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Moa icarus.png
Moment of Awesome - Jay Guthrie/Icarus: When Namor happens upon a fishing Jay, the interaction takes a number of turns, before the younger man offers an ear to the ancient royal. Even if part of him believes the man to be a ghost.

Jay turned slightly to look at the wet figure behind him- no monster, but Jay wasn't going to rule out the man being some sort of spectre. He was surprised to notice the small, hummingbird like wings on the man's ankles. Ever since he'd gotten his wings he hadn't been one much for submerging himself. Then again, there was waterfowl.

Maybe this man was more like a duck.

Jay glared at him slightly as his heart slowed down. "You got me pretty damn good," he said to the figure. "And that's a shame about the bass."

Namor stopped, turned, and squinted. "Never doubt that I do everything 'pretty damn good.'" He took a swig of water. "There is more pleasant fishing on the other side of the lake — a healthy stock of perch." He stretched his arms wide, seemingly unbothered by being wet in the chilly March air.

Jay's politeness got the better of him, now that he was willing to rule the figure out as a ghost after watching him drink. "Well, I'll be taking that advice if'n you'd like to join," he figured it would be a no and kicked off. Why walk all the way around the lake when he could fly there in a shorter path?

This got a stare. "You," and the incredulity in the Atlantean's tone was so plain as he squared his shoulders that he might as well have been pointy, "Clearly understand nothing of Namor." His eyes blazed with pride for just a moment, but then, "I have not been fishing in 5,000 years."

Maybe Jay had judged this Namor as not being a spectre too soon. He didn't sound like he was exaggerating when he said 5,000 years. "You want to be joining in then?" He asked, not letting himself be put off by this self important man's attitude, especially when he sensed just a hint of sadness in his last statement.

The full weight of inhuman ice blue's eyes fell upon Jay Guthrie as the young man received his full appraisal. Whatever they found, Namor answered, "We accept your invitation. It should be diverting, at the least." He nodded. "What is your weapon of choice? Simple hook and line?"

"Well, I don't got a net for trawling and I never liked folks who shoot at the fish," Jay said as he began to fly to the other side of the lake, following Namor's knowledge of it. It also gave him an excuse to turn away from the man. That stare gave him the heebie-jeebies something fierce.

The other, muscled man took a minute to retrieve his water bottle from the dock, although he didn't follow immediately after. He had retreated back up to the boathouse itself, grabbing an item. Still, his voice echoed across the water to Jay in questioning disbelief.

"They do what to the fish?"

"Shoot at 'em," Jay called back, gesturing as if he held a shot gun in his arms. "Bam! Just overkill I think."

The Atlantean was there, then, crossing the lake on his own flight — movements quick and jerky compared to Jay's own soaring. A man stepping on air between hovers. His wings blurred in motion. "Typical," Namor judged, "Mankind loves to show power when it is least needed." He had fetched, it seemed, both a practice spear and an old, unloved fishing pole.

Namor darted forward, if only to be just a breath in the lead. "The joy is in the hunt, not the kill. Foolish."

Jay watched the other man fly, hummingbird-like and urgent, like he had to get wherever he was going yesterday. He observed Namor's fishing gear- he hadn't even thought of spear fishing. Jay wasn't sure he had ever met anyone who spear-fished. Then again, if this man was some sort of ghostie like he had expected, why wouldn't he? Wasn't that something they'd done before fishing poles?

Just how old was this guy?

Jay landed into a walk, setting his own fishing gear about. "My joy's always been in the atmosphere and the wait, but to each his own. I agree with you about the power thing though. No need for it."

Today in XProject:

June 26

2003: Start of Alison and Sam's relationship.


2005: Madelyn and Wanda go to Alaska to find information regarding the community Nathan grew up in.

2006: Operation: Don't Leave Me With The Germans: Remy and Betsy plan an assault on a formidable base; X-Force's assault begins; Sarah Morlocke is found in the laboratory. Jennie and Forge plan a date. Bleeding: Marius collapses while exercising.

2007: Sound of Silence: Farouk ponders the wider repercussions of the disappearance; media reports no sign of the island and the apparent death of the royal family in the plane crash immediately before the disappearance; Snow Valley goes into action to investigate, but there is little to find; the students are distressed by the disappearance; Mark alerts Amanda and Doug that Marie-Ange hasn't been to work and Amanda goes to check on her; Ororo announces the apparent deaths of the Amaquelin girls, and the disappearance of Forge with Attilan; Rahne and Nathan go through office photographs of Medusa and mourn; Jennie throws a lamp through her window. On Attilan itself, time goes by much faster and the island's inhabitants try to cope with finding themselves mysteriously isolated.

2008: While talking to Jane, Nathan sees MacInnis' 'ghost'. Adrienne seeks Charles' help with her powers.

2009: Mnemovore: The X-Men arrive at the Taygetos safehouse only to discover Jean-Paul has brutally killed everyone inside and they have to bring him down psychically; Angelo goes to Nathan's medlab room to check on him once the team gets back; Scott lets the school know the missing pair have returned, but that they are both in medlab and can't have visitors; Nathan tells Jake the news and he handles it badly; Charles, Jean and Nathan begin the difficult tasks of rebuilding Jean-Paul's mind. Adrienne posts that she's in Boston; Morgan emails her, concerned and Adrienne asks her to come; Morgan lets Snow Valley know she'll be out of town for a few days and Amanda texts her offering help if needed. Kevin meets Dori again out in the woods and concludes she's a bit odd. Manuel sends separate invitations to dinner to both Angel and Julian. Inez and Fred spar and something strange happens with his powers; Fred emails Jean to let her know and to ask for another prescription of his painkillers.

2010: Butterflies and Hurricanes: Kevin and Cammie head to the Street Fair at District X and run into Yvette and Jared; While at the fair, Yvette finds herself intrigued when she meets a lady who tells her she can help get rid of her mutation.

2011: Operation: Red Letter Day: X-Force break into the facility supposedly holding Remy; Marie-Ange, Amanda and Cammie spring a trap for HYDRA in London and manage to kill Swarm (though not the Fenris twins); Wanda, Doug and Emma meet the Master of HYDRA, the Red Skull, and the Contessa is killed by Synthia, his daughter; Jubilee and Ororo find Remy; Jubilee lets all of X-Force know they've found Remy; Amanda posts the same thing on the general journal network.

2012: Tandy texts Layla about arranging a movie night for the mansion's resident girls. Angel, sleeping in Sooraya's room to comfort her, has a nightmare of her own and roles are reversed.

2013: Somewhere I Belong: Molly texts Catseye about Topaz not being in their room for three days; Catseye texts Scott to let him know what Molly’s just told her and express her worry about Topaz; Scott and Frank, separately, find Topaz camped out in an abandoned classroom, assaulted by other peoples’ emotions thanks to her powers, and Topaz drains them both to make the onslaught stop; Topaz wakes up in the Box but doesn’t remember why she’s in there; Haller posts on the journal comm explaining the accident; Topaz posts from the Box, apologizing. Adrienne goes out to the woods to find Jean and the two discuss what happened in DC, Jean’s astral plane fight with the demon, and Adrienne’s worries regarding her sex life with Garrison.

2014: Hope posts in the x-journal comm about the upcoming Red X Benefit. Tandy teaches Namor how to play video games.

2015: Laurie makes a journal post about being hurt and soliciting ice cream, comfort movies, and potentially pizza. Felicia makes an Instragram post, asking what trouble are we getting into this weekend.

2016: Clea texts Stephen to say hi after their moment in the closet at the party two weeks before.

2017: The Mutant Chronicle prints an article about the lynching incident.


2019: Warren finally talks to Gabriel about saving him from Satana, even though he can’t say the actual words, ‘thank you’.


2021: Jubilee complains about always being picked for the "random" searches at airports.

2022: Darcy posts an update from Pride.

2023: Forge e-mails Maya about Facebook. Pyotr makes a journal entry about a relationship unfortunately not working out. Alani texts Kyle asking if they can talk tomorrow morning. Kevin has some professional advice for Quentin following the fracas on Madin's journal. It's Not My Fault: Julio and the brujos roll up; X-Force races to prevent Marie-Ange's vision of a seismic apocalypse, but when Felicia's powers cause a luck snap and Rictor's magic goes out of control, is the end of the world their fault in the first place?; Amanda escorts Julio home and has bad news and good news for him; Amanda posts in xp_staff about having a new ‘duckling’. Garrison talks Kyle down after the exchange in Madin's journal and Kyle agrees he needs some time off; Alani finds him in the chicken coop and they talk about his need to lessen his load.

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Welcome back Emily who will be bringing in a Phase 2 version of Marrow, Sarah Rushman!

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Coming Soon:

  • Arise, X-Man: Laurie Collins goes on a quest to replace what she has lost.

  • Potomac Calls to Chesapeake: Rains of seaweed and frog spawn, damaged property and improbable drownings on dry land - what is going on in Baltimore? Team Magic go to investigate and discover the city is rather... crabby.

  • Monster Mash: It's Halloween at the mansion, which means ANYTHING can happen. And this time is no exception.

  • The Color of Horror: The mansionites rally in the aftermath of Halloween to save the artifacts from Avalon before everything is lost.

  • Operation: Wideawake: During a mission to retrieve an asset from a secret Sentinel program, X-Force discovers they're on the only ones who have information on the mutant-hunting robots - the Brotherhood of Mutants are on their way and XF are hopelessly outmatched.

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