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Moa clea.png
Moment of Awesome - Clea: Meeting with Namor to get information on Atlantean magic, Clea finds herself on the end of some rather pointed questions.

The other man's head cocked to the side only by a few degrees. "Now that we're finished, Clea the Faltine, I have spent the whole of this conversation with a question of my own." He gestured vaguely as to encompass the whole of her. "Why? Why do you work so hard to blend into a people not your own."

Clea looked at him for a moment, "Because I don't know my own." She said simply and sighed, "I was a baby when I was brought to this dimension and adopted by my parents. I must have been barely a year old or so. From the records I can find, the Faltines are from a Hell Plane and are very secretive and rarely venture out of their own dimension. As for the Dark Dimension, I know that Dormammu came and took over, which led to a rebellion and the fall of those people. Even then the books I did find don't offer much. From what I saw, it was mostly in ruins. I don't even know if there are survivors that managed to make it this far." She paused again before saying, "I guess we are kindred spirits in a way. We both lost our homes." Tapping her notebook, "Maybe in my search for answers, I will find what I've been looking for."

"Yet, you could know them." It was a blunt statement. "I would violate everything sacred under the sun to bring my people back. You hold the power to tear open the way to other dimensions – I have seen what human mages can do. Surely you are more. Even then, We have our own portal. There are ways."

Clea looked at him in silence. No one ever mentioned that she could go to them for answers. She knew it would be dangerous to open a portal to the Dark Dimension, not without the risk of Dormammu finding out. Were those people, her people, alive? There was a possibility. All she did see were parts of the capital city and the castle, not the rest. "Isn't the portal unstable at the moment?" She came back to her senses.

"Nothing great is guaranteed," Namor said. "You have been too molded by human masters. 'Unstable,'" and his voice pitched higher in mockery, "'Risky.' Those are words used to keep pawns in their place. If that is what you wish to be, so be it."

Clea looked down at her notebook, her grimoire in the making, "They have been trying to mold many to be like them. It is why I haven't chosen that path. Despite the rocks, they keep sending." She sighed heavily, "Growing up in a world you thought you belonged in, only to have that reality ripped from underneath you. It makes you feel alone and naked. So, I have been grabbing at anything that will help that feeling lessen and hiding behind the bubble persona." Clea looked at Namor, "I don't know why I am telling you this. I don't want to be a pawn. Ever."

Namor didn't even blink. "So you play spy. Do those masters have you stealing from the mountain for their own gains? It is not ignoble to be a pawn. There is a cost to making difficult choices, and those who are content to serve simply refuse to pay."

"I play spy because I want to. And XF aren't masters, they pay my bills, so they are my bosses. That isn't a pawn, that is called being an employee. I am allowing my skills to be used and I can quit any time. As for stealing from the mountain, that was my idea." She looked at him for a moment.

"Pawns don't get a choice in the matter. I am searching for who I am, and yes, there may be people out there that wish to put me under their thumb. But I can assure you I am too stubborn for that." She reached into her bag and pulled out a hundred dollar bill and placed it on the table. "If I wasn't, I would have joined the Winding Way the moment I received the first rock invitation. Maybe I am using them to fill up the void I feel, to satisfy my hunger for knowledge." Grabbing her grimoire off the table and placing it safely in her back. "Like I said, I don't ever want to be a pawn. Making them think I am - that is a different story."

Today in XProject:

January 10 - Xavin Majesdane's Birthday

2016: Something Slender This Way Comes: Two more children go missing, this time from Salem Center; Angelo is concerned about the missing children, but can’t find any common threads. Nica returns from vacation a week late due to the flu’.

2017: Artie shares a YouTube video. Gabriel complains about people bumming his cigarettes. Angelica sends a text to Sooraya wanting to do something fun.


2019: Topaz texts Amanda, asking if she’s heard anything from the Destines. Warren apologizes to Kevin for the mess they got into.


2021: After a Danger Room session, Alex and Nica talk about that other universe.


2023: Illyana and Pyotr play in the snow, then decide to get her some winter clothes. Forge gets Maya some upgraded gear, and in return, she beats the tar out of him with her new toys... ah, siblings.

2024: Beatrice texts Haller about Arthur’s condition. Terry also texts Haller about Arthur’s condition. Quentin texts Haller about Arthur’s condition. Warren makes a second impression on Sam, which is marginally better than the first impression. Darcy is concerned about Madin after the conflict in the DX and decides to check in on them, and it goes. April makes a journal entry thanking Warren for helping her change forms. Jay bothers Paige. Sharon S. e-mails Darcy to ask if she had Liam help her shoot people. Shatterstar texts Match, Liam, Rictor, and Sharon S. to ask about Milton the Lizard. Behold A Pale Horse: Arthur, still depowered, remains under observation in the Medlab following his injuries during Death's advance on District-X; Quentin has questions, but Arthur is not entirely himself; Beatrice reads to Arthur to help ease him, but Arthur isn’t following her own plot; Terry tries to get Arthur to eat and he’s confused, but worse, he’s not hungry; Marius' second visitor is somewhat less precious about his feelings than Kyle - understandably, as she had previously used them as the basis for a magical IED; Quentin makes an XFI team entry telling them Arthur is currently on administrative leave; After determining that Marius is no longer a threat, Doug gets to the task of scrubbing footage that might show his face - Marie-Ange comes to visit him with lunch and check in on their post-Black Horse discussion about his nanites and Clan Akkaba. Namor, Clint and Alani enjoy a break between research on Hawai'i.

2004: Alison emails Pete and discusses the need to keep Miles' powers a secret. Jake is made student counsellor. Moira emails Charles Xavier about Marie-Ange's precognition and Manuel's therapy.

2005: Nathan and Marie-Ange have chocolate-induced precognitive episodes. Nathan and the Askani decide to stop the language and culture classes to see how things have sunk in. Catseye is unhappy about having to go to classes in human form.

2006: Trinity: Nathan and Cain head into the city to meet Bridge for lunch; Gideon Faraday gets to the restaurant a few minutes before them, makes small talk until Nathan gets within synching range, and then uses Nathan's telekinesis to kill Bridge; Nathan and Cain bring his body back to the mansion, and then Nathan has to tell Moira the news; later, Nathan finds Alison in the Situation Room, keeping watch for any disturbance in Tunis, and they talk about Bridge and the Pack; Cain announces Bridge's death to the team.

2007: Nathan posts to the journals about GW. Laurie raises the possibility of making a school newspaper. Kyle smells Alex on Shiro and freaks the other boy out with telling him he knows about their relationship; Shiro tells Alex that Kyle knows and Alex calms him down. Marie invites Sam to go with her to the city to see Wicked. X-Men Mission: Phalanx: Scott informs the team that the Greek soldiers from Youra will make a full recovery.

2008: Jennie leaves Marius a rather odd present and he is confused. Operation: Shaboom: Remy realises he, Wanda and Marie-Ange are the only ones left, and gives Marie-Ange their last angle; checking on Wanda, Remy and she both slip; Marie-Ange discovers the cause of the phenomenon is an old man with reality-warping abilities dying of cancer, and smothers him to bring back reality. Blessed Are The Peacemakers: Scott tells Ororo they have an invitation from Prime Minister Barath to visit Hungary to advise on a potential mutant team; Forge is invited too. Sir Edmund Hillary dies, and Nathan marks the loss. Terry meets Jack and finds him trying to be personable.

2009: Inez brings Garrison food and finds out he's leaving. Marie emails Garrison about having a talk when he's ready. Mark visits Jay and nearly has his head cut off before Jay holds himself back; Mark and Amanda talk and ground themselves again. Morgan stops by to keep Sam company and things get cute.

2010: Laurie asks if anyone wants to help her make muffins. Fred sneaks up on an over-caffeinated Dori and she gives him a boisterous welcome.

2011: Kevin has a nightmare and goes to sleep with Cammie for comfort. Yvette comments on the Church of Humanity blaming mutants for recent bird and fish deaths. Wanda is frustrated by Romanian relatives wanting to hex the government for taxing witches. Jean-Paul drops in on Vanessa with a movie.

2012: Operation: Teenage Wasteland: Remy wakes up in bed with his wife, who doesn't know who he is; Doug wakes up almost naked, in bed with a woman who he knows, but doesn't know him; Remy goes looking for the other members of X-Force, the first stop being Cammie; Remy finally finds someone who doesn't think they're sixteen; Remy checks in on Sarah, who is also affected, and she's really really not happy with Remy; Marie-Ange and Amanda wake up amnesic and confused, and so does Wade; Wanda wakes up with one Dr. Stephen Strange, who has no better luck trying to find out what went wrong; Nico arrives and sort of explains X-Force to the three not-quite-teens, and gets them moving to the office; On her way out the fire escape, Wanda encounters Christophe Nord, and they both encounter Remy; Strange finds himself in Alberta, Canada; Emma wakes up with a stabbing pain in her head before Remy finds her; Remy posts to x_journal announcing there's an urgent situation and that X-Force will be under radio silence for the next several days, and that Wade is with them; Remy and Nico drag all of X-Force to the offices and they attempt to figure out exactly what the hell is going on; Remy tries to find Thomas Glorian, trying to get access to the systems, and Doug finds out he has an extensive stash of porn; Remy finds himself counseling Wanda as she struggles to come to terms with what's going on; While waiting for something to happen, Amanda and Marie-Ange catch up on two entirely different lives; When Remy stops by what is/will be Marie-Ange's office, she has questions for him; Doug and Wade decide that hiding from the girls is the better part of valor; Doug goes seeking out Marie-Ange as one of the few people he remembers that remembers him, and finds out something he was truly not expecting. Sooraya e-mails Maddie to see if she's up for a visitor. Adri leaves a gift for Maddie outside her door. Fred makes a journal entry about how he's working with Kyle now. Sooraya visits Maddie in the box with food and they make plans to teach Sooraya ice-skating. Doug meets Christophe Nord in the offices and helps him catch up with what he's missed.


2014: Megan joins Amanda's magic class for the first time and gets a revision of the basics as well as practical homework.

2015: Artie shares a link to some interactive digital projection dancing videos.

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Coming Soon:

  • Operation: We'll Always Have Paris: The security of a powerful magical resource requires X-Force (and some consultants) to get involved with the Paris Hellfire Club.

  • Reality OWD: Glamour Machine: eXcalibur investigates a series of disappearances on the Isle of Man connected with a dimensional flux.

  • The Curse of the Man-Thing!: Rictor brings home a cutting... and a whole lot of trouble!

  • Don't Quit Your Day Job: Rogue breaks the cardinal rule of spam - she clicks the link - and winds up caught up in a mutant sex ring.

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