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Angel's return to the X-Men wasn't a quiet one. In May 2012, [[For Free Trade| a group of students and chaperones were kidnapped from a rally at the Genoshan Embassy]] and taken to Genosha. Angel [[The End of the Beginning| joined the X-Men in the rescue attempt]], working with Sam Guthrie, Terry Cassidy, Warren Woringthon, and Lorna as part of the aerial team. Angel was shot down and captured, witnessing the disintegration  of [[Dayspring Family|Rachel Kinross]] when she was put through the mutate process before being loaded onto [[The Unrelenting Struggle| the mutant train to be sent to Prenova]] to be put through the mutate process. When the train was derailed by [[Jenny Ransome]], Angel escaped with the others, and went with Kurt, Kyle, Jubilee, and Cammie to the geothermal plant, where she caused a massive explosion in the intake chamber. She joined Lorna, Jean-Phillipe, and North in [[Onwards to Victory| destroying the physical plant]] and taking down Mutate 1337 - Sarah Vale. During [[The Dawn of Liberation| the final battle]] with Moreau, she assisted in the taking out Moreau's heat shield and missile launchers.
Angel's return to the X-Men wasn't a quiet one. In May 2012, [[For Free Trade| a group of students and chaperones were kidnapped from a rally at the Genoshan Embassy]] and taken to Genosha. Angel [[The End of the Beginning| joined the X-Men in the rescue attempt]], working with [[Sam Guthrie]], [[Theresa Cassidy|Terry Cassidy]], [[Warren Worthington]], and Lorna as part of the aerial team. Angel was shot down and captured, [[The Unrelenting Struggle| and put on the mutant train to be sent to Prenova]] to be put through the mutate process. When the train was derailed by [[Jenny Ransome]], Angel escaped with the others, and went with Kurt, Kyle, Jubilee, and Cammie to the geothermal plant, where she caused a massive explosion in the intake chamber. She joined Lorna, Jean-Phillipe, and North in [[Onwards to Victory| destroying the physical plant]] and taking down Mutate 1337 - Sarah Vale. During [[The Dawn of Liberation| the final battle]] with Moreau, she assisted in the taking out Moreau's heat shield and missile launchers.
== '''Physical Characteristics''' ==
== '''Physical Characteristics''' ==

Revision as of 23:30, 4 June 2012

Angelica Jones
Portrayed by Rachel Hurd-Wood
Codename: Firestar
Affiliations: Red X, X-Men
Birthdate: December 15, 1991
Journal: x_firestar
Player: Sam

A literal firestarter, Angel - as she's known as - is a willing and enthusiastic college student. Her zest for life and sunny personality help her weather the school's many crises.


Character Journal: x_firestar

Real Name: Angelica Nicole Veronica Jones

Codename: Firestar

Aliases: Known as "Angel" (not to be confused with the X-Man).

First Appearance: August 13, 2006

Date of Birth: December 15, 1991

Place of Birth: Seattle, WA

Citizenship: US

Relatives: Jones Family: Bart Jones (father), Elizabeth Cross (mother)

Education: Graduate of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, now attending Columbia University.

Relationship Status: Single

Occupation: Student

Team Affiliation: X-Men



Angel grew up in two homes in Seattle…with her dad and her mom, who have been divorced from each other since before she could walk. The two parents are actually on fairly good terms with one another despite the failed marriage and both have done as best they could for their daughter. Her mother, Elizabeth, was a successful lawyer who had custody of Angelica for her early years. However, due to Beth's job requiring travel, Angel ended up living full-time with her father, a news photographer in Seattle. Until her manifestation, Angel's life was relatively normal. Both her parents were supportive of her hobbies and her schoolwork. With both parents coming from large extended families, Angel grew up among a hoard of cousins, mostly boys, and became something of a tomboy as a result.

In August of 2006, while visiting her mother, Angel's powers emerged while driving home from church, igniting her clothing and nearly setting their car ablaze. After ensuring that their daughter was not in any danger, Bart and Elizabeth decided to enroll her at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, having heard about it from the CNN Special. Shortly thereafter, her father relocated to New York for work and to be closer to his daughter.

Living At The X-Mansion

Angel quickly adapted to the school, making many friends, especially the quieter Yvette Petrovic and her roommate, Sooraya Qadir. She become known as a prankster, indulging in prank wars with Kyle Gibney, Forge and Julio Richter, who treated her as 'one of the guys', something she was perfectly comfortable with. This changed when Angel began Noticing boys and an incident under the mistletoe her first Christmas at the mansion resulted in her and Julio dating. She also proved a quick learner with her powers, learning to fly after an accident on the roof.

The school's tendency towards disasters didn't really phase Angel. She bounced back readily from such incidents as the shared dreamworld and the bus hijacking. She embraced the Red X program enthusiastically, glad to help with her powers and after rescuing three people from a fire, she began volunteering at a local fire station, with the intention to become an intern at sixteen. It was the disappearance and presumed deaths of Forge and fellow student Crystal which hit her hard and her welcome upon their return three months later was typically boisterous.

The relationship with Julio ended amicably during Parents' Day, both of them happy to continue as friends. Angel's father became involved in the school's drama during Thirteen Days, offering the school his home as a place for students to stay and from there he became used to Angel's friends and teachers, working with the staff to organise a surprise sixteenth birthday party at the fire station. One thing that did prove hard for her to deal with, aside from the potential death or injury of her friends, was psionics, especially following the chaos of the Shadow King incident. She screwed up her courage to talk to the mansion's psis about her issues, which helped to a degree.

With the departure of Sooraya back home over the summer, Angel acquired a new roommate for the school year in the shape of Yvette, who had become a firm friend over the past year. The two were confidantes, with Angel often helping Yvette with the vagaries of English slang, sometimes to her embarrassment. They also worked together often with Red X, such as going to San Diego to help with rebuilding. Angel was also an unashamed flirt, at one point inadvertently causing trouble between Jay Guthrie and Kevin Ford when she got herself a kiss on the cheek from Kevin and the information later came out during the outbreak of poetic truth telling.

Growing Up

Things began to change for Angel in May 2008. Kidnapped by The Enchantress as part of Baron Zemo's plot to hold the world hostage with his Thermal Gigantinator, Angel experienced her full fire form for the first time and subsequently developed control problems - and a degree of fear of her own powers and what they could do. Two difficult Red X missions - in particular, the one in Sri Lanka, during which she had to stand by and watch people being taken away to be killed as well as facing down Gladiator of the Imperial Guard - further eroded her confidence. A bizarre encounter with a man from another dimension claiming to be her husband only confused her further. It was in this frame of mind that she joined Yvette in the Albanian girl's attempt to take revenge on the man who had kidnapped and sold her, resulting in both girls needing rescue, a grounding, and a police operation ruined.

Both girls had a chance to redeem themselves during Day Zero, when the newly-formed New Mutants were seperated from their chaperone and had to rely on each other to survive the chaos. Angel's fire brigade connections proved valuable as she led them to a fire station to shelter in and obtained radios for communication. In the meantime, her father turned up at the school looking for her; he later wound up talking to Kyle about the X-Men and their role in the incident as well as Angel's performance.

With the disappearances and presumed deaths of Jay, Dani, Garrison and Pete Wisdom, Angel set about a personal project, creating an album of photographs of the missing. The task consumed her and she took several days of time out to recover. When she resurfaced, it was to flirt with handsome new arrival, Julian Keller, who she would eventually end up dating after a New Year's kiss, much to fellow student and rival for Julian's affections, Inez's disgruntlement. The two even fought over Julian, but quickly made up, realising they had more important things to worry about, like surviving Arcade's Murderworld.

Trainee X-Man

In May 2009, Angel's long-term ambition of joining the team became a reality, with her securing the trainee codename of "Pants On Fire". Her relationship with Julian came to a violent end, when she caught him kissing Esme Stepford (admittedly under psionic suggestion) and the two remained at odds for some time due to various miscommunications. Further stress was added when Yvette was injured by a land mine and Angel took on the task of caring for her roommate upon her return to the school. Gradually things returned to normal over the summer, although in the case of Julian, it took being locked together in Angel's darkroom to manage it. Summer was a busy time for her, with three X-Men missions - manning comms for the Budapest incident, accompanying Jean's team to Brazil to speak to Mariana Machado and interviewing the boy at the root of the powers swap incident - and a Red X disaster in their 'backyard', with two trains colliding and evacuation and toxic clean up required. In addition to her team obligations Angel also found herself as a bit of a mentor to some of the younger students, especially during the New Mutants trip to Malibu, helping Nicholas Gleason sort out his feelings for Catseye and comforting Yvette when her crush Cam turned out to have a girlfriend. She also arranged to move into a grad suite with Catseye shortly before her eighteenth birthday when the catgirl was feeling lonely.

Full Team Member

Early 2010 saw Angel being arrested while out for Valentine's Day with Catseye and Yvette, and also helping to stop an air invasion in the Middle East. June was a month of great success for Angel, when she was accepted to Columbia University and also made a full member of the X-Men. She continued to be involved in Julian's life when she knocked some sense into him about wanting to go take care of his old gang leader McPhearson, and then acted as a sort of chaperone when Julian went to LA to work for McPhearson in an attempt to save his family. McPhearson stole Angel's powers, but she was instrumental in taking him down and getting them back.

2011 - Departure

The year started with Angel's being recruited by Bobby Drake to play a prank on Hank McCoy and then acting as a double agent in helping Hank get prank revenge on Bobby. March saw her travelling to Madripoor with an X-Men team to investigate a lead into the deaths of several members of Alpha Flight that had occurred in the summer of 2009. After being caught up in a gangfight, the team encountered Lady Deathstrike and Angel was badly injured after being controlled by her blood and run into roofs and the ground repeatedly. Still, she considered herself lucky to come home with a sprained wrist and some cracked ribs, especially considering the injuries of her colleagues. And her friends gave her much attention (and presents) while she healed. She even recovered enough by May to participate in a rather unorthodox X-Men Mission when she joined a roller derby team as Dee Stroyer in order to investigate a mutant ring of Kick smuggling.

In July Angel was subjected to a shared nightmare with Yvette, Sarah Vale, and Klara Prast in which she tried to stop Klara and Sarah from being burned at the stake as witches but instead accidentally set fire to a town with her powers. Shortly after the experience, she took a road trip to New Orleans with Kyle, Kevin, Laura, and Jean-Phillipe. The year continued relatively normally - for an X-Man and Xavier's grad, any way - and in December 2011 Angel was excited to announce that she had won a place in a study abroad program. She left for England, anticipating to be gone for several months. While there, she decided to stay on beyond the semester and experience life as a foreign student a bit longer.

2012 - Return from England

Angel spent the first three months of 2012 happily living and going to school in England. Upon arriving in the country, she moved in with a fellow student, a girl named Chloe Wright. Angel never quite got around to telling Chloe she was a mutant, as she could never figure out how to start the conversation - this turned out to be a mistake. In March 2012, while hanging out downtown, Angel and Chloe found themselves caught up in an encounter with another mutant - a very young pyrokinetic who had significantly less control over his powers. Angel was forced to step in when she realized someone could get hurt, subsequently revealing her powers to her roommate, who freaked out and screamed for everyone gathered to hear that Angel was a monster.

Angel ran, finally returning to an empty flat hours later. After having no luck reaching Chloe, a slightly panicking Angel called Yvette, who suggested Angel return to the x-mansion for a little while, to give both Chloe and Angel a bit of space, and to give Chloe a chance to wrap her head around everything that had happened.

Upon returning to New York, Angel easily fell back into mansion life, reconnecting with her old friends, though she didn't stop trying to get a hold of Chloe. When she finally tricked Chloe into answering by using Kyle's phone, the girls talked, and Chloe said she was uncomfortable with the idea of living with a mutant, and she was angry at Angel for lying to her. Angel, hurt but trying to be understanding and still hoping to return to England, offered to stay with one of their other friends, but Chloe had told them all what she had seen, and it was likely that none of them would want to live with her. Heartbroken, Angel realized it would probably be best for her to just stay in New York, though at the suggestion of Sooraya she decided that she would continue to try and get in touch with her remaining England friends in the hopes of at least getting some closure on that part of her life.

While cleaning the Blackbird after losing a squash game to Scott Summers during a training session, Angel met the newest arrival to the mansion - Vance Astrovik. The two hit it off quickly enough, though not without some bumps, as they each touched upon some painful topics in the other's past (namely Angel's abrupt return from England, and the events that led to Vance coming to the mansion). But they managed to smooth over those bumps, and the cleaning of the Blackbird turned into a water fight from which Vance (after some sneaky use of telekinesis) emerged victorious. Angel, however, declared that a "water-related war" had been started - she later got her revenge during spring cleaning, when she dropped water balloons full of various substances (water, mud, Cheez Whiz, that kind of stuff) on his head while he was working on the roof. At the beginning of May, she moved out of the guest room she'd been staying in since returning from England and moved in with Lorna Dane.


Angel's return to the X-Men wasn't a quiet one. In May 2012, a group of students and chaperones were kidnapped from a rally at the Genoshan Embassy and taken to Genosha. Angel joined the X-Men in the rescue attempt, working with Sam Guthrie, Terry Cassidy, Warren Worthington, and Lorna as part of the aerial team. Angel was shot down and captured, and put on the mutant train to be sent to Prenova to be put through the mutate process. When the train was derailed by Jenny Ransome, Angel escaped with the others, and went with Kurt, Kyle, Jubilee, and Cammie to the geothermal plant, where she caused a massive explosion in the intake chamber. She joined Lorna, Jean-Phillipe, and North in destroying the physical plant and taking down Mutate 1337 - Sarah Vale. During the final battle with Moreau, she assisted in the taking out Moreau's heat shield and missile launchers.

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 105 lbs

Eyes: green

Hair: red

Other Features:


Angelica can emit microwaves from her body, and use them for a number of effects. The primary effect of her power ignites the oxygen in the air to create a blue flame. Angel herself is immune to the heat and flame her power generates, as well as other sources of regular fire.

Angel can direct this energy to heat objects or, if she tries, set them on fire. She has also discovered how to use her power to create thermal updrafts which enable her to fly and her strength in lifting heavy objects goes up while using her powers.

As a side effect of her powers, Angel can regulate her own body temperature, and is able to comfortably endure environmental temperature changes.

Due to being kidnapped by Zemo, Angel has discovered a second stage to her powers. Instead of a simple fire shield, her body is completely engulfed in blue flames. She can see thermal hot spots, she exudes more heat and flame, the weight she can lift has gone up and her speed in flight has shot up as well. She has only been able to call this form up two more times since and is still struggling to relearn this aspect of her powers.


Before gaining control of her powers, Angel habitually kept a small fire extinguisher nearby in case of powers accidents.

Angel's clothes and bedding are largely made of fireproof cloth developed by Forge.


Angel has described the feeling of her power as "a small dragon in her belly".

Trying to help her former roommate, Sooraya, feel more at home, Angel convinced Doug to tutor her in Dari.

Angel will - and has - tasted almost every kind of food there is and is enthusiastic about experimenting. She will even eat live things, provided she's allowed to spit them out if they wriggle.



Living Pele (as part of Red X)



When It All Goes Wrong Again

Red X Mission: Whiteout


This Savage Land

Voodoo Child


The Shadow King (plot)

Red X Mission: Reconstruction

Shakespeare Syndrome


Red X Mission: Rising Waters

Red X Mission: Shake Hands With The Devil

Time After Time

Razor's Edge

Here Comes Tomorrow

Day Zero


So You Want To Be A Superhero

Red X Mission: Dangerous Load

Pas de Trois

X-Men Mission: Fifth Column

Face The Blood

Mutation Sternutation

Fiddler's Green

Reefer Madness

Malibu Madness

Atomic Angel

X-Men Mission: Jailbreak


Noise and Confusion

Lakshmibai Raj

A Betrayal of Heart

Red X Mission: Firestorm

X-Men Mission: Who You Gonna Call?

There Will Be Peace


The Best Deceptions

X-Men Mission: The Grotesque and the Sublime

X-Men Mission: Roller Derby Queen

Don't Close Your Eyes

Mortimer Toynbee's Electric Funkedelic Boogaloo

Capital Turpitude

Christian's Angels

What Goes Around, Comes Around


For Free Trade

The End of the Beginning

The Unrelenting Struggle


Onwards to Victory

The Dawn of Liberation


Player: Sam

E-mail: Samemail.jpg


Player Icon Base: Rachel Hurd-Wood

Meta Trivia

Danielle Panabaker was the PB for Angel until May 2010.

Indiana J introduced Angel to X-Project as a student in 2006 and played her until March 9, 2012. Less than two weeks later on March 20, 2012, Sam apped for her.