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XProject Announcements and News: <br /></h2></td></tr></table></td></tr><tr><td>
XProject Announcements and News: <br /></h2></td></tr></table></td></tr><tr><td>
Welcome, 2023! As X-Project enters its '''20th''' year, we have lots to interest our players and readers. New characters, new plots, new events... make sure you keep reading and catch it all!
And speaking of new characters, we're having a bit of an app-alanche here in XP-ville! New approved characters from [[Lauren]] ([[Hope Summers]]), [[Sam (player)|Sam]] ([[Jessie Drake]], from ''[https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Marvel_Comics_Presents_Vol_1_151 Marvel Comics Presents #151]'') and [[Frito]] ([[Ashley Crawford]] aka Big Bertha)! PLUS, yes, [[Rogue]] is back, in the capable hands of her previous player, [[Zoila]]!
(That's also not all, keep an eye out for MORE potential characters over the coming months!)
Congratulations to [[Roy]] for successfully apping [[Gaia]], XP's first reality warper!
Main Page of the Wiki not updating for you? Try clearing your cache.
Main Page of the Wiki not updating for you? Try clearing your cache.
Lots of plots coming up! Keep reading the game at [https://xp-friends.dreamwidth.org/read xp_friends] to make sure you don't miss out!
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<li>''[[X-Men Mission: What of the Hunting, Hunter Bold?]]'' [[Liam Nelson|Liam]] and [[Sharon Smith|Sharon's]] zoo trip leads to unexpected events and a small mission for the [[X-Men]].</li>
<li>''[[Laved by the Gulf and Ocean Grand]]:'' A connection to [[Namor|Namor's]] [[Potomac Calls to Chesapeake|erstwhile paramor]] has a potential lead about Atlantis, so the [[eXcalibur|team]] heads down to Florida.</li>
<li>''[[Made You Feel Second Best]]:'' [[Guthrie Family|The Guthries]] call in some help when their younger sister Joelle falls in with the wrong crowd.</li>
<li>''[[Collective Soul]]:'' The events of ''[[A Haven to Call Home]]'' have wide-ranging consequences for the mansion's psis and one in particular.</li>
<br>[[Image:Plot secondbest.png|250px|centre]]
<li>''Crash Landers:'' An abandoned mutant makes quite the ruckus when she arrives at the mansion. It gets worse when they find out who she is.</li>
<li>''Case File: Feel the Rush:'' [[X-Factor]] investigates a new deadly party drug following an overdose at a [[District X]] club.</li>
<li>''Behold A Pale Horse:'' "And I looked, and beheld a pale horse: and his name that sat upon him was Death, and Hell followed with him." The [[X-Men]] have a lead. But is it the right one?</li>  
<li>''Or Is He Both?'' When a series of gamma radiation related deaths occur in Colorado, the [[X-Men]] investigate a connection to a deceased teenaged mutant.</li>
<li>''The Celery Stalks at Midnight (aka the Brunch Drinks Arc):'' A new four-plot arc about blood curses, vampires, interdimensional shenanigans and Brimstone Love.</li>
<li>''Don't Quit Your Day Job:'' [[Rogue]] breaks the cardinal rule of spam - she clicks the link - and winds up caught up in a mutant sex ring.</li>
<li>''DIXIE DEAD SHAKE'' When Garrison's RCMP duties bring him to New Orleans, a few more mansionites tag along and find the town off in ways that may lead to danger. </li>
<li>''Humanis Honoribus Amicis:'' News of a new disturbing turn in American politics has [[Hope Abbott]] investigating.</li>
<li>''Humanis Honoribus Amicis:'' News of a new disturbing turn in American politics has [[Hope Abbott]] investigating.</li>
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Revision as of 10:41, 15 July 2024

Welcome to The XProject Wiki

Quick Links: Site Map | Welcome To X-Project | Players' Corner | FAQ | Game Rules/Policies | Characters | History | Plots | Teams | Available for Applications

Featured Article:

Moa rictor.png
Moment of Awesome - Julio Richter/Rictor: Captured by the Slendermen, Shatterstar tries to rescue Rictor.

He did not have a rosary with him, but let that be one more transgression to ask for God's forgiveness. Huddled behind a massive oak tree, Rictor held his hands together, rubbing one thumb against the other as if he were passing the beads between his fingers. "Creo en Dios, Padre todopoderos . . ." he whispered to himself. Please, Lord, absolve this young man of his cowardice that condemned the people he loved most to gruesome deaths at the hands of monsters while he panicked and ran. Please do not condemn him to the same fate.

Shatterstar recognised the kneeling form of his dearest friend and broke off from Madin and Liam. He could trust Madin to protect Liam and themself. But who was protecting Rictor? It didn't matter he didn't have much to protect him with against these monsters. He would not leave him behind.

He knelt next to Rictor to try to haul him up, get him out of that huddled position and get him moving. "Rictor, Rictor we have to move."

Rictor looked up and started at the ghost before him, but that expression melted into a relieved smile. "You are taking me to Xibalba? I don't want to go, but if that's where you are now, maybe . . . maybe it will be okay. I'm so sorry, Star."

Shatterstar grabbed Rictor by the forearms and hauled him up. Did... Did Rictor think him dead? Maybe Rictor could be able to feel his powers and feel him alive. "Feel the Earth. We have to go, now. Liam and Madin are waiting and we have to find everyone else."

"They're dead, too?" So this was not actually Shatterstar, was it? Just a psychopomp taking his form, to make it easier for Rictor to pass on. What had he done to earn this kindness, though? Or was it a trick to make his arrival in Hell all the more traumatic? Start his well-deserved eternal torture with a bang. Rictor sighed. If this was his fate, he could at least be a man about it, for once in his life (afterlife?). "Fine. I'm ready..."

Shatterstar scowled. "We aren't dead yet." He moved grabbed Rictor's hand and placed it over his heart, hoping the other would feel his heart beat. "We are still living and I would like to stay that way."

Always sensitive to even the most minute vibrations, the beat of Shatterstar's heart reverberated in Rictor's own. That was not the heartbeat of a dead man. "Star?" Before Rictor knew what he was doing, he wrapped his arms tightly around his friend, pressing his head against Shatterstar's chest to once again feel life pumping through him. "I'm sorry. I saw you and I . . . I didn't help you. I ran away. I'm so sorry."

Shatterstar hugged Rictor back, holding him back and feeling his heart. "That was not me. It was not the real me. Come with the real me and we will escape."

"I believe you." Rictor slowly let go and nodded, then followed Shatterstar back to the others.

Today in XProject:

September 8

2003: Classes begin for the new school year. Marie emails the Professor, Ororo and Scott asking for a room change, about her status with the team and for permission to learn to use a gun.

2004: Shinobi invites everyone to the HeliX ball, much to the mansion’s excitement. Angelo collects his hug and reassurances from Kitty, and is surprised by Scott’s intense reaction to the post. Charles announces that the situation is being properly dealt with. Shiro convinces Alex that they’re BFF by kissing him, which confuses the both of them. Lorna offers to help Jean-Paul with the banquet preparations, and Nathan asks for Doug’s help in finding his wife’s and son’s cemeteries.

2005: Upgrade: Testing myomer fibres, Forge and Paige have a moment, which Paige halts; Alison contemplates asking her father for legal advice re the Jetstream project data; Haroun briefly regains consciousness. X-Men Mission: Stalemate: Nathan comes back from the hospital and he and Amanda exchange tense words on the journals about Rachel getting used to him getting hurt. Manuel tries to reconcile with Amanda, and finds her rather distant.

2006: Sooraya and Haller test out a way to make communication easier for her. Later, Sooraya stops by Crystal's room to see if they could use it for the party but there are issues and the language problem doesn't help.

2007: Crystal receives a fruit and vegetable basket for her birthday. Amanda emails Marie about the rumours and Marie asks Jean to run a DNA comparison to put things to rest. Doug and Nathan get geographically confused in the Gobi desert.

2008: Monet emails Yvette about Danger Room training. Farouk meets with Langstrom and they discuss his actions as the Kingmaker. Morgan remarks on her meeting with Catseye the night before. Irony visits Forge in the shape of Shaw Industries being the case study for one of his classes. Dani has a feline visitor in her bed, and fares better than Morgan did.

2009: Lil emails Johnny wishing him an early happy birthday and mentioning her relocation to Toronto and delivery of his present. His present turns out to be Lil in person. Amanda explains her powers glitch to Jubilee when they hang out and wonder if her glitch can be attributed to subconsciously wanting to go find Pete and Remy. Doreen and Julian discuss Hallowe'en costumes, crimefighting, the kids back home, and Julian's powers training when they go to Dairy Queen and shopping for comics in honour of their 'friendiversary.' Catseye and Nick have a Super Soaker fight that ends in pool dunkings. Vic and Johnny go wall climbing for Johnny's birthday and their playful competition turns in to real jealousy for Vic when he notices Johnny and Lil together. Jean-Paul and Logan discuss the good ol' days of screaming matches at Alpha Flight, Lil, Jean-Paul's athletic career, and baseball at the barbecue; Jean-Paul meets Lex on the dock and chat about cooking and life at Xavier's; Jake and Jean-Paul talk about Johnny's birthday and Jake decides to accompany Jean-Paul to the midnight movie Johnny wants to see. Lil and Amara discuss their summers. Nathan and Julio talk about the upcoming semester; Amanda saves Nathan from going stir-crazy in his chair at the barbecue and brings up the topic of Nathan's summer, his retirement, and Angelo. Adrienne finds a ring at the barbecue and reads Cammie's manifestation, bringing the ring back to its owner so both of them can not discuss it; Logan and Adrienne drink beer and talk about cage fighting while not discussing Adrienne's feelings for Garrison; Amanda does a good job of not-discussing Angelo despite Adrienne's prying while she goads Adrienne into going to tell Garrison how she feels; Garrison defuses an awkward situation by throwing Adrienne into the pool after she confesses she has feelings for him and the two agree to go on a date. Jean-Paul posts an open invite to the midnight screening of 9. Scott talks about his most recent injury with Sarah and she tells him about her vacation before the topic of her going into the Danger Room, which makes her uncomfortable, comes up - then the topic of Scott's fake eye comes up for more discomfort. Amara and Amanda chat about bad habits, the dysfunctional family aspect of Snow Valley, and Amanda's desire to investigate Nova Roma. Jane drags Cammie out of her room to return to the party and Cammie asks for a new chain for her ring. Doreen tries multiple times to ask Vic out on a date but is foiled by many people: first Yvette accidently dropping an apple from a tree; then Morgan inquiring as to whether either of the teens has been shot by an arrow; then a flock of squirrels intercepting Forge instead of Vic; then Catseye seeking help when she eats too much cake and throws up on Vic's shirt; then a fight between Monkey Joe and Marius; finally Julian tells Dori to just relax and let things take their course. Jake texts Wanda from the movies asking her not to mention karma despite the fact he is sitting between Jean-Paul and Jeanne-Marie at the movies.

2010: Crystal e-mails Jean-Paul, Lorna and Warren, asking about flying, celebrating the beginning of school and an offer of comfort. Angelo posts about finding his desk Saran wrapped, another shot in the prank war with Jean-Paul. Angel posts to her journal about college and moving into the dorm rooms.

2011: Matt announces he is finally off probation and can go into New York unsupervised again. Garrison encounters Adrienne in a skimpy swimsuit and reacts uncharacteristically nastily. Megan and Sarah V. work on their driving test preparation and decide to 'study' by watching Drive instead.

2012: Sonatorrek: Garrison emails Marie-Ange with a partial cover for the group - the old Secret Empire motorcycle gang - and suggests the strip joint for the rest; Marie-Ange emails the team - X-Force and some of those involved in Asgard - with the assignment. Matt complains about the weather hurting his head; Wade cautions Billy about the New York tornado warning and announces a Golden Girls marathon; Angel offers $20 to the first person to dress up as the Wicked Witch of the West. Maddie emails Haller, concerned about Hope and her mother.

2013: Doug posts about doing something for National Taco Day with Wade.

2014: Johnny G. goes to Kyle to get some advice on the finer points of life. Julian texts Amanda asking about going out to lunch. Angel and Cecilia meet in the gym and talk about the field trip curse and ways of coping.

2015: Nica posts her first day reactions to school. Lorna emails Adrienne about taking time off to go to California with Alex. Tabitha posts asking how she gets a new passport to travel to another country. Alison texts Clarice asking her to teleport Tabitha to Alison’s room. Wade texts Adrienne about setting up a Hallowe’en costume party. Bas texts Clea and Maya about ideas for Clea’s birthday the next day. Amadeus posts about not being able to test out of math and science. Alison posts to xp_generation_x reminding the students to use her alias in school since Tabitha forgot.

2016: Maya makes a journal entry asking whether she should join the drama club. Reed comes to get a physical, and Cecilia tries to be patient. Sooraya emails Rogue to see if she’ll accompany her to a spiritual group she may join.

2017: Green-Eyed Monster: Alex lets X-Factor and the science types know that the source of the pendants has been tracked down, but there is still a lot more of the poison emerald somewhere out there.

2018: Rogue goes out and loses her phone and wallet, and Julian comes to the rescue.


2020: Alison is offended by Maroon 5's new single.

2021: Laurie emails “The List” to let them know that Namor is shirtless down by the lake.

2022: Operation: Apalachin: The Maggia War is over, and some surprising winners have emerged. Felicia sneaks into Wanda's room, following her return. Maya and Darcy catch up by the pool and talk about guys.

2023: Alani updates the eXcalibur team that the wormhole has made a connection. Jean and Garrison get hot dogs in Central Park.

XProject Announcements and News:

Congratulations to Roy for successfully apping Gaia, XP's first reality warper! Main Page of the Wiki not updating for you? Try clearing your cache.

Game Links:

Coming Soon:

  • X-Men Mission: What of the Hunting, Hunter Bold? Liam and Sharon's zoo trip leads to unexpected events and a small mission for the X-Men.

  • Made You Feel Second Best: The Guthries call in some help when their younger sister Joelle falls in with the wrong crowd.

  • Plot secondbest.png

  • Case File: Feel the Rush: X-Factor investigates a new deadly party drug following an overdose at a District X club.

  • Or Is He Both? When a series of gamma radiation related deaths occur in Colorado, the X-Men investigate a connection to a deceased teenaged mutant.

  • Don't Quit Your Day Job: Rogue breaks the cardinal rule of spam - she clicks the link - and winds up caught up in a mutant sex ring.

  • DIXIE DEAD SHAKE When Garrison's RCMP duties bring him to New Orleans, a few more mansionites tag along and find the town off in ways that may lead to danger.

  • Humanis Honoribus Amicis: News of a new disturbing turn in American politics has Hope Abbott investigating.

Social Media:

Contacts and Resources: