July 2012

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Revision as of 20:18, 17 July 2012 by Rossi (talk | contribs)
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June 2012 *** August 2012
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July 1 - Angel posts wondering why people say redheads don't have souls. Amanda finds out abut Jubliee dating Kurt and she goes to talk to Jubliee about it.

July 2 - Haller and Maddie talk about Genosha and how it did not leave her crazy and Haller shares a secret with her; Haller emails Wanda about vampires and werewolves and if the two species could breed with each other; Lorna posts an entry about the Fourth of July and inviting everyone to come to the all day event; Lorna visits Kurt so that their dogs could have a doggie play date, they talk about Kurt’s new girlfriend and the Fourth of July; Jean kidnaps Garrison and they go to Coney Island, well, almost go there. Jean texts Lorna about probably not making it to the Fourth but thanks her for putting it together; Scott checks up on Tabitha in the Library. Amanda and Wanda catch up over drinks and food and talk about Genosha.

July 3 - Jean leaves a squirrel coffee cup and a bag of ground macadamia nut flavored coffee and a note for Dori. Kurt tries to coax Dori into talking about what she went through in Genosha. Nico posts a comic strip on the journals about Jesus being a swell guy. Layla finds herself at Nico’s door and they talk. Marie-Ange post a picture of animals talking in caps. Dori announces that everyone will be sorted into different houses via the shorting hat on the Fourth of July. Jubliee posts that she is taking in requests for firework displays.

July 4 - At the 4th of July baseball game, Garrison tries to nurse Adrienne through some troubles in the bottom of the second inning. Maddie finally has a proper introduction with Amanda. Wade makes a journal wishing everyone a Happy Fourth; Lorna thanks everyone that helped and everyone for showing up; Matt post about how he hit the baseball and scored and wishes everyone a Happy Independence Day; Kurt delivers Cammie some barbeque at her apartment.

July 5 - Angel posts how she got a hit by a baseball during yesterday’s game and that the fireworks were awesome.

July 6 - Maddie stumbles upon Angel and drafts her into helping with an An Awesomest Idea Ever. Lorna reminds everyone that tomorrow is the Renfair and that she will be leaving tickets at the front gate for all those who wished to go.

July 7 - Renfair: Lorna, Sharon and Sooraya arrive early at the Renfair to set up and get dress. Scott; Megan, Meggan, Sam, Molly and Korvus arrive later and get int costume; Elizabeth Rose shows up at Lorna’s Booth and the fun begins; Molly, Sam, Scott, Megan, Meggan, and Korvus arrive at Lorna’s booth only to find the three woman are missing and only Elizabeth Rose is there; Molly leaves a voice message at the mansion asking for some backup; Amanda and Nico are called in to go and talk about their undercover clothing; Amanda and Nico arrive and find Molly who fills them in. They go to Elizabeth Rose and find out no magic is involved, but there is a way to turn things back to normal; Lorna and Megan show Molly, Nico and Amanda where Korvus’s lair is; Molly and Korvus face off and at the end Elizabeth Rose keeps her word; In the aftermath of Molly’s defeat of Korvus Elizabeth releases the mutants from her spell and they meet her overwhelmed father. Adrienne comes bearing hellabuns to check up on Layla and her recently discovered power sets.

July 8 - Korvus writes on the journals that he is sorry that he was turned into the Black Knight. Wade texts Molly asking if she is alright and if she went to the faire thing. Renfair:Lorna writes saying that she and the Professor had a sit down with Elizabeth Rose and her father to talk about the events that had happened the day before.

Jul 9 - Maddie emails everyone (except Molly) with plans for Molly’s 14th birthday party superhero theme extravaganza.

Jul 10 - Sam runs into Artie jogging early; Sam is cheerful and Artie is sarcastic. Sam posts to the journals, asking that no-one mention the Renfair incident again. Amanda startles Doug into a panic attack and gives him an ultimatum when it turns out he hasn’t been getting help with his post-traumatic stress from Genosha; Doug emails Sofia about getting a referral. Adrienne takes Tandy into town and they chat. Kyle and Dori have a serious talk about Genosha and Dori’s need to talk to someone. Jean posts to the journals, letting people know that Sooraya is in the medlab after collapsing; Angel panics and texts Yvette and Wade about Sooraya.

Jul 11 - Molly posts about the gifts her parents sent her for her birthday; Wade gives her a butterfly hat, a gift voucher to a millinery store and a basket of candy; Wade texts Maddie about the slip ‘n’ slide being ready for the party; Tabitha posts re her superhero costume being actually comfortable; Meggan gives Molly several different hats; Matt wishes Molly a happy birthday and an IOU for a gift when he isn’t grounded. Scott announces on x_team that Sooraya is benched for health reasons; Sooraya posts from the medlab letting people know she’s okay and will be there a few days. A hyperactive Molly posts her thanks for her party.

Jul 12 - Doug tries to hand in his resignation to Wanda and she refuses it, much to his confusion - and relief; Doug lets people know he’ll be out of touch for a few days; Doug announces on x_snowvalley that he’s going on retreat as ordered by his new therapist, Gus Grim. Visiting Matt during his grounding, Amanda discovers he’s been using ecstasy and has to let the staff know; Jean posts to x_staff about Matt’s drug use and announcing that he’ll be in Medlab for withdrawal for the time being. Jean posts to Wanda about Amelia kicking her out of the medlab and asking for a night out; Jean updates to x_staff letting them know Amelia will be the point of contact for Matt. Maddie visits Sooraya in the medlab. Angelo meets Hope and they talk about music. Angelo visits Sooraya and mock-scolds her for not talking to him.

Jul 13 - Megan posts about it being Friday the 13th. Maddie texts Doug about his going away.

Jul 14 - Laurie announces she’s going away with Eamon for three weeks. Jubilee texts Kurt to let him know she’s going on a job for several weeks and will be out of touch. Meggan leaves Korvus his birthday gifts. Haller emails Maddie to ask her to room with Hope during the reorganisation and after much negotiating and an offer of bribery, she agrees.

Jul 15 - Angelo announces the new X-Corps initiative and asks for expressions of interest.

Jul 16 - Scott shows Angelo the new X-Corps offices and they talk about the school and planes.



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July 2012