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Character(s): Garrison "Dominion" Kane, Kevin "Changeling" Sydney
Email: DexEmail.jpg
Date joined: May 2003


Dex has been part of X-Project since 2003. He is known as the Plotmaster, due to his ability to make plots out of almost anything, and he was the mad genius behind the Genosha Arc. If that wasn't enough, he also created and ran the game-relaunching plot arc, the Dark Phoenix Saga. It was during this time that he killed off Remy, having played him since 2004 and feeling he had run his course with the character.

Dex is also known as the Plotmaster. He even has a shirt.

Former player of Dr. Nathaniel Essex and Remy "Gambit" LeBeau.

Former Mod

Wiki Editor

AIM: dextelfer

Preferred means of contact: AIM or email

Phase 2


Modsocks NPCs Villains Formerly Socked
Fred Duncan

David Langstrom

Nathaniel Essex

Magneto non-dedicated modsock


Captain America non-dedicated modsock

Iron Man non-dedicated modsock

Deathlok non-dedicated modsock

Imperial Guard

London Court of the Hellfire Club

Malcolm Colcord

Christian Kane

Department H

Johnny Devil and the Screaming Demons

Tim Dugan

Robert Gordon MacDonald

Victoria Kane

Gene Hayes

Jane Hampshire

Okim Etunfunwa

Tam Anderson

Jayresh Patel

The Valhallas

The Valkyries

Ben Urich

J. Jonah Jameson

Ulysses Bloodstone



Adam Destine

The Hood

Masked Marauder



Georges Batroc

Mandarin for Operation: Big Trouble in Little Lowtown only

The Scourge

Raul Corboda

Bonita Page

Parker Matthews

Lester Verde

Adam Lowenstein

Nick Chalker (deceased)

Vic Chalker (deceased)

Rick Chalker (deceased)

Mick Chalker (deceased)

Paul Wescott (deceased)

Walter and Kate DeMattis (one shot appearance)

Paul Stoddard (one shot appearance)


Phase 1


Modsocks NPCs Villains Formerly Socked
Fred Duncan

David Langstrom

Nathaniel Essex

Alexei Vazhin



Brotherhood of Mutants


Natasha Romanova

Alpha Flight

[[Kingmaker - Phase 1]|Kingmaker]


Tante Mattie

New Orleans Guilds

Malcolm Colcord

Christian Kane

Officer McLellan

Lost Boys

Department H

Marauders (old)

William Bastion

Johnny Devil and the Screaming Demons


The Inhumans

Tim Dugan

Archie, the Decoy and Mr. Neary and Mr. Hitch

Robert Gordon MacDonald

Victoria Kane

Gene Hayes

Jane Hampshire

Luke Cage

Bucky Barnes

Achmed el-Gibar


Sons of Liberty (group)

Mr. Immortal

Okim Etunfunwa

Tam Anderson

Jayresh Patel

The Valhallas

The Valkyries


The Taskmaster

Andreas Strucker

Synthia Schmidt

Maynard Tiboldt

John Sublime




Fin Fang Foom

Marius St. Croix

Gene Nation

Imperial Guard

Dark Riders

Brock Rumlow

Jason Wyngarde

Fin Fang Foom


Reavers (villains)

Red Skull

Leather Boy



Jan Grual

Elias Wittcombe

Hubert Mudd/Wipeout


AaM verse Apocalypse

AaM verse Istvan Barath

AaM verse Lilandra Neramani

AaM verse Dr. Nathaniel Essex

London Court of the Hellfire Club

Adam Destine

Christu Bulat

Charlie Plunder (deceased)

Swarm (deceased)

Chester Whelan (deceased)

Karl Mordo (deceased)

Sebastian Madrias (deceased)

Dr. Peter Alarune (incurably insane)

Gamemaster (in a permanent coma)

SIROCCO (deceased)

D. Ken Neramani (deceased)

William Burnside (deceased)

Phillip Moreau (deceased)

Thomas Moreau (deceased)

David Moreau (deceased)

Russell Davis (deceased)

The Genegineer (revealed to be Nathaniel Essex)

Joseph Nku Reneau (deceased)

Jobeth Razafimanjaka (deceased)

Katya Semoko (deceased)

The Press Gang (disbanded)

Jane Foster, Chief of Police Arnie Snorinsen, Amy Lushton (deceased)

The Sons of Hel (disbanded)


Dex has written (although not necessarily ran) the following plots since 2003:

As a personal challenge since 2006, Dex regularly creates plots designed to incorporate new or returning player characters together in a single group. While other characters may be involved, the challenge is create a plot that logically incorporates the newly brought in or re-introduced characters focusing on them primarily. In many cases, these plots have been either the character's first plot, or first plot following their introduction into the game world.

To date, Dex has done six plots in response to this challenge.


Feedback - April 2007

Feedback - November 2007

Feedback - March 2009

Feedback - March 2010

Feedback - September 2011

Feedback - August 2012

Feedback - December 2013

Feedback - February 2015

Feedback - February 2016

Feedback - March 2017

Feedback - January 2018

Feedback - May-Jul 2019

Feedback - July 2021

Feedback - July 2022

Gold star 2015.jpg - for 2015 wiki awesomeness.

Awesome stars.jpg - for updating of Remy LeBeau and Garrison Kane in 2011

Green stars Mar 2010.jpg - for updating of Remy LeBeau and Garrison Kane before March 31, 2010

GoldStarJan10.jpg - providing player info

Penguin.jpg Part of Wiki Update Party July 2015!

Toast1.png - for completing stage one of the plot meme.

Toast2.png - for completing stage two of the plot meme.

Toast3.png - for completing stage three of the plot meme.