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This Week's Article

Moa nightcrawler.png
Moment of Awesome - Kurt Sefton/Nightcrawler: When Marius makes apology rounds following the recent events in New York, Kurt is able to ease the uncomfortable situation and remind his friend he's there for him.

Kurt glanced at where Marius' hand was resting. "Is... is there something there you might like to have wiped away? I know a little of rituals, and my sister might be able to help with that."

Acid bile rose in his throat. "No!" Marius snapped, jerking back in the chair before he caught himself. He squeezed his eyes shut and composed himself before continuing, "Thank you, but I don't . . . I don't want to be touched, merci. I still don't know if my body's even settled yet. Just . . . no one put hands on me, for a while. Please."

"It was an offer only", Kurt said calmly, unoffended. "No one is going to force anything on you ever again, if we have any say in it."

"Right. Right, I know." It didn't do much to quell the spike in his blood pressure, but he had to remember where he was now. These people had stopped him. They were people Marius could trust.

But he'd trusted his doctor, too.

"A . . . anyway," said the younger man, smoothing a gloved hand down his shirt, "I don't plan on doing anything drastic until it's sure I'm stabilised. We don't yet know if my marrow deficiency will return. The extras Akkaba put in me have gone, but I fed during the fight. It'd be two weeks at least til anything would show for the other."

"Understood", he said quietly. "You need to take some time to heal in your own ways, before even considering anything else."

"Right. Anything . . . else." Marius' eyes skated away. This was the part he'd tried to avoid thinking about. What else could there be, after this? Go back to Brisbane and carry on as if the last year of his life had never happened?

"You know that you are welcome to stay for as long as you need to?" Kurt asked, reading his expression. "And I do mean as long. You are among friends in this house."

Marius was silent. Unbidden, his mind went back to another conversation he'd had with Kurt all those years ago. The first time people had been hurt as a result of his own pride and desperation. The first time the other man had stepped in to stop him from doing further harm. He'd asked Kurt a question, then. It was the same question that had followed him ever since.

"How many people you let a rabid dog bite before you put it down?"

The Australian shook his head.

"I know I would be," Marius said quietly. "Just . . . if I do, not sure I can return the favour."

"Favours are not given with expectation of return, Marius. Or... they should not be, in any case, and I can promise this one is not."

Marius laughed without humour. "No worries. I only want to honour the social contract of not making you regret the invitation."

The Australian extricated himself from the chair and stood to face Kurt. "Regardless," he said, "I'm here a few weeks more at least. I'll think on it."

"All right." He stood in turn, a hand half-offered with no pressure. "My door is open to you at any time."

Automatically, Marius began to reciprocate only to be jarred back to awareness by the instinctual flex of teeth against the leather of his glove. His body was reacting to Kurt's proximity, trying to engage the latching reflex. Slowly, the younger man closed his hand.

"Thank you," he said, and meant it.


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Week 1 (Jan 1-7) Week 2 (Jan 8-14) Week 3 (Jan 15-21) Week 4 (Jan 22-28)
Week 5 (Jan 29-Feb 4)
Mark Sheppard
Week 6 (Feb 5-11)
Omega Red
Week 7 (Feb 12-18)
One To The Chest
Week 8 (Feb 19-25)
Demon Invasions
Limbo (plot), S'ym (plot), Repodemon
Week 9 (Feb 26-Mar 4)
Recurring until apped
Week 10 (Mar 5-11)
Week 11 (Mar 12-18)
Hellfire Club
Week 12 (Mar 19-25)
Week 13 (Mar 26-Apr 1)
Everett Thomas
Recurring until apped
Week 14 (Apr 2-8)
Val Cooper
Week 15 (Apr 9-15)
Jake Gavin
Recurring until apped
Week 16 (Apr 16-22)
Week 17 (Apr 23-29)
Reavers (villains)
Week 18 (Apr 30-May 6)
Remy's Eleven
Week 19 (May 7-13)
Amara Aquilla_-_Phase_1
Recurring until apped
Week 20 (May 14-20)
Week 21 (May 21-27)
Kevin Ford
Week 22 (May 28-Jun 3)
Karolina Dean
Recurring until apped
Week 23 (Jun 4-10)
Cecilia Reyes
Recurring until apped
Week 24 (Jun 11-17)
X-Men Mission: Scary Little Blonde Girls
Week 25 (Jun 18-24)
Warren Worthington
Recurring until apped
Week 26 (Jun 25-Jul 1)
Love Potion Number Nine
Week 27 (Jul 2-8)
The Rictor Effect
Week 28 (Jul 9-15)
Meggan Szardos
Recurring until apped
Week 29 (Jul 16-22)
Buy Now, Pay Later
Week 30 (Jul 23-29)
Collateral Damage
Week 31 (Jul 30-Aug 5)
Asgard (plot)
Week 32 (Aug 6-12)
Week 33 (Aug 13-19)
X-Men Mission: Nimrod
Week 34 (Aug 20-26)
Piotr Rasputin
Recurring until apped
Week 35 (Aug 27-Sep 2)
Jane Doe
Week 36 (Sep 3-9)
Week 37 (Sep 10-16)
Charles Xavier
Week 38 (Sep 17-23)
Week 39 (Sep 24-30)
Snow Valley Memorial Center for Mutant Affairs
Week 40 (Oct 1-7
Henry McCoy
Recurring until apped
Week 41 (Oct 8-14)
This Savage Land
Week 42 (Oct 15-21)
Harry's Hideaway
Week 43 (Oct 22-28)
Recurring until apped
Week 44 (Oct 29-Nov 4)
Angelo Espinosa
Week 45 (Nov 5-11)
Emma Frost
Recurring until apped
Week 46 (Nov 12-18)
Jeanne-Marie Beaubier
Recurring until apped
Week 47 (Nov 19-25)
Jean-Paul Beaubier
Recurring until apped
Week 48 (Nov 26-Dec 2)
Week 49 (Dec 3-9)
Bobby Drake
Recurring until apped
Week 50 (Dec 10-16)
Mạnh Cao Xuân
Recurring until apped
Week 51 (Dec 17-23)
Haroun al-Rashid
Recurring until apped
Week 52 (Dec 24-30)
Jubilation Lee
Recurring until apped
Week 1 (Dec 31-Jan 6) Week 2 (Jan 7-12) Week 3 (Jan 14-20, 2008)


Week 1 (Dec 31 - Jan 6)
Everett Thomas
Recurring until apped
Week 2 (Jan 7-13)
This Savage Land
Week 3 (Jan 14-20)
Jonothon Starsmore
Week 4 (Jan 21-27)
Fred Duncan
Week 5 (Jan 28 - Feb 3)
Jake Gavin
Recurring until apped
Week 6 (Feb 4-10)
Week 7 (Feb 11-17)
Love Potion Number Nine
Week 8 (Feb 18-24)
Amara Aquilla_-_Phase_1
Recurring until apped
Week 9 (Feb 25-Mar 2)
Red X
Week 10 (Mar 3-Mar 9))
Recurring until apped
Week 11 (Mar 10-16)
Week 12 (Mar 17-23)
Recurring March 17-20
Week 13 (Mar 24-Mar 30)
Clarice Ferguson
Week 14 (Mar 31-Apr 6)
Recurring until apped
Week 15 (Apr 7-Apr 13)
Week 16 (Apr 14-20)
Karolina Dean
Week 17 (Apr 21-27)
People Covered In Fish
Week 18 (Apr 28-May 4)
Recurring May (any week)
Week 19 (May 5-11)
Sam Guthrie
Week 20 (May 12-May 18)
Muir Island Research Facility
Week 21 (May 19-25)
Artie Maddicks
Recurring until apped
Week 22 (May 26-Jun 1)
Voodoo Child
Recurring May 26-Jun 4
Week 23 (Jun 2-8)
Sound of Silence
Recurring May 21-Jul 31
Week 24 (Jun 9-15)
Alpha Flight
Week 25 (Jun 16-22)
Sean Cassidy
Recurring until apped
Week 26 (Jun 23-29)
Recurring until apped
Week 27 (Jun 30-Jul 6)
The Rictor Effect
Recurring Jul 4
Week 28 (Jul 7-13)
Recurring until apped
Week 29 (Jul 14-20)
Buy Now, Pay Later
Recurring Jul 19
Week 30 (Jul 21-27)
Collateral Damage
Recurring Jul 24
Week 31 (Jul 28-Aug 3)
Week 32 (Aug 4-10)
Meggan Szardos
Recurring until apped
Week 33 (Aug 11-17)
Week 34 (Aug 18-24)
Cecilia Reyes
Recurring until apped
Week 35 (Aug 25-31)
Ahab (plot)
Week 36 (Sep 1-7)
Piotr Rasputin
Recurring until apped
Week 37 (Sep 8-14)
Week 38 (Sep 15-21)
Amelia Voght
Week 39 (Sep 22-28)
New Orleans Is Sinking
Week 40 (Sep 29-Oct 5)
Sooraya Qadir
Recurring until apped
Week 41 (Oct 6-12)
One To The Chest
Week 42 (Oct 13-19
Demon Invasions
Limbo (plot), S'ym (plot), Repodemon
Week 43 (Oct 20-26)
Henry McCoy
Recurring until apped
Week 44 (Oct 27-Nov 2)
List of the Dead
Will need updating October 1
Week 45 (Nov 3-9)
The Reclaimed/The Pack
Week 46 (Nov 10-Nov 16)
Jeanne-Marie Beaubier
Recurring until apped
Week 47 (Nov 17-23)
Haroun al-Rashid
Recurring until apped
Week 48 (Nov 24-30)
Remy's Eleven
Week 49 (Dec 1-7)
Recurring until apped
Week 50 (Dec 8-14)
Fiction and Art
Week 51 (Dec 15-21)
Mạnh Cao Xuân
Recurring until apped
Week 52 (Dec 22-28)
Warren Worthington
Recurring until apped
Week 1 (Dec 29-Jan 4)
Week 2 (Jan 5-11)
Week 3 (Jan 12-18)


Week 1 (Dec 29-Jan 4)
Pietro Maximoff
Recurring until apped
Week 2 (Jan 5-11)
Operation: Take A Bow
Week 3 (Jan 12-18)
Charles Xavier
Week 4 (Jan 19-25)
Warren Worthington
Recurring until apped
Week 5 (Jan 26 - Feb 1)
New Mutants
Week 6 (Feb 2-8)
Jake Gavin
Recurring until apped
Week 7 (Feb 9-15)
X-Men Mission: Keep The Faith
Week 8 (Feb 16-22)
Jeanne-Marie Beaubier
Recurring until apped
Week 9 (Feb 23-Mar 1)
Xavier Institute
Week 10 (Mar 2-Mar 8)
Domino and Theo Winchester/Grizzly
Recurring until apped
Week 11 (Mar 9-15)
Sooraya Qadir
Recurring until apped
Week 12 (Mar 16-22)
Recurring March 17-20
Week 13 (Mar 23-Mar 29)
Mutant Families
Week 14 (Mar 30-Apr 5)
Recurring until apped
Week 15 (Apr 6-Apr 12)
Plot Arcs
Week 16 (Apr 13-19)
Bobby Drake
Recurring until apped
Week 17 (Apr 20-26)
Week 18 (Apr 27-May 3)
Recurring early May
Week 19 (May 4-10)
Week 20 (May 11-May 17)
Ahab (plot)
Recurring May 7-14
Week 21 (May 18-24)
Artie Maddicks, Miles Blaire, Leong and Nga Manh
Recurring until apped
Week 22 (May 24-31)
Voodoo Child
Recurring May 26-Jun 4
Week 23 (Jun 1-7)
Sound of Silence
Recurring May 21-Jul 31
Week 24 (Jun 8-14)
Sean Cassidy
Recurring until apped
Week 25 (Jun 15-21)
SHIELD and Nick Fury
Week 26 (Jun 22-28)
Rahne Sinclair
Recurring until apped
Week 27 (Jun 29-Jul 5)
The Rictor Effect
Recurring Jul 4
Week 28 (Jul 6-12)
Brotherhood of Mutants
Week 29 (Jul 13-19)
Cessily Kincaid
recurring until apped
Week 30 (Jul 20-26)
Collateral Damage
Recurring Jul 24
Week 31 (Jul 27-Aug 2)
Week 32 (Aug 3-9)
Jonothon Starsmore
Recurring until apped
Week 33 (Aug 10-16)
recurring until apped
Week 34 (Aug 17-23)
Week 35 (Aug 24-30)
Bhagavad Gita
Week 36 (Aug 31 - Sep 6)
Piotr Rasputin
Recurring until apped
Week 37 (Sep 7-13)
Somewhere More Familiar
Week 38 (Sep 14-20)
Haroun al-Rashid
Recurring until apped
Week 39 (Sep 21-27)
Week 40 (Sep 28-Oct 4)
Cecilia Reyes
Recurring until apped
Week 41 (Oct 5-11)
Brian Braddock
recurring until apped
Week 42 (Oct 12-18)
Week 43 (Oct 19-25)
Henry McCoy
Recurring until apped
Week 44 (Oct 26-Nov 1)
Day Zero
Recurring Oct 26-28
Week 45 (Nov 2-8)
List of the Dead/Category: Plot Themes - I ATE'NT DEAD
Will need updating October 1
Week 46 (Nov 9-Nov 15)
Hellfire Club
Week 47 (Nov 16-22)
Eugene Judd, Walter Langkowski
Recurring until apped
Week 48 (Nov 23-29)
Power inhibitors
Week 49 (Nov 30 - Dec 6)
Recurring until apped
Week 50 (Dec 7-13)
Fiction and Art
Week 51 (Dec 14-20)
Mạnh Cao Xuân
Recurring until apped
Week 52 (Dec 21-27)
Mechanisms of Revenge
Week 1 (Dec 28-Jan 3) Week 2 (Jan 4-10)
Week 3 (Jan 11-17)