August 2009

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Revision as of 09:13, 11 August 2009 by Rossi (talk | contribs) (→‎Timeline)
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July 2009 *** September 2009
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Aug 1 - Operation: Dead Letter Office: Jubilee breaks in to North's place and presents him with the synthesizer from Russovich. After returning from Geneva, Jake goes to visit Jean-Paul, Jean-Paul bakes him a cake and after Jake discusses the mission, Jean-Paul invites him to stay and in the morning they make a small bit of progress in rekindling their relationship. Shiro apologizes to Jay for his actions in the Danger Room and agrees to stay with him when Jay requests it.

Aug 2 - Jake and Jean-Paul are interrupted in conversation about their relationship by Jeanne-Marie, and though things are awkward, no one gets stabbed. Jay and Forge reminisce about old times (like Kyle's temper) and discuss Jay beginning to train with the X-Men. Adrienne and Lil watch a ball game at Harry's and Adrienne pesters her about her letting Garrison get injured. Jean-Paul goes to see Nathan to talk about Jeanne-Marie walking in on him and Jake; Nathan tells Jean-Paul he and Moira have been discussing his retirement; Domino visits Nathan. Lil and Jean-Paul discuss their problems with men over dinner.

Aug 3 - Jay approches Scott about joining the X-Men and Scott, less than enthusiastic, advises him to be sure it is what's right for him due to his control issues, and agrees to let him join as a trainee. Manuel has tea with Callie (and Valentia) and asks Callie to keep Cammie away from his sister so that she will not influence the child; Callie admits to liking Fred and Manuel expresses disapproval of her choice. Jeanne-Marie visits Nathan but finds he is not sounding well, the cause being air between his lung and the wall of his chest; Nathan telepathically asks Jeanne-Marie not to tell Jean-Paul and Jeanne-Marie stays with him while Amelia works. Shiro is not thrilled to hear about Jay joining the X-Men, questioning his motives as Scott did. Home and Native Land: Garrison gets an email from Heather Hudson of Alpha Flight informing him that members of the old team, Judd and Madison Jeffries, have been hurt; Lil receives a phone call from Hudson telling her that her husband has been injured, Judd is in a coma, and the others of the team killed and Garrison offers to let her come up to Canada with himself, Marie, and Logan for the funerals but she decides to find her own way to Ottawa. Lil texts Jean-Paul to tell him what has happened and that she is leaving for Canada. Mnemovore: Professor Xavier takes the last of the false memories out of Jean-Paul's brain and they discuss his removing of the blocks keeping some memories out- Jean-Paul would like them back before classes begin again in the fall so he can face himself but the Professor reasons with him to wait a while longer.

Aug 4 - Home and Native Land: Having caught an earlier flight back to Canada, Lil sits with Madison, finding him comatose; Garrison posts to x_team letting people know what happened and that several of the Alpha Flight alumni will be going to the hospital; Logan and Lil both cope - or not - with the situation in their own ways; Amara texts Lil to check on her. Sarah emails Catseye, asking if she is back yet from her birthday weekend with her brother; Catseye posts about her birthday. Jean-Paul visits Johnny to inform him of Lil's absense and, inadvertently, her husband. Jeanne-Marie intercepts Jake on his way to Jean-Paul's and the two get into a confrontation over Jake's intentions and Jeanne-Marie's past actions while she was ill but after only one slap they come to an understanding with each other.

Aug 5 - Manuel and Jake run into each other and verbally spar before Manuel offers to help Jake with his emotional overload and sets up a meeting in Jean-Paul's suite; Jake and Jean-Paul discuss Manuel and Cammie while waiting for Manuel and when the empath arrives he uses his powers to ease Jake's emotions and allow him to sleep. Home and Native Land: Lil calls Jean-Paul to let him know she and Madison are alright and they discuss Johnny and the losses to Alpha Flight. Manuel inquires as to Cammie's emotions but is evaded, though he wasn't really seeking an answer. Amanda posts to SnowValley to find out if anyone's heard from Remy. Jay posts to the team comm announcing that he has joined and trainee names are offered. Jake and Jean-Paul discuss their relationship when Jake claims he is not worthy of Jean-Paul. Jean questions Scott's decision to let Jay join the X-Men in an email.

Aug 6 - Catseye brings ice cream to Nathan in the infirmary and the two discuss French lessons, as well as her joining the X-Men while Nathan contemplates his retirement from same. Catseye emails Kevin asking him for help with Yvette's birthday present. Kyle emails Dani to ask her to smack Jay, who is being belligerant in his own post about joining the X-Men. Dani posts about her resolve to finish college. Catseye seeks out books from Sam and discovers his attack on Kyle, which prompts a great deal of disapproval. Garrison sends a very poignant email to Jay, alluding to the funeral he is attending for his deceased teammates to make Jay understand what being part of a team means. Marius posts to the x-grads community about the maturity of the X-Men and Jay in particular, which yields quite a response from the graduates. Jay apologizes to the team for being an asshole and agrees to accept any trainee name he is given, though the apology has mixed results. Malibu Madness: Julian's father visits and informs his son that should he be able to go three weeks without exceeding a spending limit of $500, he will be given leave to visit - with his friends - the family's summer home in Malibu for a week; Julian posts to x-kids inviting his classmates to the house in Malibu, confident he can win his father's challenge. Jay emails Kyle telling him he is not apologizing for what he said to Kyle on the x-team comm. Nathan announces his retirement from active duty on the x-team comm, informing the team he will be staying on as a reserve member and taking an active role in the training of new members. The Beaubier twins discuss Alpha Flight and Jake. Jay goes to the medlab for a checkup and encounters Nathan, remaining belligerant despite Nathan's patience; Kyle arrives to visit Nathan bearing a pretzel and Jay retreats without further confrontation. Jean-Paul runs into a slightly inebriated Scott at Harry's and discuss the situation in Canada, Nathan's retirement, and Jay's addition to the X-Men. Late at night, an insomniac Lex encounters an overcharged Nori and is very intrigued by her powers. Home and Native Land: The five Alpha members who were killed are buried and Malcolm Colcord reveals not only is Walter Langkowski suspected of accidentally revealing the location of the team in a private email, but the entire Alpha Flight program is being shut down.

Aug 7 - Jay has nightmares and can't sleep and when Dani tires to comfort him, he recoils, things being far too close to a relationship for his comfort. Amara lets people know she's going back to Nova Roma for a visit and invites people to go with her; Amara emails Ororo and Scott to ask for team leave and Manuel to arrange horse riding lessons. Lex comes across Jay unloading topsoil for Ororo and gives him a start and things are tense until Jay calms down. House of Wolves: Wanda lets x_snowvalley know that she's going to London with Jake and two others in response to a call from an old friend. Adrienne and Manuel go shopping for Valentia and Manuel uncovers Adrienne's true feelings for Garrison. Jay leaves a birthday card taped to Forge's door; Crystal emails Forge to remind him of his birthday dinner; Forge and Paige share a typical day in the lab and Paige reminds him about his date also. Cammie and Jean-Paul try their hands at cooking Hamburger Helper Cammie-style. Johnny lets his suitemates know he's moving out to share with a new student; Victor Borkowski and his parents arrive at the school, to be met by Dori and then by Jean-Paul, who gives them the tour; Vic meets his new roomie, Johnny; Vic introduces himself on the journals. Yvette and Laurie both wish Forge a happy birthday. Jay leaves Yvette an early birthday card. Home and Native Land: Garrison, Logan, Lil and Marie investigate the site of the massacre and discover a set of dogtags like those used in Weapon X. Monet visits Nathan and the two discuss the effects of telepathy on people and Nathan's feelings of uselessness which lead Monet to make a promise of sneaking work past Ameila for him.

Aug 8 - Jubilee breaks into Forge's lab and takes him out for birthday drinks. Sarah emails Forge to wish him late birthday wishes. Jean-Phillipe leaves a birthday card on Yvette's door; Catseye leaves venison burgers from a deer she caught herself for Forge and Yvette's birthdays (along with other presents); Yvette posts about her birthday and the year she's had. Home and Native Land: Lil tells Garrison she's staying with her husband. Clarice gives Lex some advice on the X-Men. Jennie takes Forge out for a belated birthday celebration and they talk about Jay and the team. Angelo visits Nathan to express his pleasure at Nathan's retirement.

Aug 9 - Home and Native Land: Logan emails North to let him know it's possible Weapon X has been reactivated and North suggests talking to Daniel Lyman; North lets x_snowvalley know he's off on a factfinding trip; in Symkaria, Garrison, Logan and North try to get answers from Lyman, but are ambushed and barely escape; Lil emails various people about her non-return and posts to the journals about the same; Garrison lets Lil and Marie know the results of the trip to Symkaria. Jay and Catseye meet up in the woods and in an effort to distract conversation away from the X-Men, Jay finds himself talking about Catseye's lovelife and gets more questions than he was bargaining on. Johnny asks if he can stay with Jean-Paul in the wake of Lil's email. Tabitha finds Callie weighing up her options regarding the New Mutants and has an idea. Callie rescues a lost Vic and they discover a common love of foreign films. Jennie visits Nathan and they talk about the future and the possibility of Jennie one day leading the X-Men. Dori posts about posting pictures of herself (with the tail included) on one of her web forums, comic movies and wishing Yvette a happy birthday. Shiro and Jay have an extremely awkward date until they decide to go out flying instead. Jake reports that Wanda's contact was a bust but that everyone is sick and they will be staying in London a few days. Vic gets Johnny's note and goes to Jean-Paul's suite to check on him.



Fiddler's Green

Operation: Dead Letter Office

Home and Native Land

Malibu Madness

External Links

August 2009