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Revision as of 17:48, 14 January 2017 by Rossi (talk | contribs) (→‎Socking)
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Character(s): Amanda Sefton, Monica Rambeau
Email: RossiEmail.jpg
Date joined: January 2004, April 2006

Former player of Madelyn Bartlet and Yvette Petrovic.



Wiki editor.
Current mod.

Advertising department.

Preferred means of contact: Primarily email, then Twitter.

Twitter: pixieodeath

What time is it where Rossi is right now?

Error in widget Iframe: Unable to load template 'wiki:Iframe'

Wiki Goddess image by Mackinzie

Rossi joined X-Project back in January 2004 with Amanda Sefton following long-time friend Dex pitching the idea to her whilst she was moving house in a heatwave. She took on Madelyn Bartlet in June 2004 when second characters were approved and continued to play both until December 2005, when she temporarily left the game. Upon her return six months later, she resumed playing Amanda, and in August 2006 she applied for Yvette Petrovic in order to provide more students to the school. She was elected to the modship in the first mod elections in February 2007 and held the position until she resigned at the end of December 2010. She returned to the position in January 2012, apparently being a glutton for punishment. ;)

During the relaunch of January 2015, Rossi killed off Yvette, to free her up for clean-slate applications. She finally got off her butt and apped Monica Rambeau in July 2015, having finally caught up on the Phase 2 Wiki changes.

Rossi is also known as the Wiki goddess, having been involved in the project from its beginnings and responsible for much of the content, including at least half of the monthly summaries. She is also responsible for the Featured Articles used on the main page as well as much of the day-to-day maintenance. If you have a problem with anything Wiki-related, she is always happy to help.

Within the game, Rossi is known for organising the Red X plots and assisting people with plot-running, regardless of actual participation in them herself. Some of these plots include: Limbo (plot), Heiress Discordia, Romancing the Holy Whatsis, Worlds On Fire, When It All Goes Wrong Again, Upgrade, Operation: Body Snatchers, Voodoo Child, These Earthly Things, Day Zero, Valentia's Lullaby, X-Men Mission: Jailbreak and others. If you need help with plot development or wrangling, Rossi is your girl.

XP is Rossi's first game. She started reading comics fanfic in 1996, and posting it in 1997. She started off writing largely Generation X/X-Men, as well as The Common People Project, which is still her first fanfic love. She gradually shifted into Vertigo and Top Cow (The Sandman, Hellblazer, Midnight Nation), and has dabbled in Buffy, Firefly and Lord of the Rings fanfic. She's probably best known for writing either 'slice of life' realism or crime thrillers of the supernatural bent. She was also heavily involved in Subreality, moderating the House of Strange Dimensions round robin board up until 2001.

Since getting involved in XP, Rossi has been part of several other games, to various levels: a very short tenure at "1407 Greymalkin Lane" on GJ (now defunct), Persephone a Firefly 'verse game that had an unfortunately brief lifespan, and equally brief stint in "The Reaping Hour", a Dead Like Me game over on IJ which died the death shortly after starting.

When not playing XP, Rossi works for the Ontario government, having emigrated to Canada from Australia in 2006. She currently rooms with Dex and Aisy in the basement apartment she calls her hobbit hole. She also has a cats, Spike, who is very cute, but not overly blessed with brains. His brother Angel passed away in September 2016.

Wiki Tasks

1) History/Timeline: Updating monthly summary pages, updating timeline, updating "Today in XP" templates, adding "Anniversary" templates to game-wide events, updating "List of the Dead" page.

2) Featured Article (Advertising): writing/editing pages to be used for the Featured Article section; updating articles, removing apped characters, adding unplayed ones; soliciting advertising cards.

3) Main Page: updating upcoming plot section, posting important dates, posting relevant XP "news".

Phase 2


Modsocks NPCs Villains Formerly Socked
Charles Xavier

Abigail Brand

Gail Collins

Michael Wahler

Johnny Devil and the Screaming Demons

Alice Hayes

Black Widow




Rudolph von Habsburg

"Stinky" Manuel


Barbara St. Croix (character dropped)


These are the plots run by and/or written by Rossi, either for her own characters, or for others. * means she had no actual characters in the plot:

Operation: Big Trouble in Little Lowtown

Roadside Assistance - event

Case File: A Better Mole Trap *

Phase 1


Modsocks NPCs Villains Formerly Socked
Charles Xavier Dr. Stephen Strange

Romany Wisdom

Gail Collins

Bartlet Family

London Coven

Barbara St. Croix

Dr. Pierre Marcel

Michael Wahler

Alejandra Torres

Paul Camp

Johnny Devil and the Screaming Demons

Bethany Moore

Alice Hayes


Misty Knight

Abigail Brand

Townshend Horgan


Dark Riders


Mad Dog

Mister M

Black Mamba


Margali Szardos (deceased)

Charlie Plunder (deceased)

Grgic Clan (deceased)

Eva Petrovic (deceased)

Rack (deceased)

Patches (deceased)

Repodemon (banished to its own dimension)

John Allerdyce (now played)

Roman Coffee (deceased)

Leonard Samson (now a PC)

Robert Minoru (deceased)

Belasco (deceased)


These are the plots run by and/or written by Rossi, either for her own characters, or for others. * means she had no actual characters in the plot:

Daddy's Girl


Shadows Fall

Clean Slate

Little Girl Lost

Buy Now, Pay Later (co-written with Dex)

An Offer You Can Refuse

Penance (plot)

The Curse Stops Here

Race Around The World

Lost In The Woods

Just One Drug

High Cost Of Living

Romani Road Trip

Dogs of War

Romancing the Holy Whatsis (written by Rossi, submitted by Jen)

Heiress Discordia (co-written with Redhawk)

Red X Mission: Whiteout *

Operation: Broken Ground

The Winding Way

Red X Mission: Whistler

Red X Mission: Reconstruction


Operation: London Calling

Red X Mission: Rising Waters

Razor's Edge

Here Comes Tomorrow (written by Dex, run by Rossi)

Red X Mission: Dangerous Load

Face The Blood

Reefer Madness (written by Dex, run by Rossi)

X-Men Mission: Jailbreak *


Red X Mission: Firestorm

Afterlife *

Mortimer Toynbee's Electric Funkedelic Boogaloo (written by Dex, run by Rossi)

Operation: One Night In Madripoor

Deal With The Devil

Blessed Are The Pure Of Heart

Red-X Mission: King Tide

As a sub-runner

Limbo (plot)

Heiress Discordia


When It All Goes Wrong Again

Worlds On Fire

Operation: Body Snatchers

Voodoo Child

These Earthly Things

Day Zero

Valentia's Lullaby

Malibu Madness

Genosha Arc - For Free Trade, The End of the Beginning, Stemming the Tide, Onwards to Victory, The Dawn of Liberation

Operation: A Hammer To Fall

Operation: Poisoned Honey

Dark Phoenix Saga - A Touch Of Brimstone, Fires From The Ashes, The Dark Phoenix


Feedback - April 2007

Feedback - November 2007

Feedback - April 2009

Feedback - March 2010

Feedback - September 2011

Feedback - August 2012

Feedback - December 2013

Feedback - February 2015

Feedback - February 2016

Yvettepony.jpg - for volunteering to help with the weekly summaries as a compiler/poster.

Awesome stars.jpg Red stars.jpg Green stars Mar 2010.jpg GoldStarJan10.jpg Worker bee.jpeg

Penguin.jpg Part of Wiki Update Party July 2015!

Penguinsticker2.jpg - Awarded for Special Services to the Wiki