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Moa tarot.png
Moment of Awesome - Marie-Ange Colbert/Tarot: Trapped in New Orleans, hunted by Candra, and with Garrison Kane dead, Marie-Ange faces some terrible truths.

Amanda shuddered and looked to the hole she'd dug, the fresh dirt dark against the grass. Tante had known. Of course she had known. She gave Marie-Ange, still standing on the porch of the shack, an agonised look. "We have... we have to bury him."

"You made her dig a grave?" Marie-Ange's eye couldn't leave the shovel, the silt caking Amanda's hands, Tante's calm expression. "You knew this entire time and did... " She struggled to keep her hands still, to not pull at her hair or pluck a card from a hidden pocket. "More of the never change the future, don't use your precognition, you... you've been telling me this shit for decades and now Garrison is dead, and we could have known. I saw it and you did and you made Amanda dig a grave for her friend, what right do you have to talk about honoring a man you've never met? To ask us to bury him here, as far from his home as possible, after he died trying to save us? No." She looked at Amanda, at Jean, at Tante. "We take him home, we tell his father, he's already grieved once, and now I have to tell him again that his son is dead and I cannot even give him a funeral? I cannot."

Tante's expression didn't so much as twitch while Marie-Ange tossed her words back at her, crashing against and washing away like a wave on a rocky shore. "De future isn't built on actions and events. It is built on choices. Changing it means taking dose choices away from someone else. Even for de best of reasons. Because den it stops being de future and starts being de future dat you and you alone want. Is dat de power jah want, Marie-Ange? Where de only person dat really ever chooses is you?"

Finally, she sighed, the first crack in her seemingly impenetrable serenity. "Dat man is dead and de three of you are marked by Candra's men. Jah chances of escaping are significantly less wit' carrying dat body along. Do jah want to risk wasting his sacrifice or will de three people dat love him give him dat final honour?" Her eyes moved from each of the three. "Dat's a choice only jah can make."

Jean hadn't spoken much after the dust had settled, or in this case, the blood had started to dry. She heard the arguments back and forth, staring down at Garrison's body in her lap. He had already started to go cold.

She brushed a few stray hairs away from his forehead, closing her eyes for a moment before letting out a breath. "She's right. There's too much heat right now. We can come back for him. Once we've gotten reinforcements," she said.

Amanda exhaled and climbed slowly to her feet, absently brushing the chunks of broken safety glass off her knees, ignoring the small cuts some left behind. Then she turned to her girlfriend, looking at her beseechingly. "Angie?"

"It's not right." Marie-Ange shook her head. "It's not right, we made choices, and they were all wrong. We can't leave him." She sat down abruptly on the edge of the porch, and crumpled her face into her hands. "He's been all wrong since Olivier, and everywhere we turn, we get nothing." Her shoulders shook - but her voice was steady, firm and furious. "Even if we leave, even without Garrison, Candra's men bring this nightmare back to the mansion."

"Then we don't go back to the mansion. But Tante's right. We can't take him with us. And we can't leave him to the system, just another John Doe." Amanda's voice was steady, but her expression was torn with grief. "I hate it too. But what other choice do we have?"

Marie-Ange looked up, rage and grief ravaging her face for a moment, and then went frozen, absolutely still. "None, all our choices have been neatly stolen from us. Garrison's choices were stolen from him, and now we are cemented here." She stood. "If we do this, we do it correctly. A proper burial, as much as we can." She glanced up at the sky, still heavy with clouds as though a storm could break any moment. "No Valhalla. He lifted that hammer once, I am fearful he will get caught up in some eternal warrior feast. How do we stop that?"

"Dis is my bayou. Any Gods or monsters come through Tante first before dey get to de dead. If dey have any sense." Tante said, and for a moment, the force of her personality rolled over them; the certainty of her words as absolute truth. She nodded at the shovels with her chin. "It time to get to work."

Today in XProject:

January 25

2015: Various newscasts about the manifestation of Roxanne Washington appear. Gabriel decides to take out his frustration physically on some unsuspecting bar-hoppers, which attracts Spider-Miles's attention. Arthur posts about being at Yellowstone. Doug texts people about his therapist at least being the same guy. Gabriel posts about meeting two Spidermen. Lorna introduces herself on the journals. Doug emails Angel pointing out the irony of someone else welcoming Lorna to the madhouse. Adrienne goes to find North, hoping to talk to a familiar face, but North is not talking and her efforts to get some conversation out of him are in vain, which frustrate her immensely.

2016: Darcy can relate to this sloth. Gabriel observes there are people who think the world is flat and some who blame mutants for the “round earth fallacy”. X-Men Mission: Fall of the Mutants: Tensions are rising in the Morlock tunnels, and when Healer is killed and others taken, Callisto takes action.

2017: With Extreme Prejudice: Miles texts Matt about identifying Hanrahan, one of the weapons dealers, as a local real estate developer building condos in the area.


2019: Jubilee posts asking who's broken their resolutions already.



2022: The News reports NYC will be entering a blizzard watch on the 28th.


2024: Clarice is enjoying her time away. Doug brings Marie-Ange tacos and they talk about what to do about Wade Wilson.

2004: Something Wicked: Shiro talks to Betsy and is convinced not to tell Sarah what happened during the invasion. Moira offers to teach Marie how to shoot. Students and staff get together and build an ice rink.

2005: Brood: Remy takes Marie-Ange and Amanda to New Orleans to train with Tante Mattie. Nathan has the breakthrough in his training Alison has been pushing him towards. The students and teachers have a waterfight. Manuel helps Dani with her powers. Hank brings a giant robotic squid to the school for Forge to work on.

2006: Nathan invites Alison to meet him outside, well past midnight, to see what he showed to Haroun the previous night. They have a moment. Then they go flying. All of Nathan's pens go missing. Lorna enjoys a normal life in Hawaii. Jamie asks Jean about Scott's old codenames, and is told more than he ever wanted to know. Jamie takes Miles on Catseye's bowling night (organised to let the kids meet her brother), after getting Alison's permission. Jamie announces his trainee status to the rest of the team.

2007: Betsy announces she is going back to England for personal reasons. Minitooth: Marie expresses her concern about Kyle to Scott, Ororo and Samson. When It All Goes Wrong Again: Haller announces a field trip to the Metropolitan Museum.

2008: X-Men Mission: Opera Redux: Juggernaut and Dominion raid a house for supplies, and instead are offered hospitality and medical assistance for Blink; Juggernaut arranges 'transport' in the form of a burned-out tank and his own strength. Sooraya visits Nathan and starts him thinking about the incident with Tara Trask. Blessed Are The Peacemakers: Scott and Jean have a meeting with Tanya Callery and Peter Lakatos, who was Veres' commanding officer and is the potential team leader for Hungary's team; Callery reveals she is going to go undercover with Trask's group to uncover their plans.

2009: Lil and Adrienne play Wii and talk sexuality. Amanda emails Angelo about Spain and Morgan's departure and asks Jane out for that gossip and ice cream session. Yvette welcomes the newcomers to the school, asks Jay if she can visit and asks if anyone else is interested in the Midsummer's Night's Dream performance; a practice reading is suggested. Shiva: North and Doug meet and discuss the decrypted data, revealing the Shiva program, a failsafe to deal with rogue agents and further information is needed. Walking Ghosts: Crystal encounters Nathan by the lake and is disturbed enough by his demeanour to email Jean and Amelia with her concerns. Amanda and Jane catch up over ice cream and talk about their romantic lives. Cammie announces herself on the journals. Callie suggests a reading for the play on x_students. Morgan calls Laurie and texts Adrienne from Africa. Jean-Paul cancels his classes due to his injured throat. Crystal brings Jean-Paul food and they make paper airplanes.

2010: Kevin comes across Nico practising magic and they wind up going to the Waffle House for waffles and talk about powers and crushes; Bobby also finds Nico training in the gym and takes her to the Danger Room instead; in the woods, Nico startles Catseye by blowing up logs and making thorns and asks her to promise not to tell Amanda. Morgan texts Jean-Paul about meeting Nick and mentions he didn't deserve threatening or shooting. Morgan emails Adrienne about leasing her penthouse and Lex about helping her move out of the brownstone. Jubilee mentions on x_snowvalley that Jean-Paul has been doing nothing of interest. Laurie emails Morgan about not visiting her on her most recent trip to the mansion and movies are arranged; Laurie asks Catseye to join her and Morgan at the movies; Catseye emails Nick about the movie-going. Catseye goes to nap with Jay and finds Warren there with him and inadvertently lets slip about Jay's nightmares; Jay reacts angrily, but Warren calms him down.

2011: In the early hours, Jean-Paul visits Kevin to avoid being alone after the X-Factor mission and asks Kevin to destroy his old Alpha Flight suit; Kevin's mutation is still acting up, it seems, as he has trouble with it at first. Fianchetto: Jean-Paul posts to the x_factoragency comm that they left no trace of their presence in Porter's safehouse and asks if the rescued girls are all right; Doug makes a full report to the x_snowvalley comm; Doug emails Amanda, X-Factor and Tabitha, thanking them for their help and revealing his sister wants nothing more to do with him and will be transferring to a West Coast school; Vanessa announces bonuses to everyone in X-Factor from Doug's payment for their services (care of Porter's bank account). Vanessa and Laura talk about Laura's killing of two of Porter's henchmen the night before and what it means for the cheerleader/genetically designed weapon, before Jean-Paul breaks up the serious talk with his entrance. Megan emails Artie to wish him a happy Dydd Santes Dwynwen, the Welsh version of Valentine's Day. Molly meets Megan and is fascinated by her wings. Warren emails Jean-Paul about his sudden departure the day before (in response to Katie's disappearance) and they arrange another District X trip to look at real estate.

2012: Warren and Angelo discuss Angelo's future plans on running for state office. Jubilee checks up on Doug after Operation: Teenage Wasteland. Kurt announces Nick has moved to Muir Island. Sarah V. announces to the world how awesome Layla is. Lorna announces she is taking a trip over the weekend.

2013: Tandy emails Adrienne about feeling under the weather and missing classes for the day. Clint texts Tandy to ask how she’s doing. Angel posts a picture of her ferrets and Lorna’s dog. Clint emails Laurie about learning archery. Clint brings Tandy something to eat and encourages her to see a doctor, but she declines. Clint and Johnny talk about their powers and training after playing Frisbee. Logan emails Scott about his findings regarding Clint’s mutation during their lesson. Logan runs into Matt and they have a training session. Amanda checks up Billy, and they discuss long jumps, potatoes and chaos in general. Artie talks to Amanda and Jennifer about the possibility of tracking down his birth parents.

2014: Namor and Hope meet in the sun room and get into a fight over what it means to be noble.

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  • The Curse of the Man-Thing!: Rictor brings home a cutting... and a whole lot of trouble!

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