Jessica Jones

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This page is a placeholder for something that has yet to appear in Phase 2 of the game. If you edit the page, remove this notice. Thank you!

Jessica Jones
Portrayed by Krysten Ritter
Birthdate: September 9th, 1993
Journal: Jessica Jones
Player: Lauren

"That girl's special. A diamond in the rough. A real Jewel."


Character Journal: xp_alias

Real Name: Jessica Jones

Codename: Currently none

Aliases: Jessica Jones

First Appearance: August 16, 2014

Date of Birth: September 9th, 1993

Place of Birth: New York City, New York

Citizenship: American

Relatives: None

Education: High school

Relationship Status: She thinks she and the bodega guy who sells her hot dogs are friends, but he’s only nice to her because it’s his job

Occupation: Private investigator

Team Affiliation:



Note: Trigger warning ahead, for references to mind control that includes coerced sexual assault.

Jessica Jones was born Jessica Campbell in New York City, New York (specifically Midtown, Manhattan) on September 9th, 1993.

Her dad worked in sales, and her mother had a part-time job at a craft store; they were semi-unhappily-married people who had done exactly what was expected of them, including having two children (a girl, obvious, and a boy, Jessica’s younger brother). The family was disconnected but both parents loved their kids, although they did not understand them in the slightest; Jessica was the kind of kid who watched Daria on MTV reruns and got into riot girl music when her parents were expecting a boy band phase. Not sure what to do with this somewhat awkward, slightly too sharp child they’d produced, her parents did what all 90s and early ‘00s parents did and fought with her, one another, and her teachers over who was most to blame for her behaviour.

It’s likely that they would have eventually come to some kind of familial détente and understanding when the kids were grown up, but unfortunately Jessica’s mom, dad, and brother died in a car accident when Jess was 13, colliding with a semi-trailer. She survived against all odds - likely due to increased durability from her nascent mutation, not yet known - but spent nearly a year in the hospital in a coma, recovering from the coma, and then rehabbing the traumatic brain injury that caused the coma. She had to learn to walk again. Nobody enjoyed that, particularly her physiotherapist.

From then on, things were not great. Now a ward of the state, Jess landed in foster care, bumping between foster parents and group homes for a majority of her teens. (She should really be grateful to the foster mom who told her she’d never graduate high school, since that was her main motivation for doing so.)

You know how a traumatic experience can inspire people to take a look at their life and improve themselves? That was… not what happened to Jessica. Her nascent riot girl attitude bloomed into full self-protective sarcasm and defiance (authority figures a specialty), and her poor-to-middling experiences with foster care did not improve this. Nor did her discovery of her mutant powers, which involved an unfortunate incident that started with running from the cops – underage drinking in public with the local burnouts still being illegal – and ended with Jessica flying herself right into a dumpster. She was a mutant, which was not great but honestly, mostly a distraction unless she was getting into fistfights and trying not to actually murder anyone.

Also not helping was her experience with the local New York tabloids, which made her a minor curiosity in the early days of online reporting and social media; to that end, she changed her surname to ‘Jones’ when she turned 18, the better to avoid being identified as a tragedy icon or in fact associated with who she was at all.

Having no desire to go to college or indeed to exist in society, Jessica Jones floated through a few crappy service jobs before taking a few jobs for neighbours in her apartment building along the lines of “please get proof my wife is cheating on me and I’ll help you pay your rent next month”.

Thus was born the era of Jessica Jones, Private Investigator (please imagine the sparkle emojis as inserted by authorial fiat). Jess spent a few years getting the required certifications, insurance, and licenses to set herself up in a career that rarely required her to have manners, wake up before 11am, or have qualifications beyond “intelligent and can figure shit out”. She was extremely young for the profession, which actually worked in her favour - nobody expected someone of her age or gender to be doing what she did, which gave her access to people and places that she otherwise wouldn’t have had. (She also took on whatever shitty jobs came her way, in the beginning, including ones that didn’t feel great to do.) Eventually, she had established enough of a reputation locally that she could set up her own official business and move into an apartment that had fewer rats. Okay, the apartment was her office, but it did have fewer rats.

This was actually a nice period of Jessica’s life; she made some friends (TBD they could be relevant but who knows, leaving this open), had a relatively steady income, and even managed to work through some of her trauma by doing the occasional work that helped people.

Unfortunately, at age 21, Jessica took a case that changed the direction of her life and absolutely not for the better. She tracked a missing college student to the penthouse (read: lair) of Zebediah Kilgrave, a small-time criminal with an outsized effect on the people he encounters. Kilgrave has a mix of pheromone and telepathic abilities that allow him to effectively put someone under very strong mind control. (Is he related to Laurie and her father Zach? Maybe, who knows! Zach wasn’t villainous enough for my purposes.) After realizing that Jessica was a reasonably powerful mutant and an enticingly vulnerable person, he put her under mind control, and whammied she stayed for, well, I guess that makes it 9 years by 2023.

Phase 1

Living At The X-Mansion

Jessica's arrival at the mansion was quiet. She was greeted by Lorna Dane and Matt Murdock, who showed her around, and she moved in with Namor Mazur. Her easy-going personality allowed her to fit in with the mansion population, making friends with many of the residents - including the newly returned Rogue, who hired her to help track down her adoptive parents. Jessica succeeded, and in November she joined Rogue on a road trip to see Rogue's parents along with Julian Keller and Tandy Bowen. Jessica would continue to live and interact with others at Mansion. She became best friends with Rogue and, after getting a job offer from Adrienne Frost, Jessica became a member of the abandoned X-Factor Investigations. Jessica would later participate in the battle against the Dark Phoenix, working with Angelo Espinosa and others to secure information. She would later fight against the Imperial Guard, helping to defeat Blacklight before being taken out herself by Gladiator. Upon arriving at the Mansion, Jessica would face off against the Dark Phoenix herself alongside Garrison Kane and Gabriel Cohuelo. In the aftermath, Jessica was witness to Xorn's recreation of the Universe and retained her memories of the incident upon moving into the new world.

Phase 2

Upon entering the new Universe, Jessica would continue her work with X-Factor Investigations under the direction of Adrienne. She would become involved in a friends with benefits relationship with Warren Worthington and would attempt to assist Rogue through her memory loss. Jessica would also partner with Angelica Jones and Julian Keller as mentors to the newest batch of trainees, young and old, known as Generation X.

She also experienced her first and second cases as a member of X-Factor, first helping to investigate when Susan Storm's apartment was blown up, and then helping Garrison Kane to track down a leak when some files were stolen from the Triskelion building. She continued to work - and play - with X-Factor until August 2016, when she abruptly left to take care of her aged adoptive parents.

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'7

Weight: 124 lbs

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Brown

Other Features: Jessica has the lobes of her ears pierced. She also has a tattoo of a diamond above her navel.


Jessica is a self-described "flying brick." Jessica possesses incredible strength for a woman of her size and build and she is ultimately able to lift around 10 tons at her peak. However, as she does not possess superhuman levels of stamina, she is unable to do this for extended periods of time. Jessica also possesses a limited form of invulnerability. While learning to fly, she withstood falls from great heights, and she was later able to withstand punches from beings as strong as Rogue with little to no injury as well as the Imperial Guard's Gladiator, though she suffered moderate injuries as a result. Jessica is also somewhat resistant to temperature extremes. She has suffered only body wide soreness after being lit on fire and would suffer similar soreness after being in extreme cold. If Jessica were to be shocked by an electrical discharge equal to that of a live power line, the normally lethal jolt would only cause Jessica to suffer a bloody nose and a brief loss of muscle control. That said, a second jolt would likely render her unconscious for a brief period. Jessica has proven that bullets and bladed weapons forged of conventional materials are unable to pierce her skin, though she isn't totally impervious to them and typically suffers mild injuries in the form of bruises. Jessica is also able to levitate and propel herself through the air at speeds up to around 200 mph. Despite her invulnerability, Jessica is not immune to diseases or poisons and she still has to breathe. If she is injured, Jessica recovers only as fast as a healthy, normal human being would.


Nothing too fantastic. Jessica does, however, carry a small notepad and pencil around at all times in order to write down things that she thinks need further investigation or study.


Saying that Jessica swears like a sailor would be an understatement.

Jessica is distrusting of mutants with telepathic or empathic abilities.

Jessica was trained in the use of her abilities by Rogue, making her a dangerous fighter in close quarters.

External Links

xp_communication posts

xp_journal posts

xp_logs posts


Phase 1




Fires From The Ashes

The Trial of Jean Grey

The Dark Phoenix

Phase 2


Case File: The Sting

Case File: The Triskelion Files

Patent Pending

The Caged Bird


Operation: Mutant Massacre

The Two Sided Coin of Ambition


Player: Lauren

E-mail: LaurenEmail.PNG


Player Icon Base: Krysten Ritter

Meta Trivia

Kale joined X-Project with Jessica in August 2014 and remained until August 2016. Lauren successfully apped Jessica in July 2023.