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''(Write-up on what the X-Men are, why they were created, etc etc)''
''This page is about the Phase 2 incarnation of the team. For other uses, see [[X-Men (disambiguation)]].''
| title  = X-Men
| image  = xmenteam.jpg
| firstseen = [[January 2015]]
====Current X-Men====
A proactive force designed to stop mutant terrorism and face hostile organizations. The X-Men represent the main arm of Xavier's in first contact and threat response. X-Men teams are flexible, deploying in groups based on the optimum power mix and abilities. A group of senior X-Men take over the leadership role in the field, again based on best suited to the circumstances. X-Men deploy for a wide range of issues, some of which are humanitarian, some combat based, and some are about safeguarding other mutants. Essentially maintaining a similar force as now with a similar mission, but willing to be more proactive and covert in the face of a much less supportive public.
'''Field Leaders:''' [[Cyclops]] (''currently on stress leave''), [[Storm]]
'''Roster:''' [[Cable]], [[Juggernaut]], [[Logan | Wolverine]], [[Nightcrawler]], [[Banshee]], [[Rogue]], [[Cannonball]], [[Husk]], [[Polaris]]
{| border="0" cellpadding="2"
| [[Image:placeholder.gif|100px]]
| '''[[Theresa Cassidy]]'''<br>''Banshee''
| [[Image: Xmen jpc.jpg]]
| '''[[Jean-Phillipe Colbert]]'''<br>''Bevatron''
|[[Image: NewScott sm.png|100px]]
| '''[[Scott Summers]]'''<br>''Cyclops''
|'''[[Alison Blaire]]'''<br>''Dazzler''
|  [[Image: Xm garrison.jpg|100px]]
| '''[[Garrison Kane]]'''<br>''Dominion''
|[[Image: Sooraya headshot.png|100px]]
| '''[[Sooraya Qadir]]'''<br>''Dust''
|  [[Image: XM_Echo.png ‎]]
| '''[[Maya Lincoln-Lopez]]'''<br>''Echo''
| [[Image: MariusXMen.png ]]
|'''[[Marius Laverne]]'''<br>''Emplate''<br>
| [[Image: Xm haller.jpg|100px]]
| '''[[David Haller]]'''<br>''Legion''<br>
| [[Image:placeholder.gif|100px]]
| '''[[Barbara Morse|Bobbi Morse]]'''<br>''Mockingbird''
| [[Image: Xm kurt.jpg|100px]]
| '''[[Kurt Sefton|Kurt Wagner]]'''<br>''Nightcrawler''
| [[Image: x-man-2.jpg|100px]]
|'''[[Jean Grey]]'''<br>''Phoenix''
| [[Image: XM-SpectrumDL.png|100px]]
| '''[[Monica Rambeau]]'''<br>''Spectrum''
| [[Image: Xm_kyle.png]]
| '''[[Kyle Gibney]]'''<br>''Wildchild''
| [[Image: Xm logan.jpg|100px]]
| '''[[Logan]]'''<br>''Wolverine''
====Former X-Men====
During [[Magneto|Erik's]] time as co-headmaster at the school, he pushed for a more martial angle to powers training, teaching the students to fight with their powers as well as control them, leading to the creation of the Danger Room. [[Charles Xavier|Charles]] was reluctant - the concept was contrary to his dream of coexistence - but he agreed that in an anti-mutant world, their students needed the ability to protect themselves and others. Following their schism in 1994, Charles not only continued this training, but began plans for a strike force, fearing the path Magneto was heading down and seeing the need to be ready to counter him.
[[Jean Grey]] (''on sabbatical''), [[Dazzler]] (''West Coast Annex''), [[Jetstream]] (''West Coast Annex''), [[Jubilee| Firecracker]] (''West Coast Annex''), [[Psylocke]] (''X-Force'')
The team - called the X-Men after a school joke - was officially formed in 1999, with Cyclops as its leader. It was none too soon, with Magneto and his [[Brotherhood of Mutants]] attempting to turn the world's leaders into mutants in November of 2002, and then in May 2003, joining forces (briefly) with the team against [[William Stryker]] and [[X2|his plan to kill all mutants]]. The X-Men were able to stop both incidents, although it wasn't an easy task.
[[Kylun]], [[Northstar]], [[Phase]]
Membership is entirely voluntary, but does require a minimum level of training and fitness. Recruits are taken from the [[Generation X]] members, as well as from individuals with previous training who come to [[The Mansion|the mansion]]. Each member is required to do regular comms room duty, scanning various media and law enforcement sources for potential issues, and to participate in regular Danger Room training, both as individuals and as teams. [[Dominion]] and [[Cyclops]] are responsible for programming the training scenarios.
The X-Men work in conjunction with the other teams, often following up on information provided by [[X-Force]] in situations too large for them to handle, or providing back up for [[X-Factor]] (or passing on cases that they don't have the resources to follow up). And of course, when the students get in trouble, it's all hands on deck to get them out again.
===Regular Duties===
===Team Structure===
'''Team duties:'''
- Comms duty
The wide range of missions dealt with by the team requires that the team itself be flexible and cover a wide range of options. There are also the legal ramifications involved with exposing prospective new team members to danger, plus the changing nature of the team roster over time. To that end, the X-Men have developed the following structure:
- Scheduling Danger Room rotations and programming scenarios
- Training exercises (the [[Danger Room]], basic physical and combat training, powers training, etc)
====X-Men Gold, X-Men Blue and X-Men Black====
- Reviewing and updating team records (mission logs, threat assessment, villain profiles)
Formerly, the X-Men were organized into three sub-teams, each with a Field Leader and secondary leader, informally referred to as the "CO" and "XO". These leadership teams (Cyclops/Cannonball, Storm/Nightcrawler, and Dazzler/Jetstream) usually selected the appropriate team members for a mission depending on mission parameters.
- Familiarization with equipment such as the DR, the [[Blackbird]], the comms system, etc.
'''Investigation of:'''
- Reports of violent manifestations
- Tips and intel brought by friends/informants, [[X-Force]] or [[X-Factor]]
With the departure of Dazzler and Jetstream, as well as several other active X-Men, the concept of separate X-Men teams has been abandoned.
- Media reports about mutants and mutant activities
The criteria to become an X-Men trainee are as follows:
'''[[Danger Room]]''': the specialised training room.
* Be eighteen years of age '''OR''' have written permission to train from your parent/guardian.
* To have graduated high school if a student at Xavier's.
'''[[Blackbird]]''': the modified jet used to travel to missions.
The training regimen to join the X-Men involves studying past missions, individual powers work, as well as a training program designed to test not only a potential X-Man's capability to use their powers effectively, but also their judgement and discipline. After successfully completing training to the satisfaction of the team leaders and passing both physical and psychological evaluation, a trainee can be moved onto the full team roster. A trainee cannot be made a full X-Man before the age of eighteen.
As trainees, potential X-Men are often given a code name of a humorous nature, as part of a good-natured "hazing" from their seniors. Trainee code names are designed to acclimate trainees to the idea that as X-Men, they are expected to put their personal agendas aside and operate as a team.  
'''Uniforms''': The standard X-Men uniform is a black leather jacket and pants combination, with minor design customizations for each team member. The uniform design includes [[SHIELD]] liquid body armor and boron carbide composite, introduced initially by [[Clint Barton]] to [[Miles Morales]] and [[Peter Parker]] [https://xp-logs.dreamwidth.org/3686821.html#cutid1 for their Spider-suits] and then later made accessible to the X-Men and [[:Category: Teams|other teams]], although the X-Men are the only team who wear a combat uniform. These additions mean the team uniforms are lighter and more flexible as well as having increased protection. The uniform is also insulated against temperature extremes, and is lightweight enough to be worn year-round.
Trainees do go on missions, generally as observers or to fulfill vital roles with as little personal risk as possible. They are expected to obey instructions, especially those regarding staying out of danger - disobeying such instructions can be reason to rescind the person's trainee status.
Various team members have customized their uniforms to better utilize or focus aspects of their powers. Polaris' uniform has approximately 40 pounds of steel incorporated into the lining that she can manipulate with her powers. Wildchild's uniform has special boots which have the toes cut off so he can use his foot claws. Nightcrawler's has a sheath for his tail and lightweight, specialised shoes (much like what gymnasts wear) to allow him to cling to walls and such.
'''Current trainees:''' [[Siryn| Soundwave]], [[Blink| Tinky Winky]], [[Skin| Sancho]]
'''Communicators''': The standard X-Men communicator resembles a slide-top cell phone, and is capable of accessing most existing cellular networks as well as the X-Men's dedicated communications network. Each communicator has a GPS locator integrated into it, as well as a wireless earpiece that can be worn when necessary.
'''Telepathic Switchboard''': The team telepaths have been trained in "telepathic switchboarding" techniques, for use in situations where communicators may be unreliable or spoken communication is impractical. The procedure consists of a temporary telepathic linking between team members, using the telepath as a sort of switchboard operator to convey surface thoughts between members of the link.
''(description of the auxiliary system, why it exists, etc)''
[[Forge]], [[Wanda Maximoff | Scarlet Witch]], [[Tarot]], [[Cypher]]
'''[[Doomsday files]]''': Scott's personal training scenarios.
===Medical Facilities===
The infirmary complex is located in the basement of the mansion. It contains a full surgical operating theater, as well as a separate series of rooms (colloquially known as "Medlab") for specialized treatment dealing with severe medical cases or those related to mutations. There are a number of private recovery rooms, as well as offices for the medical personnel on staff. There is a general examination room/waiting room that is accessible by all mansion residents, with the remainder of the medical complex generally restricted to staff or those students assisting the doctors.
====West Coast Annex====
Specialized facilities include:
*The Box: A small room intended for the short-term recovery of psionically-sensitive mutants. "The Box", as it has been termed, was designed by Charles Xavier and [[Magneto - Phase 1| Erik Lehnsherr]] in such a manner that psionic powers do not extend beyond its boundaries, thus effectively sequestering a psi from the rest of the world for purposes of containment or recuperation.
*A reinforced room designed to withstand superhuman strength and destructive powers. This room has been shown to be able to contain a mutant of Rogue's physical strength.
===External Links===
[https://xp-teams.dreamwidth.org/tag/t:+x-men xp_teams posts]
Between 2003 and the beginning of 2005 [[Pete Wisdom]] provided his experience and contacts in espionage to the team, investigating potential threats, trying to locate villains such as [[Magneto]] and the [[Brotherhood of Mutants]], going with the team on missions that required a certain degree of stealth that his training had provided. However, with his departure in [[February 2005]] and [[Hellfire and Damnation| apparent defection to the Hellfire Club]], a gap appeared in the team's resources.
[https://xp-communication.dreamwidth.org/tag/t:+x-men xp_communications]
[https://xp-journal.dreamwidth.org/tag/t:+x-men xp_journal posts]
The gap was filled by [[Remy LeBeau]], who was seeking to [[Devil In My Mind| atone for his crimes as Gambit]] by keeping the school safe. He recruited [[Jake Gavin]] and [[Betsy Braddock]] to assist him and during 2005 they attempted to counter any possible threat caused by Pete's defection as well as continue the work he had done.
[https://xp-logs.dreamwidth.org/tag/t:+x-men xp_logs posts]
With [[Opening Salvo| the departure of Pete, Betsy and Remy]] and the return of Jake to [[Infonet]], the team largely relies on its own resources for intelligence, including connections with various police and government agencies and [[Cable]]'s contacts from his days as a mercenary. There is also informal co-operation between [[X-Force]] and the X-Men, although given the public profile of many of the X-Men missions, this co-operation remains covert.
[[Danger Room]]
[[Situation Room]]
[[Uniforms/Leathers]] ''(include all the specialisations - eg, Polaris' extra metal, Cable's ceramic plating, etc)''
Comms: ''Description of the sub-vocal comm system''
Telepathic Switchboard: ''Description''
[[Doomsday files]] ''Scott's files O' Doom''
[[http://community.livejournal.com/x_team/profile| x_team]] The team-only community for discussion of missions, training and other team-related matters.
[[Category: Teams]]
[[Category: Teams]]
[[Category: Phase 2]]
[[Category: Plots]]
[[Category: Characters]]

Latest revision as of 09:29, 7 February 2025

This page is about the Phase 2 incarnation of the team. For other uses, see X-Men (disambiguation).

First Seen: January 2015

A proactive force designed to stop mutant terrorism and face hostile organizations. The X-Men represent the main arm of Xavier's in first contact and threat response. X-Men teams are flexible, deploying in groups based on the optimum power mix and abilities. A group of senior X-Men take over the leadership role in the field, again based on best suited to the circumstances. X-Men deploy for a wide range of issues, some of which are humanitarian, some combat based, and some are about safeguarding other mutants. Essentially maintaining a similar force as now with a similar mission, but willing to be more proactive and covert in the face of a much less supportive public.


Placeholder.gif Theresa Cassidy
Xmen jpc.jpg Jean-Phillipe Colbert
NewScott sm.png Scott Summers
XM-DazzlerMP.png Alison Blaire
Xm garrison.jpg Garrison Kane
Sooraya headshot.png Sooraya Qadir
XM Echo.png Maya Lincoln-Lopez
MariusXMen.png Marius Laverne
Placeholder.gif Madin
Xm haller.jpg David Haller
Placeholder.gif Bobbi Morse
Xm kurt.jpg Kurt Wagner
X-man-2.jpg Jean Grey
XM-SpectrumDL.png Monica Rambeau
Xm kyle.png Kyle Gibney
Xm logan.jpg Logan


During Erik's time as co-headmaster at the school, he pushed for a more martial angle to powers training, teaching the students to fight with their powers as well as control them, leading to the creation of the Danger Room. Charles was reluctant - the concept was contrary to his dream of coexistence - but he agreed that in an anti-mutant world, their students needed the ability to protect themselves and others. Following their schism in 1994, Charles not only continued this training, but began plans for a strike force, fearing the path Magneto was heading down and seeing the need to be ready to counter him.

The team - called the X-Men after a school joke - was officially formed in 1999, with Cyclops as its leader. It was none too soon, with Magneto and his Brotherhood of Mutants attempting to turn the world's leaders into mutants in November of 2002, and then in May 2003, joining forces (briefly) with the team against William Stryker and his plan to kill all mutants. The X-Men were able to stop both incidents, although it wasn't an easy task.

Membership is entirely voluntary, but does require a minimum level of training and fitness. Recruits are taken from the Generation X members, as well as from individuals with previous training who come to the mansion. Each member is required to do regular comms room duty, scanning various media and law enforcement sources for potential issues, and to participate in regular Danger Room training, both as individuals and as teams. Dominion and Cyclops are responsible for programming the training scenarios.

The X-Men work in conjunction with the other teams, often following up on information provided by X-Force in situations too large for them to handle, or providing back up for X-Factor (or passing on cases that they don't have the resources to follow up). And of course, when the students get in trouble, it's all hands on deck to get them out again.

Regular Duties

Team duties:

- Comms duty

- Scheduling Danger Room rotations and programming scenarios

- Training exercises (the Danger Room, basic physical and combat training, powers training, etc)

- Reviewing and updating team records (mission logs, threat assessment, villain profiles)

- Familiarization with equipment such as the DR, the Blackbird, the comms system, etc.

Investigation of:

- Reports of violent manifestations

- Tips and intel brought by friends/informants, X-Force or X-Factor

- Media reports about mutants and mutant activities


Danger Room: the specialised training room.

Blackbird: the modified jet used to travel to missions.

Uniforms: The standard X-Men uniform is a black leather jacket and pants combination, with minor design customizations for each team member. The uniform design includes SHIELD liquid body armor and boron carbide composite, introduced initially by Clint Barton to Miles Morales and Peter Parker for their Spider-suits and then later made accessible to the X-Men and other teams, although the X-Men are the only team who wear a combat uniform. These additions mean the team uniforms are lighter and more flexible as well as having increased protection. The uniform is also insulated against temperature extremes, and is lightweight enough to be worn year-round.

Various team members have customized their uniforms to better utilize or focus aspects of their powers. Polaris' uniform has approximately 40 pounds of steel incorporated into the lining that she can manipulate with her powers. Wildchild's uniform has special boots which have the toes cut off so he can use his foot claws. Nightcrawler's has a sheath for his tail and lightweight, specialised shoes (much like what gymnasts wear) to allow him to cling to walls and such.

Communicators: The standard X-Men communicator resembles a slide-top cell phone, and is capable of accessing most existing cellular networks as well as the X-Men's dedicated communications network. Each communicator has a GPS locator integrated into it, as well as a wireless earpiece that can be worn when necessary.

Telepathic Switchboard: The team telepaths have been trained in "telepathic switchboarding" techniques, for use in situations where communicators may be unreliable or spoken communication is impractical. The procedure consists of a temporary telepathic linking between team members, using the telepath as a sort of switchboard operator to convey surface thoughts between members of the link.

Doomsday files: Scott's personal training scenarios.

Medical Facilities

The infirmary complex is located in the basement of the mansion. It contains a full surgical operating theater, as well as a separate series of rooms (colloquially known as "Medlab") for specialized treatment dealing with severe medical cases or those related to mutations. There are a number of private recovery rooms, as well as offices for the medical personnel on staff. There is a general examination room/waiting room that is accessible by all mansion residents, with the remainder of the medical complex generally restricted to staff or those students assisting the doctors.

Specialized facilities include:

  • The Box: A small room intended for the short-term recovery of psionically-sensitive mutants. "The Box", as it has been termed, was designed by Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr in such a manner that psionic powers do not extend beyond its boundaries, thus effectively sequestering a psi from the rest of the world for purposes of containment or recuperation.
  • A reinforced room designed to withstand superhuman strength and destructive powers. This room has been shown to be able to contain a mutant of Rogue's physical strength.

External Links

xp_teams posts


xp_journal posts

xp_logs posts