Template:Selected anniversaries/January 29

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January 29 - Amadeus Cho's Birthday


2004: Shiro comes across a news story in Japan that concerns his family. Betsy returns, tired and sore.

2005: The semi-formal dance. Carlie and Jubilee collaborate on a journal entry about Jubilee's parents.

2006: On Muir Island, Nathan gets a pep talk from MacInnis, takes a walk with Domino, and gets a request from GW's ghost. Lorna calls Scott to find out why he didn't call his brother on his birthday, with the expected bad outcome. Charles Xavier gets some potentially very unsettling news to pass on to Kylun. In New Orleans, Angelo gets to see where Amanda's living now, then they go for a drink. She's doing well, and some measure of closure is achieved for both of them.

2007: Sooraya is puzzled about the Miss America pagent. Forge and Lorna talk about her being unapproachable. Minitooth: Sam emails the team about the plans to take down Sabretooth; Pietro and Nathan talk about his role the next day.

2008: Red X Mission: Whistler: Arriving in Whistler, Jay and John exchange shots as they discover they're to be roomies; Yvette posts about being there; Dani and Jane have fun in the snow.

2009: Jan asks for people's Superbowl plans. Angel suggests Yvette audition for the play. Yvette brings Cammie books and Styrofoam. Garrison and his father have a revealing talk about family, responsibility and identity. Catseye asks Jean-Paul for help with Shakespeare and he convinces her to audition for the play. Catseye has her first day working for Elpis.

2010: Morgan texts Lex, asking for help to move her while she emails Adrienne, asking for the keys to the penthouse. Garrison notifies everyone through his journal that he's taken a selection of specific books and video games and burned them, that no one should attempt to replace them. Angel emails Kevin about her belated 18th birthday and how he needs to accompany her to Silver for celebrations. Jay emails Catseye, saying they need to talk. Manuel emails Jean-Paul by way of greeting and an acknowledgement into what Manuel senses from him emotionally. Adrienne visits Garrison and he explains what he's been doing and she lies with him for company's sake. Crystal writes a reflection in her journal about what Attilan's disappearance meant to her life. Jay tries to tackle Jean-Paul outside of the mansion and misses; something is off with Jean-Paul and Jay can't quite put his finger on it. Lex helps Morgan move out of the Brownstone and into Adrienne's pent house; Lex asks her if she wants to be in a relationship and Morgan reveals her true name, Vanessa, as a proposed yes before they order dinner. Angelo walks Alejandra home after work and the two confess they are not the same people as before, then he asks her to dinner. Jean-Paul nearly runs into Kevin and by way of apology, the two bond over fried chicken. Vanessa seeks out Amanda after moving out, but her attempt to reconcile goes badly.

2011: Californian boy Julian complains about too much snow. Doug is horrified by the NHL's superhero launch. Over drinks, Jean proposes to Warren that he fund the Angels Clinic in District X. Lorna, rather unexpectedly, drags a hungover Garrison out to help her shop at the local flea market.

2012: Korvus and Wade start building a set of armor for Korvus to use.

2013: Sue stops by Angel’s suite to giver her a shiny belated Christmas present. Matt posts a picture of his ‘6 months sober’ token and writes about his determination to stay clean. Tandy emails her suitemates about her decision to move out. Angel visits Doug with donuts and friendliness.

2014: Jean posts about it being cold and spending too much time on Boiler Beach. Billy posts about asking Amanda to warm up the weather a little.


2015: Jubilee texts Kurt about starting to wear Cammie down. Jean calls Xavier to warn him that she plans to get close to Warren in order to get intel on Worthington Industries, which might put the school in danger if Warren discovers she’s a mutant. Wade texts Cecilia to tell her he got a job. Matt and Warren meet when Warren hears Matt, a junior lawyer with WI, bitching about him on the phone; Warren asks Matt to join a new, secret working group to develop anti-discrimination policies for mutants. Clint texts Matt asking if he got fired by Warren.

2016: The Two Sided Coin of Ambition: Sue and Julian are having lunch when they are interrupted by a phone call from Keller Industries security - Hope Abbott has been accused of a security breach; Julian meets with Hope and his security chief and decides to launch a private investigation while Hope is put on administrative leave.