Template:Selected anniversaries/February 23

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February 23

2004: Nathan 'Cable' Dayspring joins the mansion. Kitty begins therapy. Alison and Sam break up. Emma invites both Shinobi and Manuel to join the White Court of the Hellfire Club.

2005: Cain offers Dani a job.

2006: Scott brings Jean some dinner as she finishes her paperwork. They banter a little, then talk about what she plans to accomplish in DC that weekend. After two days of avoidance, Terry hunts Bobby down; she tries to explain and he completely fails to understand, and things get angsty. Not So Plain Jane: Jean announces the rules and the departure time for the field trip. Lorna announces her application to Berkeley and that the interview went well. Japan wins the Olympic figure skating, much to Shiro's satisfaction.

2007: Kaiten: Nathan calls Rahne and they discuss Jennie; Nathan realises things are as under control as they're going to get, and it's time to go back to the States. Scott suggests joining the team to Pietro and he considers it. Crystal leaves to go home for a week and sends an e-mail to Scott and Ororo, letting them know of her temporary absence from the school.

2008: Jean asks Laurie to come see her about being insensitive to Jennie's plight and then talks to Scott about her concerns. Rahne also emails Laurie, to explain things. Aureus Canis: Jennie gets long-delayed revenge on Marius, by licking him; Marius then pounces on her in the snow; Rahne teaches Jennie how to manage her new form; Jennie talks to Nathan about the reaction to her predicament; Rahne emails Angelo about his response to Jennie during a journal argument the previous day; Wanda emails Jennie to make sure she's all right. Kyle drops by to visit Forge and ask him to build a spider-car. Farouk makes an unexpected return, winding up on Amanda's doorstep. Tabitha revels in the sunny weather and invites people to join her for a run.

2009: Yvette trains in control with Emma, who asks her some difficult questions. Midsummer's Nightmare: At rehearsals, a sandbag falls to the stage missing Angel, Callie and Yvette, the rope having been cut and Yvette assumes it was an accident with her powers. Cammie gets a makeover from Clarice. Jean-Paul explains an 'accident' whilst painting Rachel's room. Logan talks to Scott about rejoining the team.

2010: Jean-Paul texts John about a particular book he can't find. Laurie visits Vanessa in her penthouse and makes her dinner and they indulge in girl chat.

2011: Wade is confused about his computer singing "You Are My Sunshine" to him in Tabitha's voice, a trick provided by Doug, and winds up drowning his laptop at the suggestion of Kevin. Amanda announces the return of herself, Nico and Marie-Ange from New Orleans. Julian emails Nico, demanding her presence in his room. Doug emails Tabitha, seeing Wade's declaration on the journals re hacking as a challenge. Remy posts to x_snowvalley, summarising some changes, such as Cammie's joining the team, Marie-Ange's return and Illyana's departure to England, during which Doug whines about not knowing Angie was back until Remy smacks him down. Wade emails Kevin, thanking him for his work in teasing Tabitha. Jubilee announces her new pastime - ninja crochet. Amanda runs into Lex in District X and they go for a drink and talk about powers loss, magic and Vanessa.