August 2015

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Revision as of 22:36, 25 August 2015 by Rossi (talk | contribs)
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July 2015 *** September 2015
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Aug 1 - Namor announces his victory over Clint, Gabriel and Billy in Monopoly. Operation: Wonderwall: Gabriel asks Jean for painkillers; Wanda asks for some quiet time; Jean leaves chocolate by Wanda’s door. Clint drags Warren, still hermiting, out for some fun.

Aug 2 - Laurie posts about her reactions to the new TV series Zoo. Matt announces he is making pancakes. It’s Greek To Me: Someone leaves Kitty a voicemail asking her to “acquire” an item for them.

Aug 3 - Miles announces his birthday and securing his learner’s permit; Warren wishes Miles a happy birthday via text and lets him know they’ll be going out to celebrate. It’s Greek To Me: While Clint is trying to talk to Namor about their upcoming travels, Kitty passes by and is distracted by Namor’s trident; Namor is distracted by Kitty and she offers her services to help Namor find Atlantis. Jennie makes a journal entry about how awesome it is being her own boss. Warren and Jefferson surprise Miles with an elaborate gift for his 16th birthday, and he's speechless. Topaz texts Amanda to tell her she lost track of time and asking if she can call her tomorrow. Gabriel leaves a gift-wrapped box with a card for Miles on his birthday containing two presents. Matt wishes Miles a happy birthday via text. Matt makes a journal entry about braille dice that he helped Kickstart. Laurie and Kitty chat about life at the mansion.

Aug 4 - Alison texts Miles a belated happy birthday. Cruelty is Bitter Bane: Garrison receives an e-mail from Fred Duncan asking him to come to St. Louis to investigate a potential serial killer; Garrison makes a journal entry about having to leave on short notice; Adri texts Garrison to say a more personal goodbye. Sebastian leaves a note for Clea and Stephen about his supplies inquiring if they want the usual stuff. Rahne makes her first journal post to say hi to everyone. Amadeus posts an ode to hot pockets to his journal. Julian texts Angel in confusion about Rahne’s arrival. Jean-Phillipe texts Marie-Ange about Jean-Paul. Tandy texts Julian about the recent influx of GenX members.

Aug 5 - Jubilee posts a YouTube video without comment. Laurie e-mails Doug, Wade, and Marie-Ange about the ‘new’ Jean-Paul. Adri texts Tandy to invite her to a Katharine Hepburn marathon. Cruelty is Bitter Bane: Kane reaches St. Louis and has a talk with the head of the Field Office. Marie-Ange e-mails Jean and Wade about a lapsed contract that had been put out on Jean.

Aug 6 - Cruelty is Bitter Bane: Garrison e-mails Logan, Kitty, and Julian for help out in St. Louis; The three X-Men arrive in St.Louis to help; Julian and Kane meet with the family; Logan and Kitty break into the morgue.

Aug 7 - Matt makes a journal entry about why he loves telecommuting. Jean visits Warren to thank him for saving her life now that she’s able to leave the house alone without fear of being assassinated, which goes about as well as expected. Matt gives Miles a belated birthday present. Cruelty is Bitter Bane: Logan and Kane trail the money drop back to a suspect; Kane and Kitty go to confront Westcott in his cell.

Aug 8 - Cruelty is Bitter Bane: The serial killer reveals himself.

Aug 9 - The Caged Bird: Lorna gets a phone call from the last person she's expecting to hear from; Lorna tells XFI what's happened and a quick, not-quite-good-but-good-enough plan is hatched; Lorna texts Wanda about heading to Nevada with XFI; Lorna goes to Alex's childhood home to confront Mystique, where the plan doesn't go quite the way it's supposed to; Lorna and Magneto talk, or Magneto talks and expects Lorna to listen; Sue e-mails the X-Men and X-Factor about being stuck in a shipping dock in Oakland and requesting help; The X-Men and X-Factor arrive at the Brotherhood's hideout, and Sue fills them in on what she's learned; Wanda decides it’s time to have a chat of her own with Daddy Dearest; Lorna finally finds Alex - and two seconds later everything goes to hell; Sue texts Julian about never wanting to eat lobster again. Julian texts Tandy about rain checking dinner and sleeping for a very long time. Garrison talks to Adrienne about the case he left town to work on, and as an indicator of how the discussion goes, she starts chain-smoking.

Aug 10 - Monica Rambeau arrives at the mansion and meets Meggan who help her get used to the idea of the mansion. Matt shows Warren his new dice and invites him to come and play D&D with him.

Aug 11 - Miles and Bobby hang out discussing “man things” until the conversations comes around to a plan to get revenge on Tabitha. Tabitha warns everyone that Miles and Bobby are terrible people, and Tandy offers to help her plan her revenge. Nica introduces herself to the mansion on the journals. Tabitha and Allison make decide to hang out in the rec room and turn it into bubblegum pop centre.

Aug 12 - Nica has a minor freakout when she realizes that she is rooming with Allison Blaire, Laurie replies but comes off as too formal getting Doug and Marie Ange to remind her that’s not normal behavior. Gabriel posts to the journals offering to get people drunk as he experiments with new drinks. Lorna leaves Alex a surf board as a birthday present. It’s Greek to Me: Namor texts Clint asking him to help with a project.

Aug 13 - Allison texts Miles to let him know she’s nervous about her new roommate. Nica comes across Bobby making ice sculptures of the ninja turtles and the two talk about their powers before deciding to freeze the pool and go ice skating. Matt invites Clint, Warren, Miles, Billy, Doug and Marie Ange to come and play a game of D&D with him.

Aug 14 - Adrienne emails Nica to tell her to keep her head up and not worry about Laurie and Clarice on the journals. Wade emails Doug to let him know he’ll be out of town meeting up with an old friend who has some concerns about his daughter. Doug immediately turns around and start planning a secret birthday party with Marie Ange and Laurie. Cecilia texts Wade about how Pizza Dog ate his present. Adrienne leaves Wae a birthday card and a minnow knitted hat. Wade meets up with his old friend and his daughter, and almost gets gutted by a butter knife. Wade emails Scott, Cecilia, Angel, Jessica and Julian to let them know he’s bringing Maya back to the mansion, she might need to get tested and will need a place to stay. It’s Greek to Me: Clint texts Molly asking for her help with Namor’s project.

Aug 15 - Hope comes across Warren and Jolene at a party and manages to impress the billionaire. Amadeus post a video as revenge for the Russian’s messing with his social media feeds. Marie Ange posts a list of why she needs coffee. Molly leaves Wade a handmade gun holster for his birthday. Alex and Lorna talk about what happened when he was captured and their relationship. Wanda emails Doug and Emma about finding a way to save Simon’s reputation. It’s Greek to Me: Clint and Molly examine the Atlantean tech; Clint emails Scott and Wanda about moving some equipment around and taking a look at the tech respectively.

Aug 16- Tandy emails Doug asking if she can look through his language books again. It’s Greek to Me: Wanda and Clint have breakfast to discuss the mechanism.

Aug 17 - Alex posts about building a skate ramp in the yard. Sooraya's out for a ride when she spots Rahne's wolf form heading for the woods. She waits out the transformation but then discovers there's an issue.

Aug 18 - Maya introduces herself on the journals. Monica emails Adrienne to thank her. Artie and Maya meet.

Aug 19 - Laurie texts Wade about someone looking after Maya while he is away. Matt texts Clint about doing something together. Warren returns to the Mansion, tries to win Adrienne back over with illegal substances, and somehow ends up having an actual adult conversation. Warren also posts he is back. Adrienne posts Warren is back. It’s Greek to Me: Clint texts Billy about him coming to look at the strange Greek object.

Aug 20 - Maya texts Artie to ask if Kyle is always an asshole. Jubilee posts about being on the way home. She also texts Marie-Ange about going to Cuba later. It’s Greek to Me: Molly, Billy, and Clint take a break from trying to figure out the mechanism and enjoy some lunch that Matt kindly provided.

Aug 21 - Quentin is recruited in XFI by Jessica and talks with Warren and Adrienne about this. Quentin texts Gabriel about needing drinks. Doug teaches Hope about following a person and being followed. It’s Greek to Me: Our intrepid specialists are ready to completely throw in the towel. And then Namor actually does whack the mechanism. The group is surprised by the arrival of a group of green, human-ish shaped people. Violent, green, human-ish shaped people. Molly posts about having fun whacking them. Scott makes an official announcement of what happened. Clint posts later on about the object being safely locked away. Molly texts Wade about needing a place to put her fish spear.

Aug 22 - Sooraya posts about needing volunteers to put the school supply packs together. Maya posts about people messing around with dangerous machines in the basement. Laurie posts about supporting something on Kickstarter. It’s Greek to Me: Clint and Molly hand the Lemurians over to SHIELD.

Aug 23 - Angel texts Clint about wanting fishies and later on texts Kyle about making out with Clint. Wade texts Logan about needing alcohol. Angel finally goes to check out Julian's club, and the two talk about how weird their lives are.


Operation: Wonderwall

It’s Greek To Me

Cruelty is Bitter Bane

The Caged Bird

External Links

August 2015