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Character(s): Marie-Ange Colbert, Kyle Gibney
Email: FritoEmail.jpg
Pronouns: she/her
Date joined: May 2003


Karen "Frito" Lawrence is currently an active player of X-Project. She began playing Marie-Ange Colbert in May of 2003, and Kyle Gibney in October of 2004. She currently acts as one of the admins for the Xproject wiki, and has been a mod of the game twice previously, retiring from her most recent tenure as a mod in April 2017. She also hosts and maintains the webpage and is generally responsible for dealing with the technical end of any of the webpage-y things for the game.

She can be reached on gchat via the email address, or email at FritoEmail.jpg Her preferred means of contact is email, and her personal journal, full of memes, posts about cupcakes, assorted miscellany, and infrequent actual content can be found at Frito. The picture shown here is not actually representative of Frito. Mostly. She has a twitter. You can probably guess that it's also Frito_Kal

A former resident of Baltimore and the Washington DC Area, she now lives in San Marcos, CA (a bit north of San Diego) - she hates snow and shoes, and loves seafood, tea and math. She lives with Twiller and their son "Typechip", born in February 2014, and has a truly astounding number of stuffed animals for someone who is in her forties.

She also claims to be 1/4 allosaurus.

Phase 2


Modsocks NPCs Villains Formerly Socked
Amelia Voght Rebecca Barnes

Storm Family


Ian McNee




Phase 1


Modsocks NPCs Villains Formerly Socked
Amelia Voght Rebecca Barnes

Big Bertha

Storm Family

Quentin Quire,


Telford Porter

Rebecca Barnes

Ian McNee

Skurge the Executioner

Cameron Hodge


Dark Riders

Heinrich Klar


The Orphan Maker

Reavers (villains)



Abadu Bemba

Artie Maddicks (now played)


Praise meme

Feedback - April 2007

Feedback - November 2007

Feedback - March 2009

Feedback - March 2010

Feedback - September 2011

Feedback - August 2012

Feedback - December 2013

Feedback - February 2015

Feedback - February 2016

Feedback - March 2017

Feedback - January 2018

Feedback - May-July 2019

Feedback - July 2021

Feedback - July 2022

Award Stickers


Player Bio

Green stars Mar 2010.jpg

Wiki Page Update Kyle Gibney

Red stars.jpg

Wiki Page Update before May 31, 2010

Awesome stars.jpg

Wiki Page Update 2011.

Worker bee.jpeg

Great 2011 Wiki Update.

Art star.jpg

Game Art and Images


Part of Wiki Update Party July 2015!


For edits to re-associate P1 events with p1 characters

Testing Area

This is where I test random code blocks to show off what nifty stuff I can make this wiki do because I like having it here and handy on my user page.

We have 1,987 articles with actual content.

Today is Monday, November 25, 2024.

This month in XProject: November 2024

This week is 48-2024


Template Testing

Daily Events

November 25

2015: North asks Felicia if she’d like to get a drink with him. Along Came A Spider: Clint informs Angel that he’s about to go into a Chinese food coma thanks to her, totally in a good way. Natasha wakes up in an unfamiliar place with a... really familiar foot warmer.

2016: Darcy offers cupcakes to everyone. Gabriel sends a text message to Wade from the hardware store.

2017: Darcy wants someone to build a rifle (called DARCI) for her. Clarice posts about the wonders of online shopping.

2018: Clarice posts some beautiful maritime inspired heels that she wants.

2019: Maya shares a link to some creative cursing. Emma and Hope have dinner and discuss further steps for the HFC.

2020: Jean issues an invitation to spend Thanksgiving with her parents, which Garrison accepts.

2021: Thanksgiving. Kevin texts Artie the location of his leftovers following their high end Thanksgiving out.


2023: Kyle emails Sharon about an unstable molecule cat collar. April is still stuck, bored out of her mind, and in need of Enrichment, which Sharon supplies and which leads to chaos in the halls.

2003: Crimson Dawn: Betsy's surgery is complete, and arrangements are made to return her and the kids to the school. X-Men Mission: Lowenstein: A news report airs about the X-Men mission in Mississippi casting them as the villians having killed Lowenstein.

2004: Thanksgiving. Clarice teleports Kyle home to surprise his parents. Kitty brings Amanda pie.

2005: Alison lets slip to Lorna her plans for Haroun. Lost In The Woods/Hellfire and Damnation: Things come to a head and the team go to the Hellfire Club to take down Selene; during the ceremony to make Amanda Black Knight, Selene presents her with a test - kill Jubilee; Amanda refuses and battles it out with Selene, losing; Alison saves both girls, but is drained almost to death; Pete intervenes at the last moment with the spell designed by Strange and Romany to bind Selene whilst the X-Men subdue security; Amanda tries to sacrifice herself to save Alison, but Nathan and Askani tell her there's another choice; Amanda kills Askani to Heal Alison; Askani dumps the entire Askani history in Wanda's head before she goes.

2006: Lorna takes Cyndi out to Silver, where there's a close encounter with Mark, who is unaware of Haller's special circumstances. Wendy - Remy and Ororo run into an ambush by the Reavers and barely escape; they receive help from an entirely unexpected quarter and hole up in a motel for the night. Garrison and Marie-Ange go on their first date.

2007: Shiro has the flu.

2008: Emma visits a nightmare-plagued Doug and sets about healing some of the psychic damage.

2009: Dori gets a job at the local comic shop and shares her news with the first person she comes across, Megan; Dori announces her new job on her journal.

2010: Thanksgiving. Jan wishes everyone a happy Turkey Day. There Will Be Peace: En route to LA, Julian lies to Angel about the reason for the trip.

2011: No Pryor Convictions: Avalanche 'recruits' young telekinetic Madelyn Pryor to help him rob a bank in New York; Doug gets a call from a contact who is concerned about young mutants being forced to rob banks. Clarice shares her Black Friday shopping haul, which includes some truly scary shoes. Jean-Paul emails Bishop, concerned that the job Vanessa is on is triggering her issues.

2012: Amanda posts asking if anyone has seen Adrienne, who stood Amanda up for lunch.

2013: Topaz goes to return books to the library and ends up going on a field trip with Tabitha.

2014: Impossible Odds: Scott e-mails Doug about the team’s concerns over Arthur Centino. Clint texts Gabriel to ask if he has any Thanksgiving plans. Rogue makes a journal entry about Mississippi overturning its ban on gay marriage, and how proud she is of her home state.

Featured Articles

Moa spectrum.png
Moment of Awesome - Monica Rambeau/Spectrum: Following the mission in Troy, Monica seeks out Scott Summers with a difficult decision.

Nica stood in front of the door to Scott's suite, trembling slightly. Not from fear, but from the tumult of emotions that had finally led her here and to a decision she thought she'd never make and which every part of her wanted to deny. One hand curled into a first by her side, the other raised to knock, she paused a moment more before setting her teeth and forcing herself to move. The ensuing knock was overly loud, driven by sudden movement and an inability to control anything right now.

There was something relaxing about the stars, about watching those little pinpricks of light wheeling across the velvet background of the heavens, it was how he liked to relax at night, dimming the lights in his apartment and just watch the sky, a warm drink in his hand and a tablet resting in his lap. It was a moment of peace, of silence to recuperate. It had been a rough few weeks, or longer, a bad few months, it was hard to remember. Dark eyes closed for a moment, head leaning back against the back of the sofa as an abrupt knocking interrupted his meditation. "Come on in, it's open."

Nica opened the door, pausing for a moment at the dimmed lights. "Oh, this can wait, if you're busy," she said lamely, hoping that he'd say otherwise because she didn't know if she could get the courage up to do this again.

"Just star-gazing," Scott's eyes glanced over to the door for a moment, gesturing for Nica to come in before he turned back to the window. "When I was younger I thought about flying up there, into the depths of space, applying to be an astronaut before well everything. I still like to remember that kid sometimes." His voice trailed off as dark eyes shifted back to the girl for a moment, brow furrowing in concern. "Pull up a couch, what's wrong?"

Nica shook her head at the offer of a seat. "I... I came here because..." She gulped and tried again. "I k-killed someone. I didn't mean to, but I did. X-Men don't kill. So I came to give you these." She thrust out the hand that had been curled in a fist, opening her hand to reveal her X-Men tags. "Please. Take them. I'm sorry."

There were a host of reason's Scott had thought Nica might have stopped by to visit but this certainly wasn't one of them, for a moment he thought that she was joking, but the distraught look on her face killed any quip that might have come to life on his lips. Slowly the man leaned forward, hands coming together to lay his drink and tablet on a table as he gestured her in. "What happened?"

She came in, but only because she didn't want to do this in the hall. It was hard enough, without witnesses. "The m-mission in A-alabama. The Marauders came. Prism, he... I was only trying to stop him! Nothing was working, so I... i thought I could drain enough of his bio-electricity to make him pass out. But he... he..." The words stuck in her throat and she tried again. "He exploded. I killed him."

"And you think you need to quit the team because of that?" There was no judgement in Scott's voice, not even a hint of curiosity...just compassion. "You weren't trying to kill him you know, you weren't even trying to hurt him, just stop him from hurting other people."

"X-Men don't kill." She said it like a mantra. "It doesn't matter what I was trying to do, I took a life."

"X-men don't kill?"

Scott's voice didn't rise, didn't change as he tilted his head to the side to watch her carefully, his fingers tapping his leg for a moment before stilling.

"I see..."

Scott's voice didn't change as he stood, nodding towards the door, "Meet me in the lobby in 10 minutes, if you still want to hand those in when we're done I won't stop you."


To Do List

See Talk Page

Useful Links