Template:Selected anniversaries/February 13

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February 13

2004: Clarice and Manuel start therapy.

2005: Maddie comes up with an easier way to shuttle Moira back and forth from Muir Island to the Mansion. Tim Morgan and Nate go to sell Alison on the idea of them seeing Colin MacInnis again.

2006: Catseye and Forge go to the mall with her brother; she leaves the boys alone to visit the ball pit and they have a Little Talk. Nathan helps Haroun shop for Valentine's Day, then they eat steak. Moira's relaxing in her suite when Davey comes to visit, for high cute. Moira asks Jamie to teach her to rollerblade.

2007: Red X Mission: Whiteout: Marie and Nathan rescue the Dead Sea Scrolls; Kurt and Terry deliver a baby; Kane gets stuck in Toronto; Marie and Kyle clear an animal shelter and Kyle gets a new pet; Pietro asks Nathan to use his telepathy to locate homeless people for him to rescue; Pietro and Crystal clear snow, working together; Dani and Laurie discuss human nature.

2008: Jay approaches Tommy and something of a truce is established. An injured Mark asks his team for more weed to cope with the pain and Marie-Ange obliges. Jean and Nathan meet in the woods, and it becomes obvious Nathan is having a crisis of faith as a telepath, much to Jean's frustration. Jay collects his plant from Ororo and they talk; Rahne announces she has a date on Valentine's Day; Forge and Kyle wind up in New York on an emergency gift run; Crystal asks Forge out for Valentine's Day; Kyle asks Crystal for help with flowers for Clarice; Jay asks various people for their Valentine's plans and in the course of discussion, Marius explains his perspective on relationships. Jennie is made a full X-Man after her actions in finding Haller; Jennie's status is announced on the team comm, and she's smug at people. Cain and Jan are training in the Danger Room and Jan gets accidentally swallowed. Nori plays soccer with Julio and reveals a new aspect of her powers. Shiro visits Clarice and is surprised to find out about her and Kyle.

2009: Omikami no Isan: Shiro makes his report. Lil runs into Cammie while testing out her new heels and they chat, the topic of being overwhelmed with kindness coming up. Midsummer's Nightmare: Jan inadvertently curses the play by mentioning the Scottish play by name during rehearsals. Adrienne gets caught leaving t-shirts for Cammie and tries to offer her a job. Silver reopens and Manuel, Jean-Paul, Lil, Bishop, Adrienne and Morgan all enjoy themselves in various ways; Julian and Scott talk about the field trip.