February 2023

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Quentin Quire stunned everyone with his announcement that he had obtained his PI licence and was buying into X-Factor Investigations; a timely change, with Lorna Dane taking an extended absence. The group then got involved in investigating the tip given to them by Inez Temple of leaks within the Mutant Underground putting the organisation at risk.

X-Force also had a potential leak; in response to the abduction of a contact by John Sublime's U-Clinics, the group went on a low-tech road trip to Nevada before splitting into two groups. One group went to Burning Man to remove all trace of their existence from John Sublime's mind (and files) while the other went to Las Vegas to free Jasmine Destine, the unfortunate contact.

Clea Lake departed for Kamar-Taj to join Stephen Strange and Tandy Bowen decided to remain in Europe for the time being. And there were two new arrivals, care of a another X-Factor (and friends) mission: Ben Hammil and Madin.


Feb 1 - Terry texts Darcy for help with setting up for Saint Brigid’s Feast day. Quentin reveals that he's a licensed private investigator and has bought into X-Factor Investigations. Darcy laments feeling old.

Feb 2 - Quentin threatens to fire the XFI office for not following No Pants Thursday.

Feb 3 - Amanda shares that Clea has chosen to stay at Kamar-Taj. Hope A. informs the mansion that Tandy will be staying in Europe. Alex announces he has convinced Lorna to take a break away from the mansion and XFI.

Feb 4 - The Underbelly Project: Quentin, Hope A. and Alex investigate the tip Inez gave them about the Mutant Underground having a leak.

Feb 5 -

Feb 6 -

Feb 7 - Alani treats Felicia to time at the tea room to work on a new skill.

Feb 8 -

Feb 9 -

Feb 10 - Felicia posts some Instagram updates

Feb 11 - Operation: Bat Country: Darcy posts about a call from U-Clinic; Marie-Ange and Kevin S. discuss the news from U-Clinic, and desperate plans are made; Marie-Ange recalls everyone back to the mansion, where their laptops and phones will be confiscated.

Feb 12 - Operation: Bat Country: X-Force gathers to discuss their next move, which will be a road trip to Nevada; Marie-Ange and Jubilee talk transportation.

Feb 13 - Operation: Bat Country: Topaz leaves a note on the library door for Alani, and Darcy also leaves a note for Matt on his door to let them know they’ll be absent.

Feb 14 - April posts a video about pouring molten lead in shells. Alani posts about the death of Captain Cook as a Happy Valentine.

Feb 15 - Operation: Bat Country: Jubilee checks in on vehicles with Artie and Sarah; Doug, Darcy and Nat have a quick meeting to go over low tech options; on the road, Kevin S. and Sarah talk about her job and Kevin S. breaks out the CB speak; Darcy and Topaz experiment with her magic bag and feed it coffee; Doug later explains Burning Man to Topaz, with a story of his own; later that night Marie-Ange and Amanda snuggle in the tight confines of the RV. Sooraya emails Jean about Cam, a young mutant with a mental mutation.

Feb 16 - Operation: Bat Country: Driving late, Artie and Darcy swap thoughts on small town living; in the RV, Topaz and Felicia get a chance to relax; Artie keeps collecting bikes, how many can he strap to the back of the RV? Jubilee meanwhile throws herself into the tourist vibe, bringing Amanda along for the ride.

Feb 17 - Operation: Bat Country: Namor is sent a postcard by Gabe; Kevin S., who apparently never sleeps, is putting Darcy, who has had all the caffeine in the world, to bed; Amanda and Topaz talk about the Destines; Marie-Ange and Kevin S. discuss why so much of Kansas is filled with corn; Felicia and Kevin S. stop at a McDonald’s drive-in in the middle of nowhere. Clint emails eXcalibur about moving their DR session, and about improving portal security.

Feb 18 - Operation: Bat Country: Doug and Amanda buy all the fruit; Marie-Ange and Doug dig a couple of very old identities when playing bait for speed trap cops; Jubilee is Jubilee. Kevin S. is… Kevin S.; and there’s talk of caffeine and music.

Feb 19 - Operation: Bat Country: Gabe sends Quentin a postcard from the Texas-Oklahoma border; on a break from driving, Jubilee and Gabe talk for a little on the RV roof. Chicago is Burning: In Chicago, a group of mutants who have turned away from human society rob a store, and among their ranks is a teen runaway named Ben Hammil.

Feb 20 - Operation: Bat Country: Gabe passes Felicia a note begging not to make him sit next to Jubilee for the remainder of the trip; Quentin texts Gabe to ask what’s up with the postcard; Darcy and Kevin S. re-enact one of the classic road trip movies; on the last leg, Darcy gets whimsical about the RV’s CB call sign, Doug explains the joke about Thor’s hammer, and they discover a new way to eat Girl Scout cookies; it’s dawn when they reach their destination - the mutant brothel known as the X-Ranch; Stacy X follows up with Gabriel after his abrupt departure from the group welcome; Amanda goes out for a smoke break and finds Stacy out on the deck, where they chat about what else - Kevin S.; The Vegas crew (minus Gabriel, plus Marie-Ange) meet up with Stacy for intel and make a plan almost immediately after arriving at the X-Ranch; X-Force arrives at Burning Man and set up camp. Chicago is Burning: Quentin texts Alex, Sooraya, and Angelo about a new mutant manifestation in Chicago.

Feb 21 - Operation: Bat Country: Kevin S., Felicia, and Topaz discuss how they’re going to get him into the clinic; while the diner crew gets Kevin S. into the clinic, Gabriel & Darcy get lunch and do some watching, only losing a little of their appetites; Marie-Ange catches up with Natasha, who gives her info on how the richer half - and especially John Sublime - do Burning Man. Chicago is Burning: X-Factor (and friends) reach out to their Underground contact in Chicago looking for Ben Hammil. Matt makes a post about being stuffed with pancakes on Fat Tuesday.

Feb 22 - Operation: Bat Country: Doug and Jubilee visit the U-Camp to set up the data tap; Amanda, Sarah and Artie work the crowds and gather info on the “health clinic” van while getting in the way of anyone going in; Felicia and Gabriel infiltrate the clinic and rescue Jasmine Destine; Later that evening, Topaz and Darcy break into the clinic to rescue Kevin S. and get the data; the job finished, Darcy takes Kevin S. for some much-needed fuel to repair the damage done at the clinic. Chicago is Burning: Madin encounters a naggingly familiar face at the foodbank; Postman and his crew come to a tough decision about what to do next - he doesn't see staying on there as safe after Eve botched the alarms on the convenience store raid; Following the granting of Shatter and Postman's final wishes on the surface, Eve's takes the group in a drastic and sudden new turn. Clint texts Matt about accompanying him going back to a nice place Fi once brought him.

Feb 23 - Operation: Bat Country: Darcy texts Marie-Ange a cryptic message; X-Force makes its move - Marie-Ange deploys the distraction and van teams; Amanda and Wanda set up the distraction and the fireworks begin; While the distraction is going on, Jubilee, Doug and Nat take the opportunity to raid John Sublime’s personal tent and wipe all information he might have about X-Force and Jasmine Destine; With the staff distracted, Artie and Sarah raid the U-Clinic van. Chicago is Burning: The media posts an article about a dog being stolen during a break-in at Oak Park Shelter; following last night's dog shelter break in, X-Factor (and friends) finally have a lead on the missing boy, Ben; Madin leads them on an exploration of the Chicago tunnels; after last night's events - and Eve's murder of her pimp - Ben decides to say goodbye to his grandmother as he now feels there's no way at all that he can stay; Quire, Havok, Dust and Skin, with Madin tagging along, head to the site of the police disturbance at Ben's grandmother's house; meanwhile, in the house, they need to get moving ; outside, a plan to remove the police threat is made and executed; safely away from Ben's grandma's burning house, they regroup; Ben is offered a place to stay - Chicago isn't a viable option - and Madin, who had tagged along until now, reluctantly asks to come along too. Terry texts Kyle asking for help moving and storing ¾ of a cow. Terry makes a post seeking volunteers to help install a garden in District X in April, and for helping the Centre’s programs in general.

Feb 24 - Operation: Bat Country: Kevin S. and Darcy opt to stay at the X-Ranch while the Burning Man crew finishes up, and Darcy ends up taking on her first network, with details of the particulars TBD. Maya meets a new arrival at the mansion, and Madin's first day doesn't go fantastically, all things considered.

Feb 25 -

Feb 26 - Felicia posts an Instagram story on her account about being home. Terry texts Jubilee about her legendary food map of NYC.

Feb 27

Feb 28 - Following X-Force's return from Burning Man, Marie-Ange and Garrison work to de-dreadlock Amanda's hair.


Case File: The Underbelly Project

Operation: Bat Country

Chicago is Burning

External Links

February 2023