Template:Selected anniversaries/September 23

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September 23


2003: Crimson Dawn: Scott announces to the school that Betsy is in a coma and her recovery is uncertain; he also speaks to Kitty about her role in the surgery and about keeping Betsy's secret; Nathaniel Essex goes to Seattle for the day to research how to reverse Betsy's condition.

2004: Singing with Terry summons Jay’s muse and he begins to compose a new song. Sam asks out Alison just moments after she accepts a proposal from Haroun, so he takes out his frustrations on an innocent tree, much to Cain’s dismay. Nathan and Haroun push each other in the Danger Room again, and then Nathan goes out shopping with Moira for clothes for the HeliX ball.

2005: Forge takes Paige to spend the night at her college after her revelation she's been keeping files on her fellow X-Men; Moira emails her and reassures her she wants Paige to continue being her assistant, although with counselling or an ethics course. Upgrade: the medical team strip out the cyberware and kill the virus. With Malice Aforethought: Manuel offers to use Cerebro to track down Lorna, but Scott refuses.

2006: Bleeding: Professor Xavier and Marius have a talk in the infirmary about what exactly happened; Xavier fixes the problem; in the room over, Jennie wakes up to find Wanda in her room and explanations are given.

2007: Kurt invites Marie to Stefan's wedding. Dani and Haller talk in the kitchen about dreams and the past.

2008: Kevin finds Jay on the grounds and checks he's okay. Morgan and Adrienne discuss self defence and prostitution while playing the Wii.

2009: Wanda encounters Jake as he is moving out. Yvette posts asking her fellow classmates about the classes they are taking for the upcoming school year. Tabitha posts to the students community to announce her position as mentor for the New Mutants and to invite them to visit an amusement park on the weekend. Dori tries out her new Guitar Hero video game and Catseye shows a particular interest, prompting the birth of a new girl band, Girls With Tails. Garrison and Adrienne go on their first date to a French restaurant and agree to take dates one at a time without overanalyzing their relationship. Dori texts Callie asking for her to bring food to the squirrel girl and Monkey Joe in the treehouse. Callie texts Fred asking if he can bring food to Dori in the treehouse.

2010: Piotr presents Kevin with a stack of Play-Doh for sculpting lessons.

2011: Doug ensures that everyone gets to lose the game. What Goes Around, Comes Around: Wade gathers Kyle and Callie to discuss plans for his Halloween party of awesomeness.

2012: Wade sends David a text asking him to spar so Wade can let out his stress about Marie-Ange sleeping with Thor. Clint comes across Tandy watching Night of the Living Dead in the rec room and the two talk for a little while. Clint posts to his journal introducing himself to the mansion population. After meeting Tandy, Clint heads back to the suite to continue playing catch-up, only Billy's gone and Maddie's playing Goldilocks in his bed.

2013: Adrienne sums up the end of the fantasy baseball season and reveals Doug and Kyle will have to dress as unicorns, as per the rules of their bet; Garrison lets them know they’ll be appearing as Maurice the Dancing Unicorn at a local children’s hospital for a child’s birthday and conversation turns to an annoying telecommuting student and Halloween costumes. Wade emails Doug about messing with the annoying telecommuting student.

2014: Miles’ friend Ganke emails him to wish him luck at his new school. Miles runs into Julian in the gym and learns about the New Mutants program. Marie and Julian have their shopping trip - at Walmart - and encounter some anti-mutant bigotry. Higher Than Hope: Wanda reports on x_snowvalley that they have more information on “Holocaust” and that Artie is going to go undercover. Miles makes his introduction post and receives a warm welcome - mostly.


2015: Tandy makes a journal entry about London being done, being on her way to Milan, and being partied out. Alex makes an Instagram cross post from the world’s largest ball of twine. Alex makes an unscheduled detour. Wanda is less than pleased to see Quentin’s designs for a tattoo. Wanda makes a journal post inviting people to join her at Harry’s after her Quentin Quire quagmire. Jean texts Wanda about Quentin’s age. Lorna texts Wanda to see if she’s ok after her post.

2016: The Dulcet Sound of My Voice: Hope reports what she observed on her spying mission and a plan is made; Hope makes arrangements for the other sponsor to be dealt with by Emma; Doug prepares for the honey trap and executes the plan.

2017: Psi War: Xavin posts to the journals asking what happened, Amanda replies with news of Quentin’s death, unaware his psyche survived and much to Xavin’s shock.

2018: Bobby texts Miles excited to tell him about a new discovery he found, a burger that uses grilled cheese sandwiches as the bun.


2020: Operation: Crazy X-Girlfriend: Kevin leads Mary to the Sugar Man and she makes a deal with him before shooting Kevin in the heart.