONE of this is automated. It is all controlled from the security office - a hardened structure on the first floor. Not even all the STAFF knows where it is (door is behind a sliding bookcase in Charles' study). None of the students are aware of this. No outsiders are aware of this.

4) Because of the attention the school generates as being open to mutant students, there is a chemical analysis system, otherwise known as a 'mail sniffer' security precaution in place. This is yet another feature which is entirely transparent to every day life (and which students and many of the staff likely don't know about) at that. Mail confidentiality is entirely and completely preserved, but say, if anyone decides to send anthrax in, it won't go very far.

5) The lower levels have the truly scary 'not going down there easily' type security, involving quite literal firewalls and other such doomy doom type security features.

6) The mansion itself also has a series of mystical protection wards placed on it. These will alert the creator (Amanda Sefton) to the following:

a) some kind of mystical interference, such as The Enchantress's kidnapping of several residents; and

b) someone moving past them with violent intentions to the inhabitants. In order to make logging as flexible as possible, there's levels of 'pings' and most of what's gone on tends to just trigger a mild awareness which Amanda writes off as "those crazy mansion people again". The wards are there primarily for magical threats.

Grounds Security

There are a series external sensors on the grounds, including the woods, established in January 2005 by Remy LeBeau and expanded upon by Forge. They've been tested and calibrated to be able to distinguish between wildlife and people so they don't go off every time a deer walks by. There are also cameras scanning the grounds and especially the front gate, as well as the gate intercom, all of which are patched into the X-Men comms room along with the house security systems and monitored by the X-Man on duty.