July 2014

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June 2014 *** August 2014
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Jul 1 - Matt asks for suggestions for the group date he and Rachel are having with Angel, having “bought” her at the auction. Wade emails Cecilia to offer his help with her date with Longshot, as he doesn’t trust the man; Wade texts Doug to see if he’s dug up any more information about Longshot.

Jul 2 - Clint asks Namor about teaching him to sail before his summer classes start. Namor and Clint talk about the necklace from the cave and make plans to hurry things up research-wise. Emma and Adrienne have a sisterly evening in with talk about business and pleasure.

Jul 3 - Laurie invites Doug to the mansion’s 4th of July BBQ. Adrienne emails Garrison about her evening with Emma, Emma’s invitation to Las Vegas, and their trip to Boston for the 4th. Hope posts an update on the Red-X fundraiser. Polaris posts a general invitation to the July 4th BBQ at the mansion. Matt posts an open invitation for breakfast/brunch at Deli-CAT-essen before the BBQ. Longshot’s PR people send Cecilia the asked-for autographed photo; Cecilia leaves the photograph for Clint; Clint emails Cecilia with his thanks. Wade has his check-up with Cecilia and they talk about tattoos.

Jul 4 - Jubilee announces her plans for the 4th of July BBQ. Clint talks to Scott about becoming an X-Man trainee; Scott announces Clint’s traineeship on x_team and the naming thread begins. Jean posts this video explaining the immune system]. Wade texts Cecilia about a dildo hanging from someone’s rear-view mirror that he saw on an ice-cream run.

Jul 5 - Molly posts about the fun she had at the 4th of July BBQ.

Jul 6 - Marie-Ange posts while high on a new painkiller for her powers migraine. Johnny S. posts his 4th of July greetings.

Jul 7 - Sue tells everyone about her graduation gift and asks for ideas on places to go to in Europe.

Jul 8 - Maddie e-mails Yvette to apologize for going off on her the other day. Maddie makes a journal entry to apologize to everyone about her previous comments regarding the auction. Sue makes a journal entry about the Brazil/Germany World Cup game.

Jul 9 -

Jul 10 - Molly makes a journal entry announcing that her birthday is tomorrow.

Jul 11 - Topaz leaves a gift for Molly at her door. Tandy leaves a birthday note for Molly advising she’ll bring her a gift back from Europe and that there’s ice cream in the freezer for her. Sharon leaves Molly two presents and a card for her birthday. Dori finds Molly’s comics in the trash and texts Fred and Doug to help her move it into storage. Matt leaves Molly two presents and a birthday card at her door. Wade leaves Molly a gift at her door, as well as new wheels in the garage for her birthday. Namor leaves a birthday gift for Molly along with a card and $500.00. Hope leaves a birthday gift and a note for Molly. Molly makes a sugar fueled journal entry thanking everyone for their awesome gifts.

Jul 12 - Tandy leaves Namor a birthday gift at his door along with a note. Clint texts Namor to tell him that their pizza is there. Molly leaves a birthday gift and a thank you note for Namor.

Jul 13 -


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July 2014