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Formerly, the X-Men were organized into three sub-teams, each with a Field Leader and secondary leader, informally referred to as the "CO" and "XO". These leadership teams (Cyclops/Cannonball, Storm/Nightcrawler, and Dazzler/Jetstream) usually selected the appropriate team members for a mission depending on mission parameters.
Formerly, the X-Men were organized into three sub-teams, each with a Field Leader and secondary leader, informally referred to as the "CO" and "XO". These leadership teams (Cyclops/Cannonball, Storm/Nightcrawler, and Dazzler/Jetstream) usually selected the appropriate team members for a mission depending on mission parameters.
With the departure of Dazzler and Jetstream, the concept of separate X-Men teams has been abandoned.
With the departure of Dazzler and Jetstream, as well as several other active X-Men, the concept of separate X-Men teams has been abandoned.

Revision as of 10:57, 18 September 2006

(Write-up on what the X-Men are, why they were created, etc etc)


Current X-Men

Field Leaders: Cyclops (currently on stress leave), Storm

Roster: Cable, Juggernaut, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Banshee, Rogue, Cannonball, Husk, Polaris

Former X-Men

Jean Grey (on sabbatical), Dazzler (West Coast Annex), Jetstream (West Coast Annex), Firecracker (West Coast Annex)

Kylun, Northstar, Phase, Meltdown

Team Structure

X-Men Gold, X-Men Blue and X-Men Black

Formerly, the X-Men were organized into three sub-teams, each with a Field Leader and secondary leader, informally referred to as the "CO" and "XO". These leadership teams (Cyclops/Cannonball, Storm/Nightcrawler, and Dazzler/Jetstream) usually selected the appropriate team members for a mission depending on mission parameters.

With the departure of Dazzler and Jetstream, as well as several other active X-Men, the concept of separate X-Men teams has been abandoned.


The training regimen to join the X-Men involves studying past missions, individual powers work, as well as a training program designed to test not only a potential X-Man's capability to use their powers effectively, but also their judgement and discipline. After successfully completing training to the satisfaction of the team leaders, a trainee can be moved onto the full team roster.

As trainees, potential X-Men are often given a code name of a humorous nature, as part of a good-natured "hazing" from their seniors. Trainee code names are designed to acclimate trainees to the idea that as X-Men, they are expected to put their personal agendas aside and operate as a team.

Current trainees: Soundwave, Tinky Winky, Skin


(description of the auxiliary system, why it exists, etc)

Forge, Scarlet Witch, Tarot, Cypher


Danger Room

The Blackbird

Uniforms/Leathers (include all the specialisations - eg, Polaris' extra metal, Cable's ceramic plating, etc)

Comms: Description of the sub-vocal comm system

Telepathic Switchboard: Description
