Template:Selected anniversaries/June 27

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June 27



2004: Nathan is sleep-deprived and the Askani begin to take over. Alison and Amanda intervene. Amanda gets the Askani language-dump and Manuel is not pleased. Angelo and Jubilee talk about living on the streets. Moira returns from Muir Island.

2005: Domino hears Alison's song on the streets of Sudan. Doug and Marie-Ange train hand-to hand.


2007: Ororo calls Remy to check on investigations, and is disturbed to discover he is apparently shopping for explosives for a mysterious job to do with the New Orleans Guilds. Scott SMSs Pietro, asking him to check in during his own investigation of the Attilan matter. Cain talks to Shiro about the lack of repercussions for the Japanese government in regards to Krakoa, and prompts him to take action himself. Logan finds Yvette in the woods, mourning her lost friends. The Snow Valley crew admits defeat on the Attilan matter. Carmen Animi Vermium: Monet invites Marius to come back to Sydney with her to watch rugby.

2008: Red God: Jean, Ororo and Nathan go to Wakanda and find things very changed; navigating the altered landscape, they realise it's a collective mindscape and that they must stop the vibranium meteor before it falls and destroys the land; after encountering Achebe, disciple of Sekhmet the Lion God, the group splits up, Jean confronting Achebe and defeating in astral combat and Ororo and Nathan finding T'Challa trapped in the form of the Panther God; Ororo transforms into the Lion Goddess and Nathan has to overcome his fear of astral plane combat to separate them; Achebe defeated, things go back to normal. Jay asks if anyone is going to the Pride March on Sunday.

2009: Mnemovore: Nathan posts his report on x_team, unable to sleep; Johnny sneaks down to medlab and is shocked by what he sees and Nathan provides him with a point of blame; Johnny goes to Lil for comfort. Jay posts something in honour of Pride. Analog Kid, Digital Man: Doug uses his wiles to get himself and Kyle upgrades to first class on their Dubai flight. Yvette encounters the downside of being able to feel the sun. Nick runs into Jay and after an accident with a fork and snacks, it's decided he'll go to Pride with the group. Manuel's plan to trick Angel and Julian into talking backfires when they meet at the restaurant and have another fight; Angel emails Inez, telling her Julian is all hers; puzzled, Inez seeks Angel out on the roof and they talk about the Stupidity of Boys. Catseye asks Jay if she can go to Pride with the group.

2010: Butterflies and Hurricanes: Yvette wakes up to find her physical mutation gone; Laurie wonders if Yvette is using a power inhibitor on herself as she looks 'normal'; Cammie posts a photo of herself, showing the lack of green on her left arm; Jared wakes up with a hangover, and with his lack of power, starts to feel pain; Kevin freaks out upon discovering his ability to touch and goes to look for Dr. McCoy who decides that the three should undergo testing and observation; Yvette lets everyone know that she will be in the medlab overnight. While looking for late night snacks, Tabitha bumps into Jean-Paul in the kitchen.

2011: Jean texts Wanda to see if she wants a drink, and emails Amanda to get details on the injured parties. Doug posts about hating a new bad guy.

2012: Adrienne emails Garrison about fantasy baseball and trading. Jessie posts about how the fridge messes with human behavior by being full and organized all the time. Wanda makes Remy a (non-poisonous) dinner, and they catch up. Hope, still getting acquainted with the mansion, meets Kurt. Jubilee goes to visit Kurt after getting his answer - they don't talk quite as much this time.

2013: Catseye shares her excitement over the fact that with the Professor’s help she was pre-approved for a bank loan and she and Marius can now go looking for a building to rent. Adrienne gives Garrison a hard time about his fantasy baseball record. The t-shirt fairy leaves Topaz a shirt. Kurt leaves Jubilee a drawing done by Marie-Ange of them for their anniversary. Haller checks in on Scott after Topaz’s power accident and the two discuss Topaz’s situation at the mansion before Haller apologizes for messing with Scott’s memories. Somewhere I Belong: Amanda and Topaz talk about what happened, and Topaz breaks down a bit. Frank goes to work still suffering from the affect of being drained by Topaz, and Angelo worries.

2014: Adrienne gives an update on the World Cup pool and poses a fashion-design competition for the mansion. Sooraya texts Angel and Yvette a picture of her dress for the Red X Gala. Yvette and Angel are in the kitchen discussing the fact Yvette called Fred ‘sexy’ in an X-Men team thread and how his reaction might be interpreted when Fred and Kyle arrive in the kitchen as well, which makes her increasingly nervous as the males join in the conversation. Then Kyle and Angel get uncomfortable as Fred turns the tables.


2015: Jean makes an Instagram post of a pic from her trip to the UK. Matt and Angel run into each other at a Pride party.


2017: Sooraya texts Angel to thank her for writing the article. Miles mentions he is dealing with trolls on social media because of it.


