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Character Journal: x_storm

Real Name: Ororo Munroe

Codename: Storm


First Appearance: pre-X2

Date of Birth: 01/12/80

Place of Birth: New York City, New York, USA

Citizenship: American


Education: B.A. English Education, NYU

Relationship Status: In a relationship with Remy LeBeau

Occupation: Headmistress, Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters

Team Affiliation: X-Men, Team Leader



Ororo is the daughter of David Munroe, a photo-journalist from New York, and N'Dare, a village leader's daughter from a Kenyan tribe. Though she was born in New York, her family moved to Cairo, Egypt, when she was six months old for one of her father's assignments. They lived there for several years, until her parents were killed when a plane crashed into their house during an internal military conflict in Egypt. Ororo was trapped in the rubble for several hours, which resulted in the claustrophobia that still haunts her to this day.

An orphan now, Ororo was luckily befriended by a gang of street urchins and taken in by their leader, a man named Achmed el-Gibar. She was trained as a beggar and later, as a thief and pickpocket, and she performed these tasks for several years in the streets of Cairo.

When she was twelve, Ororo felt the urge to move southwards and so she did, leaving Cairo and hitchhiking and wandering her way through the desert. She ended up in Kenya, where she was adopted as a weather goddess by some of the local tribes. She had interaction with the X-Men when they came to deal with another mutant in the area, but they did not try to recruit her until later. Charles Xavier approached her at a time when the X-Men were in danger and asked her to help, and curious about the rest of the world, Ororo accepted, joining founding students Jean Grey, Scott Summers, Hank McCoy and Warren Worthington.

Over the course of several years Ororo found her place in the X-Men and Xavier's school. She now knows no other place as home, and trusts Xavier and the other X-Men beyond anything else. Ororo did not truly feel she had found her family until she arrived at the school. Xavier became like a father figure to her, and her fellow X-Men were almost like her siblings. She has dedicated herself to their cause, and would do almost anything to protect the mutants there.

Living At The X-Mansion

The events of X2 and the death of her dear friend, Jean, shattered Ororo's serenity. She had a very brief physical relationship with Logan, and became something of a harsh disciplinarian, as Kitty and Jamie discovered following a prank. Scott's absences during this time also added to Ororo's stress, as she found herself leading the X-Men on missions more and more often.

Relief of a sort came with Scott's return to the mansion, but the intervening period had taken its toll on Ororo and she withdrew from the school's social life, surfacing only to lead missions or to assist Scott in various training tasks. Slowly she began to thaw, however, and she began making connections outside of the original X-Men, such as human doctor Madelyn Bartlet. When Alison Blaire was made third co-leader of the X-Men, Ororo's workload was reduced further, and she began reconnecting with students.

Further Information

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 135 lbs.

Eyes: Blue

Hair: White

Other Features: When using her powers, Ororo's eyes take on an all-white cast.


Storm controls a variety of powers, though all of them are in some way related to the weather. The main manifestations of her power include control of temperature, wind pressure and air currents, as well as manipulation of cloud cover and precipitation such as rain, sleet and snow. She can also control and channel electron particles to call and direct lightning. Her control of wind and air pressure allows her to lift both herself and other people/objects in flight, and her body is semi-impervious to extreme temperatures.

Storm's control over her powers is directly linked to her emotional state - as long as she is calm, her control over her abilities is near-perfect. It's only when she panics that she loses control and things get crazy. Most of the time, however, she is able to keep them in check and use them appropriately. She is quite powerful, and Xavier has spent years with her teaching her to properly harness her abilities and to control them calmly.

Her usual range to affect the weather is about a mile radius around where she stands, though with greater concentration she may be able to extend that to an area the size of half the Atlantic coastline.


Ororo's X-Men uniform includes a cape, for use as a flying aid.


Ororo suffers from traumatic claustrophobia generated by the incident that killed her parents.




X-Men Mission: Baltimore

X-Men Mission: Pyro

X-Men Mission: Syria


X-Men Mission: Plant Life

Sound and Fury


X-Men Mission: Bank Heist

X-Men Mission: Nimrod

X-Men Mission: Mercy Flight

X-Men Mission: Mutant Mole People

X-Men Mission: Who's The Thief

Mutants and Molotovs


Not So Plain Jane

X-Men Mission: Without A Trace

X-Men Mission: Haunted House

X-Men Mission: The Empty Quarter

The Mask of Ozymandias

Masque (plot)

The Rictor Effect

Search and Rescue

Believing Is Seeing


Kick It Up

Worlds On Fire

X-Men Mission: Alcatraz

Mommy Dearest Redux



Epiphany Frosts

Red X Mission: Whiteout


This Savage Land



Turf War

Operation: Cruel Country

Voodoo Child


Player: Erin

E-mail: ErinEmail.jpg

AIM: x weatherwitch

Player Icon Base: Vanessa Williams (previously Halle Berry)

Meta Trivia

Erin is the second player to play Ororo.